In the past, Taishi Ci also rode alone to save Beihai, which can be said to have saved Kong Rong's life.

"King Yan, rest assured, Taishi Ci all the warriors, the lord is so important to me, how can I still miss Kong Rong's old love"

"What's more, Kong Rong has always despised the warriors. The last general used to ride alone to rescue Beihai. He has already repaid Kong Rong's kindness, and now he has nothing to do with him."

"Okay! But after all, this battle is about attacking Kong Rong's Beihai. You don't have to attack, Ziyi, just watch the battle."

Liu Yi nodded, Taishi Ci was a loyal person, he knew this very well.

Because of this, he didn't want to break the heart of this loyal man. After all, Kong Rong was Taishi Ci's old boss, and Liu Yi didn't want Taishi Ci to be in a dilemma for this attack.

"King Yan can't.... The last general is the general under the lord's command. If Kong Rong is unwilling to attack because of a little old love of Kong Rong, what will the soldiers under his command think of the last general?"

"The last commander asks the lord to order the last commander to be the vanguard and go straight to the North Sea!"

Liu Yi fixedly looked at Taishi Ci and couldn't help but sigh.

If Taishi Ci didn't attack, his soldiers would naturally criticize him, but if he became the vanguard, everyone in the world would probably say that he didn't remember his old feelings.

Taishi Ci would rather be accused by the world than be the vanguard of Liu Yi, which shows his loyalty.

"Since you ask Ziyi, that's fine, I and you [-] cavalry, this time you will be the vanguard of our army!"

"The commander-in-chief!"

Liu Yi nodded, Taishi Ci's request, he naturally would not refuse, but because of this, Taishi Ci's status in his heart was inevitably higher by a percentage point.

"Deng deng deng ..."

There was a sound of leather boots stepping on the ground, Liu Yi looked forward, and a messenger was walking into Liu Yi's camp.

"King Yan, there is a scholar outside the camp asking to see you."

"The scholar let him in."

"King Yan, this..."


Liu Yi raised his brows when he saw that the messenger had a look of embarrassment on his face.

"Just say something."

"Yes, King Yan!"

"The scholar said that he did not want to enter the camp to see King Yan, and wanted King Yan to go out to see him in person!"

"Well who is so arrogant!"

Liu Yi squinted his eyes, he did not expect that now, there are still people who would say such words to him, it is indeed a bit daring.

When the messenger saw Liu Yi's face as if he was angry, his forehead shrank.

He didn't know that... why the scholars were so arrogant, but he, the messenger, was both startled and afraid of Liu Yi.

As long as a person achieves a certain high position, it will inevitably make the people under his command intimidating.

Reverence, reverence, and fear go hand in hand.

Liu Yi's unparalleled prestige in the State of Yan will naturally make people feel in awe of him.

"Back, back to King Yan, the scholar said his name was Miheng."


Liu Yi showed a strange look, why did this guy suddenly go outside his tent?

A madman like Miheng, Liu Yi has always been grateful and insensitive.

The so-called madman is a madman, rather than a madman who knows nothing about the sky and the earth.

He has no ability, but still shakes his lips and flaunts right and wrong, and thinks that he has the coat of a celebrity, and no one dares to kill him, he is simply dizzy.

"King Yan, I'm going to drive this guy away."

For fear of Liu Yi's anger, the messenger quickly told Liu Yi that he was about to leave the camp.

"No, I'll go see him in person, let me lead the way."

Liu Yi waved his hand to stop the messenger's movements.

Although he didn't know the intention of Mi Heng's coming here, he was still very curious about what a person like Mi Heng would say to him.

You must know that in history, Mi Heng was quite a clerical man, but he was also notoriously bad-mouthed.

It can be said to be the sprayer of the Three Kingdoms era.

He insulted Chen Qun, Sima Lang, Xun Yu, and Zhao Rong before he entered office.

After taking refuge in Cao Cao, he even humiliated him in person and abused Cao Cao.

So Cao Cao took him to Liu Biao as a ball, and as expected, Miheng insulted Liu Biao in public again.

Liu Biao was afraid of his reputation, and kicked him to Huang Zu, the prefect of Jiangxia.

Huang Zu is an impatient person, but Miheng doesn't care about Huang Zu's character, he still has a bad mouth on Huang Zu, and insults Huang Zu in public, and is finally killed by Huang Zu.

Like Mi Heng, who scolded and insulted his immediate boss every day, and even had to change three 3 bosses before he was killed.

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