Just now, after I discovered that another group of people had made a mistake, I quickly rushed forward with all my might, using up all the strength I had accumulated bit by bit. In this way, I could make the best use of the situation as much as possible. During that time, maximize the distance.

Although there is no guarantee of how much, it is better to have as much as possible than nothing.

Now that the game has entered the second half, to be precise, the time has come, but Liu Feng didn't tell everyone. He just wanted to see what step these people could do and whether it was true. These pieces of wood can be moved in one go.

He said before that if the wood he prepared could be finished in one go, it would actually have a very good training effect on the people present, regardless of the final outcome of the game.

Therefore, when Liu Feng was about to arrive for a period of time, he did not tell others the time, which was actually intentional.

After carrying the wood, he finally said that there was not much left. If calculated carefully, the remaining quantity of both parties was actually the same. However, due to the mistake just now, the difference in quantity between the two parties has now reached half.

Don’t underestimate just half. In fact, in many places, just the difference in quantity of half can determine many things.

And as the lagging side, it is indeed extremely difficult to close the half gap. Unless the opponent also makes a mistake, it is possible to win the game.

It's just that it's almost impossible to have the same thing happen again.

Originally, everyone thought that the civilian side could win this game, but the actual result was somewhat unsatisfactory. We can only blame them for their fall just now.

From the moment the game was about to end, his family could actually see the final result, but this result did feel a little uncomfortable.

Although it was said that the allotted time had been exceeded, in the end both teams were allowed to move all the wood.

The competition was over. Liu Feng stood up from his original position and announced the result to everyone:"I think everyone already knows the result of this competition. Cheng Lian's team won!"

When Liu Feng said When these words were said, Cheng Lian and his team members were all very happy. Everyone liked to hear about this kind of thing, and the more they came, the better.

But just when everyone thought that this was the final conclusion, they were all wrong.

After coughing twice, Liu Feng continued to say to everyone:"But don't be too happy yet. This is just the first written test, and it can't reflect anything. There will be another competition next, and that is the mountain test. Cross-country!"

The term mountain cross-country is very new to everyone, and it’s the first time they’ve heard it, so they don’t know what it means, but it sounds very high-end.

Liu Feng told everyone the specific behaviors of mountain cross-country, and also announced the rules of this three-place cross-country competition.

Wu Liang and Cheng Lian each led a team, and the two sides formed a confrontation.

"Have you noticed the mountain behind you?"

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