After this, everyone will know that they are jointly and severally responsible. If they cannot do everything responsibly, then punishment will come to everyone.

Whether they like it or not, from now on deep in their hearts, they will never be alone. Gradually, they will be able to leave their backs to their comrades.

And when they can leave their backs to their comrades with all their heart and soul, they can increase their survival rate when they go to the battlefield. After all, people only have one pair of eyes and can only look forward. They cannot be perfectly concerned about the situation behind them..

At this time, the importance of teammates was highlighted. Liu Feng hoped that these soldiers of the Song Dynasty could understand this and stop being careless as before.

"General! I still can't figure out why we should bear this responsibility together? Since it was the three of them who attacked at night, then the three of them are the sinners. Even if you kill the three of them, we brothers will never say anything. But I can't accept that you ask us to bear the responsibility together with them."

At this time, someone stood up to oppose Liu Feng's order, and immediately a large number of soldiers behind him stood up to oppose it.

"right! Yes, we cannot accept it"

"We can't accept the general's order, why should we be punished! It has nothing to do with us at all"

"It's just a group of dandy boys who made mistakes. They have a good father who can save themselves from committing crimes. But we don't have a good family like them. We no longer have a family. The general wants to punish us. You are looking down on us. Us?"

These soldiers are very angry. They are just ordinary people from grassroots backgrounds. Most of them have enough to eat and the whole family is not hungry. At this time, they are being punished together with the people they usually despise the most.

And it's not because they have made mistakes. This This makes them very difficult to accept, and they feel that this should not be their responsibility. Even if they go to the battlefield in the future, they will never pay attention to this group of dudes. It is not that they are cold-blooded, but that they are inherently They are incompatible with these dandy boys. They have climbed to where they are today through their own efforts.

But those dandy boys only became officers when they arrived because their fathers were officials at home. The imbalance in their hearts cannot be comforted by words.

"When you go to the battlefield, do you still ask whose son this is before deciding whether to be a comrade with him?"

Liu Feng scolded

"As long as he is the son of those idiots, he should not want to be a comrade-in-arms with us. We will never admit that we are partners who eat from the same pot with such a person. He himself was stupid and did something wrong. Why should he want us? Take it on with them?"

The leader is called Wu Liang. When he was young, he studied martial arts for a few days with people who knew martial arts, so he has a very good foundation. After entering the military camp, he was like a big brother. He took people with no background in the family and made it all the way to where he is now.

Before. He is also a person who has actually been on the battlefield, but unfortunately he has no background, so he was kicked out by the Forbidden Army. Therefore, among so many soldiers of the Song Dynasty, his temperament is also the closest to the frontline fighting team.

"You are simply acting on your own initiative. When you go to the battlefield, your backside can only be left to your partners. By then, they may be your backside."

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