"General, ten ships of the enemy have disembarked!"

"hold on."

Guo Huai accurately measured the time, as if there was a dripping pot in his heart, time was flowing in his chest.

"General, already..."

"Half of the people disembarked, it's time!"

Guo Huai suddenly opened his eyes and said what the scout was about to say, which shocked him.

.................Please order, fully order! ................................ ...... see no "Kill!"


For a time, the sound of killing was loud, and five hundred light cavalrymen stepped on the rolling sand and suddenly rushed towards Wang Chong's five thousand elite soldiers.

"What! There are enemies, hurry up, form a formation to meet the enemy!"

Wang Chong turned pale with fright. He tightened the big sword in his hand, the panic on his face could not be concealed, and the soldiers under his command were even more panicked because they couldn't figure out the strength of the enemy.

The moonlight shone on the leaves in the forest, and when the first blade emerged from the forest, it immediately flashed an amazing white light in the moonlight.

"The enemy will die!"

Guo Huai took the lead, and the black horse under his crotch was like a gallop. This was a gift from his father, and it was also his favorite war horse.

Ma Lan's lance blade was like ice, when it approached Wang Chong, Wang Chong only felt as if his whole body was covered with ice, the chill was biting, but he couldn't move.


The blood spurted out, as if to dye the moonlight into blood red, and the blood that flowed out infected the dimly yellow land, contributing to the vitality of this land.

Under the watering of blood, weeds have always grown lush.

Guo Huai's Ma Lan penetrated Wang Chong's body, and he provoked Wang Chong to take advantage of the situation. At the end of Ma Lan's blade were two iron branches, which blocked Wang Chong from the blade.

"The enemy general is dead. In this battle, our army will not take prisoners, but will kill them all!"

Guo Huai roared loudly, and the morale of the five hundred light cavalry was immediately boosted.

In the dark night, it was impossible to tell how many people there were in the enemy army, but seeing Wang Chong being killed, Liu Bei's army only thought that the enemy army had thousands or more and had completely surrounded them.

The words of leaving no prisoners terrified them.

The warships that had not landed at the rear began to evacuate, and the three thousand soldiers who remained on the shore wanted to climb back onto the ship. The strangulation of the light cavalry: many people gave up this plan.

They were driven into the Yellow River and drowned in the swift current.

When the sound of killing began to subside, nearly [-] Liu Bei's troops were either killed or driven into the Yellow River, and the remaining less than a thousand became Guo Huai's captives.

After laying down their weapons, they had lost their hearts of resistance, and they were tied with ropes by the Yan army infantry who arrived, and they were brought back to the camp one after another.

When Guo Huai evacuated the place, he set fire to more than a dozen merchant ships that were standing on the shore.

The night gradually dissipated, and Ju Yi had broken several porcelain cups in the tent.

"Trash! It's all trash!"

Ju Yi was in a state of turmoil. Five thousand dignified soldiers went out to battle, but they were all defeated by a team of 1 light cavalry! Ju Yi had long known that the Yan army had cavalry, but he knew even more that the cavalry was only 500 people at most [-]! Five hundred broke five, five thousand, say it out, let the world laugh at him Ju Yi! Lost nearly [-] troops, this is nothing, but more than [-] merchant ships were burned! If there are no ships, how can they cross Crossing the Yellow River to attack the Yan Army, "What kind of brave general from the North Sea, Yihe was killed, it's just trash!"

Ju Yi scolded Wang Chong bitterly. The soldiers who had withdrawn had already told him the whole story. The general who killed Wang Chong took Ma Lan, who was tall and tall.

Tian Yu and Qian Zhao didn't use Ma Leng, this description obviously refers to Guo Huai - a young general who led more than [-] troops before! "Guo Huai, Guo Huai... When did the Yan army still exist? Such a character!"

"If you attack again today, remember to water the bow with manure."

Ju Yi waved his hand and said to the generals in the hall.

They couldn't smear mud on the boat, they could only pour dung water. Although it didn't smell good, at least they didn't have to worry about the boat being ignited by the Yan army's rockets.

Ju Yi sighed and took a few sips of tea before walking out of the tent slowly.

"Not good General!"

"What's so stressful"

"General, in front of the enemy camp, in front..."

Ju Yi pushed aside the hesitant general, and climbed up to the north bank of the Yellow River in person.

"What! Yan Jun actually..."

Ju Yi's eyes widened. Today, in front of the fortifications of the Yan army, there are soldiers from Liu Bei's army tied up.

These soldiers cried bitterly one by one, begging for mercy one after another.

The Yan army pushed them out, clearly to let them block arrows! Of course, their flesh and blood can't block many bows and arrows, but their identities can withstand a rain of [-] arrows.

As the person who was sent by Ju Yi to cross the river, and now he has become a prisoner of the Yan army, if he orders to shoot, he can certainly maintain his long-range advantage.

But to do so will undoubtedly lose military spirit.

But if you don't do this, is it really forcible to cross the river and let the Yan army half-cross and attack it? Ju Yi fell into deep thinking.

"These...damn guys, why didn't they drown in the Yellow River!"

Ju Yi thought angrily, he didn't expect that his strategy to steal chickens would not be profitable, not only [-] soldiers and more than [-] ships were lost, but he also left himself a big problem! "General Ju, you can't... ... shoot..."

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