Sun Quan of the Eastern Wu Dynasty, was stabilizing the internal quelling rebellion and was too busy to take care of himself.

Jingzhou Liu Biao sat on the sidelines with hundreds of thousands of troops, and the warlords of Xiliang fought against each other, which was not a climate.

The power of the world has been gathered in the small point of Guandu.

Whether Liu Yi or Cao Cao, whoever wins, will be placed in the entire world and in the hub.

In Xihe County, Bingzhou, the newly appointed King Youxian is half-kneeling under the hall to welcome the arrival of Shan Yu.

"Da Chan Yu!"

Half-kneeling in front of Shan Yu was not only Mengsun, the newly appointed right sage king, but also Dan Lou, the right-hand man of Qubei who returned from leading the defeated army.

The most frightening thing at this moment is... Dan Lou.

He participated in the battle as a lieutenant general of Qubei, but Qubei led the cavalry to be wiped out, but he returned to the Xiongnu tribes with the infantry.

It can be said that he abandoned King Youxian and fled.

If Shan Yu Xing Shi asked for the guilt, he really didn't know what to do.

"Get up, your father's death vengeance, Ben Shanyu will definitely avenge him!"

Hu Chuquan clenched his fists and said angrily.

King Youxian died in battle, and [-] Xiongnu elite cavalry were killed. This bloody feud has already gone to the entire grassland to remember Liu Yi and Zhang He.

Liu Yi was the first person they wanted to kill, and Zhang He was... the second one! On the grassland, there were already many people who wanted to invade Bingzhou and kill Liu Yi because of the death of King Youxian. Meat-eating! This incident has far-reaching consequences, and even Shan Yuting has people fighting every day. Hu Chuquan knows that if he ignores this incident, his position as a Xiongnu Shanyu will be unstable.

Moreover, Qubei Ben is his brother-in-law, and they are close friends, and the friendship between the two is very deep.

Even if no one was making trouble, he had already determined to take down Liu Yi's head and avenge his brother! "My nephew is grateful to Da Chanyu! My nephew, Xian Wangting, all troops and horses, be the vanguard of Da Chanyu!"

Mengsun's eyes are red, and the revenge for killing his father is unbearable. Zhang Qin, he will kill Zhang He's whole family, turn his wife and daughter into slaves and torture them to death, and chop Zhang He into meat sauce to feed the horses! In Bingzhou, the number of people who killed Zhang He has been on the rise.

Many of the Huns of the Right Wise King Court killed their Han slaves to show that they wanted to take revenge on the Han people.

Many Han slaves were rode by the Huns, tied with ropes behind the horses and ran after them.

Until the Han slaves could not run, they would be dragged to the ground by the horses, until they were dragged to death and half of their bodies turned into white bones.

Many more Han slaves were chopped off, and women were tortured to death.

On the entire grassland, there has been a bloody storm against Han slaves.

The weak man now cannot protect his own people.

"Good nephew, this time, my uncle brought my Huns army, and he must avenge your father!"

"Yes, little brother, I will avenge you for my brother!"

While Shan Yu was speaking, Liu Bao, the king of Zuo Xian, also came in from outside the tent.

Liu Bao is the son of the former Xiongnu Shanyu Yufuluo, and has always been dissatisfied with Yufuluo's younger brother Hu Chuquan serving as the Xiongnu Shanyu.

However, it is impossible for him to change this situation by himself.

Moreover, now that the blood feud of the foreign enemy is imminent, he is also willing to let go of the discord with Hu Chuquan: and fight against Liu Yi together.

"Liu Bao"

"Da Chanyu, this king is also willing to lead the [-] soldiers of the Zuoxian Royal Court to serve as Da Chanyu's right-hand man!"


Hu Chuquan was overjoyed, he originally thought that Liu Bao would not come to help him, but he did not expect Liu Bao not only to come, but also willing to help! Liu Yi!"

Hu Chuquan laughed and seemed extremely happy.

He has [-] troops, and together with Cao Cao and Liu Bei, the force against Liu Yi is [-]! With such a huge military force, he doesn't believe in Liu Yi, and he has the ability to resist! "It's not too late, While Liu Yi's thief is in a decisive battle with Cao Cao in Guandu, we should wait immediately.

Send troops, go straight to Jinyang, go straight to Huanglong!"

Hu Chuquan quickly ordered the Xiongnu tribe to quickly gather in Xihe County, and within three days, they would be dispatched from Xihe County and head east to Jinyang City, Taiyuan County! You must know that Jinyang is the state seat of Bingzhou. .

Previously, the reason why King Youxian attacked Shangdang was because he joined forces with Yuan Shao and Cao Cao to launch an offensive against Shangdang.

But this time, Hu Chuquan did not unite with Cao Cao, but decided to take it upon himself to annex Bianzhou in one fell swoop, and even take Jizhou and Youzhou.

It is time for the Huns to enter the Central Plains! Jinyang is...the first step in their entry into the Central Plains. Once they enter Jinyang, the entire Bingzhou will be under the front of the Huns, and it will be difficult for them to resist! The Xiongnu Shanyu's letter was quickly passed on, and countless Xiongnu tribes gathered to respond. The cavalry and infantry were like black clouds, constantly moving towards Xihe County.

.................Please order, fully order! ................................ ......━━━━ Chapter 0224


If the army of [-] Huns were placed in Europe at this time, it would be the power to destroy the world.

With so many Huns troops, they are much stronger than Attila! But the southern Huns covet the western land. What they covet is the most prosperous, richest, and most powerful place in the Central Plains! [-] orders Yu Ting elite, [-] Zuo Xian Wang Court soldiers, [-] Right Xian Wang Court dead soldiers.

Two hundred and fifty thousand horses, including one hundred thousand cavalry, slaves and some herdsmen who did not participate in the war, drove cattle and sheep, and millions of cattle and sheep followed behind the army.

Many Xiongnu cavalrymen were nibbling on hu cakes, which were made by mixing wheat and wheat bran into powder to make bread-like things.

But it was very dry and hard, tore off a sip of the cake, and only had a sip of water to chew it.

Even on the grasslands, cattle and sheep can not be eaten every day. In many cases, hu cakes are the food for the Huns to satisfy their hunger.

Air-dried meat is often only available in unlimited quantities during wartime.

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