Losing a brother is a sad thing, but as a soldier in the military camp, everyone must adapt, because they live in such a bloody world.

The Kingdom of Jin and Mongolia are still eyeing the Song Dynasty. They have no extra time to grieve. They will spend every day fighting in the future. Now they still have the opportunity to cover their brothers with a layer of white cloth, but they may not be able to do so in the future. There won’t even be another chance to clean up the corpses of my brothers.

"I know the sadness in your hearts now, but no matter what, you must adapt. In the future, you may not even have a person to collect corpses. This is the path you have chosen."

Liu Feng told the cruel truth unceremoniously, letting these soldiers understand that the battlefield is so cruel. No matter what they think, as long as they choose this path, they must accept this outcome.

"I can give you one last chance. If I leave today, I will treat you as if you have never existed, but you have not left. Next, I hope that you can continue to ask yourself to become stronger during training, and go to the Jin Dynasty and Mongolia in the future. People, fight back our land and avenge our dead compatriots."

Liu Feng also made it clear to these people that he is not denying them a chance. Tonight is their last chance. Those who leave because of fear will not be punished in any way, but from now on they will be treated as if they do not exist.

The soldiers did not speak, and everyone returned to their respective camps in silence.

The next day dawned, and it was gratifying that no one left the military camp. They strengthened their thoughts and must become heroes in the future.

But they The relationship between them has not been eased in any way. Holding a funeral is one thing, but the conflict between them is another. So even if one night passes, the conflict between them has never changed.

But more It was much better before when they would fight each other when they met. Now in the military camp, when they meet each other, they don't have to beat each other black and blue. Maybe they have reached some kind of tacit understanding.

"Normal training begins today, but because you have now become two camps, every training will be confrontational, and every training will have losers and winners. As for what to do after winning, that is This general will never interfere with your affairs."

After one night, they finally settled down. Liu Feng also solemnly reminded them that since their two camps have not reconciled yet, the format of the competition still exists. The problem of bandits has been solved, and now The competition will become more relaxed, and the usual training is also a kind of competition. The result of the competition depends on their respective strengths.

And Liu Feng gave them privileges. After the competition is over, the winner and the loser will decide. He will not ask how to do it, nor will he deal with it according to military law. They can make trouble as they please.

This makes people in both camps very excited. Doesn't this mean that as long as they can win, then they will mock each other in the future, and the other side will also They can only suffer in frustration, who made them lose.

There is a smell of gunpowder between Cheng Lian and Wu Liang again. Even the people in their respective camps behind them are flying. It seems that everyone is looking forward to the next competition..

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