Liu Yi sat in the courtroom and spoke earnestly to the officials of the kingdom.

Ma Jun is now an important official of the country, and he is also fortunate to enter the court. He also serves as the minister of craftsmanship and the deputy minister of agriculture. He is ranked second to Tian Feng, and can be said to be one of the fastest climbers in the state of Yan.

Hearing Liu Yi's words, Ma Jun was very happy.

Since the early Han Dynasty, both emperors and generals have regarded technological inventions as strange and tricky skills, and the emperor's craftsmen are ministers only to serve the emperor's life.

Liu Yi is the only one who really uses his ministers for people's livelihood! It can be said that Liu Yi is... Ma Jun's lifelong master! "What the lord said is that now my country's national strength is developed, the people live in peace, and horse craftsmen work Great work."

"Well, that's right, then the king will reward the horsemaker for his daughter here, and ask the court to make the horsemaker the Marquis of Beihe Ting."

"I am ashamed of it!"

Ma Jun was overwhelmed, and hurriedly came out and said to Liu Yi.

"Haha, if you feel ashamed, invent more facilities that are beneficial to people's livelihood, so that you can be worthy of it!"

"Ma Jun takes orders!"

Liu Yi waved his hand, and Ma Jun immediately.

After returning to the officials, Liu Yi suddenly looked positive and said, "Gu decided to go south and attack Cao Cao."

Immediately there was an uproar.

.................Please order, fully order! ................................ ......━━━━ Chapter 0210


But if you think about it carefully, Liu Yi and Cao Cao would have a battle sooner or later, and now Liu Yi announced this, which is somewhat unexpected and reasonable.

"My minister agrees!"

"Cao Cao took the emperor to command the princes, and the sins were heavy. Now that the country of Yan has been settled and the people live in peace, it is time to go south to conquer Cao Cao."

Chen Gong immediately.

He stood up and said loudly that he was the prime minister of the state of Yan, ranking first among the hundred officials, so he naturally agreed with Liu Yi first.

"The minister also agrees."

"Mrs. Lingqi's father, the lord's husband, Wenhou Lu Bu, was killed by Cao Cao. The revenge of killing his father is not shared by the sky. I would like to be the vanguard and capture and kill Cao Cao for the lord!"

Zhang Liao also stood up immediately and said solemnly.

At the same time, there were Gao Shun Zang Ba and other former subordinates of Lu Bu.

As Lu Bu's subordinates, they have long wanted to kill Cao Cao to take revenge, and they are staunch supporters of Cao Cao's southern expedition.

"The minister also agrees."

Taishi Ci glanced at Zhang Liao and the others, and immediately agreed.

As a right general, and now Taishi Ci is the number one general under Liu Yi's command, his speech is naturally very important.

Taishi Ci took the lead, and all the military generals supported the proposal, but no one objected.

They were staunch supporters of Liu Yi in the first place, and if someone took the lead, naturally they all stood up to support him.

In an instant, there were hundreds of officials in the hall, and no one objected, and they all made their comments.

"Okay, since all the officials have agreed, then this king will immediately attack Cao Cao in the south!"

"Chen Lin!"

"The minister is here."

"I'll leave you to write the battle letter for the crusade against Cao Cao."

"The minister takes orders."

Chen Lin was overjoyed, he had been waiting for this task for a long time.

As the first propagandist of Liu Yi's subordinates, Chen Lin had long guessed that Liu Yi and Cao Cao had a decisive battle, and that the battle letter should be handed over to her to write.

He already had several belly drafts, and at this time it happened to be one.

Soon, the entire Yan Kingdom was mobilized.

And this time, the whole army has no conscripts, only the elite standing army, the number of which has reached [-]! Don't look at the number of [-] people.

You must know that the feudal lords of each family have more than [-] standing troops and are considered great feudal lords. Even Cao Cao only has [-] standing soldiers under his command.

Yan Guo's actions, along with the propaganda of the propaganda department, informed the world.

Since the establishment of the Propaganda Department, the state of Yan has sent troops, and there will always be a banner of justice. Even if Cao Cao relies on the emperor to make the princes, there will be no justice in the state of Yan.

After all, Cao Cao had only one emperor, but the State of Yan obtained the support of scholars from all over the world through the propaganda department.

"Have you heard that King Yan is going to raise a righteous army to attack the traitor Cao Cao!"

Jingzhou, a scholar holds a large page article in his hand


"Hahaha, to tell you the truth, my uncle said that as long as I am successful in my studies, he will introduce me to Director Chen Lin, the number one writer in the world!"

"Hmph, your article

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