"It's a pity I can't capture you alive and hand it over to Brother Liu Yi!"

.................Please order, fully order! ................................ ......━━━━ Chapter 0242


"Guan Yu was defeated by a little girl"

Even if he saw the truth, he couldn't accept the news for a while.


Cao Zhen swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and his expression became: extremely frightened.

It wasn't because of Guan Yu's death and the disintegration of Guan Yu's troops, but - Liu Yi attacked! Liu Yi waved the Dragon Emperor Halberd, and blood flowed from the dragon pattern on the Dragon Emperor Halberd, quickly covering the entire Dragon Emperor Halberd. The Dragon King Halberd adds a % coquettishness out of thin air.

"King Yan is not an extraordinary man, he is a true god, how can a man fight against a true god!"

A Cao army soldier watched several comrades around him be beheaded by Liu Yi with one blow, he laughed wildly, and then raised his knife to kill himself.

This kind of strange situation made Cao Jun, who was already terrified because of Cao Cao's death, even more chills filled his back.

This kind of battle is impossible to win! Liu Yi rode the red rabbit horse and slammed into the defense line arranged by Cao Zhen.

With a wave of his Dragon Emperor halberd, several heads rose into the sky, the next halberd slashed, and the three young generals, together with their war horses, were cut into two pieces by Liu Yi's halberd.

Liu Yi's Dragon Emperor Halberd also has a blade, and it is very sharp, like a crescent moon, severing a person's body, just like cutting through grease.

"Whoever blocks me, die!"

Liu Yi roared angrily, the Dragon Emperor halberd danced, and a dozen Cao soldiers immediately.

Heads are different.


Fear filled Cao Jun's heart, and they began to run away.

No one dared to stand in front of Liu Yi, even the most elite soldiers and bravest generals would not dare to block Liu Yi one step.

"King Yan is a god who descended to earth, how could our army be able to beat him? Let's surrender!"

Many Cao troops put down their weapons and became prisoners of the Yan army in disgrace.

But at this moment, they have a feeling of being reborn after a catastrophe.

No one is willing to face Liu Yi's Dragon King Halberd! "Is this the King of Yan Liu Yi!"

Cao Zhen's eyes widened, staring at Liu Yi's figure.

He is so strong and majestic, with a halberd in his crotch, every move he makes is like a real dragon.

This is because Cao Zhen didn't see Liu Yi's figure on both the god of war Lv Bu and the emperor Liu Xie, which made Cao Zhen think of the overlord Xiang Yu.

"This kind of human dragon, I like to resist!"

Cao Zhen watched Liu Yi break through his line of defense, the spearmen and the trap camp split and annihilate Cao's army, followed by Lu Lingqi and Gao Lan's cavalry.

In a trance, Cao Zhen only felt that the picture became: it slowed down.

Liu Yi's warhorse seemed to stop at the moment of jumping, and the other cavalrymen were also stagnant.

The battlefield fell silent.


A voice like a dragon's roar exploded in Cao Zhen's ears, Cao Zhen fell from the horse and fell to the ground, and he didn't recover for a long time.

"Liu Yi..."

He raised his head and saw that Liu Yi's Dragon Emperor Halberd had already touched his throat.

His right battalion soldiers, all defeated, are fleeing in all directions.

"just kill me."

Cao Zhen closed his eyes and was ready to die.

"Give me arrest him."

"Why do you talk about life and death lightly, if you are alive, maybe you will still be fighting against me."

Liu Yi casually said to Cao Zhen that he still loves Cao Zhen, the first general of the late Cao Wei period.

Such a general cannot be exchanged for a thousand dollars, so Liu Yi also felt a pity to kill him like this.

Cao Zhen raised his head, somewhat admiring Liu Yi's mind.

"If there is a chance, I will definitely fight with you again."

"I am waiting."

Liu Yi didn't turn his head, and galloped forward on his horse. Cao Zhen was restrained by the Yan army infantry, but this time he did not seek short-sightedness, but a flame was still burning in his chest.

"Liu Yi is indeed a hero in the world!"

Cao Zhen sighed in admiration. In this world, he originally only admired Cao Cao, but now there is another Liu Yi.

Following Liu Yi's attack on the right camp of Cao's army, Gao Lan led his army and Zhang Yan to work together to attack the Cao army in the west camp.

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