................................................:Please customize, fully order!..... ................................. to see the bloodless flower churning in scarlet color, churning in the rushing river , the soldier of the Shanyu Guard muttered an inaudible voice.

A suit of iron armor was originally the best tool to protect the body, but now it has become a reminder.

The heavy iron armor made this Shanyu guard unable to even struggle, and sank to the bottom of the river with the current.

With the same situation as him, there were hundreds of Shanyu guards under the arrows.

Not only the Shanyu Guards, but other cavalrymen who tried to pass the pontoon bridge were also shot down by the rain of arrows.

This ancient river stopped the Xiongnu's cavalry, and completely beat the water dogs.

The second round of arrow rain came.

Countless Shanyu Guard soldiers fell in response, living targets on the bare and crowded bridges.

But the third round of arrows was too late to release, and the cavalry of the Shanyu Guards collided with the infantry's large shield.

Zhang Liao arranged three layers of shield soldiers at the passage of each bridge.

Due to the narrow combat area, Zhang Liao seemed to have more surplus in the deployment of troops.

The iron cavalry of the Shan Yu Guards slammed into the large shield of the Yan army fiercely, but in Zhang Liao's view, this was nothing more than a trapped beast.

A black horse knocked over a large shield and stabbed a spear into his neck, but the next moment, another large shield stabbed his warhorse.

The infantry Zhang Liao arranged at each bridge entrance showed a slight arc.

The Xiongnu cavalry plunged headlong into this arc-shaped encirclement, and would immediately be attacked by more soldiers than them.

Whenever a Xiongnu cavalry tried to stab out the spear in his hand, there were three or four 34 Yan army shieldmen who stabbed out the spear together.

And the real threat is huge, only the first round of charging cavalry.

In the first round of the charge, although Shan Yu's guards suffered heavy casualties, nearly a hundred casualties soon, but the Yan army's large shield was also broken through a small gap.

The Xiongnu's cavalry poured in from the gap, but was blocked again by the large shields that were later added.

Mu Lian stood in the back of the line, watching the momentum of the Shan Yu Guard's charge being severely curbed, he was instantly horrified.

"Even the Shan Yu Guards can't break through their formation, these... Yan Jun, what kind of monsters are they!"

Mu Lian roared in his heart.

The Shanyu Guards were the most elite warriors of the Xiongnu, and they had the confidence to rule the grasslands.

Any soldier from the Shanyu Guards was carefully selected from the grasslands to enter Bingzhou in that year, and the Shanyu Guards made a charge and killed the governor of Bingzhou.

But now, the charge of the Shanyu Guards was actually blocked by the Yan Army's large shield! How is this possible! "The whole army obeys the order, encircle the Shanyu Guards, and let me annihilate them here!"

Zhang Liao raised his long sword and issued orders, and the big shield hand quickly changed his formation like a rolling wheel, strangling the Shanyu guards: among them.

"Hun dog, go to hell!"

A big shield hand suddenly pushed the shield, and a Shanyu guard rolled into the ancient river with his horse and man, and was immediately engulfed by the river.

In this estuary, the charge of the Xiongnu cavalry has failed, and now they continue to fight, which is... a war of attrition that almost kills them.

The Yan army was stacked in layers, with a large shield in front and a long spear in the rear. The cavalry could not fight at all in this battlefield.

"Quick, get the cavalry back!"

Mulian roared loudly.

"No... ah General, if the cavalry is withdrawn and the Yan army is fired with all arrows, our army may not have time to charge the next time, and the whole army will be wiped out!"

A lieutenant hurriedly stopped Mu Lian.

In desperation, Mu Lian even forgot the basic common sense of combat.

It's no wonder that Mu Lian is a young man after all, young and energetic, although his ability is good, he can't hold his breath after all.

"Then you say, if we can't withdraw, how can we fight when we come down!"

Mu Lian almost roared and said.

If you retreat, you will surely die. If you don't retreat, you will just sit back and wait.

The current situation seems to be a mortal situation no matter what! In fact, when Zhang Liao appeared on the other side of the river, Mu Lian should have realized that this was a mortal situation.

"General, the soldiers on the left can't stand it anymore!"

A blood-covered Xiongnu leader Pegasus rushed to Mulian's side.

Mu Lian hurriedly looked at the [-] infantry on the left wing who had been sent to resist the Yan army. As expected, this unit had already lost nearly half of its casualties and was on the verge of collapse.

"It's better to fight to the death instead of... waiting to die, let the Han people see that I, the Huns, also have warriors!"

Mu Lian roared wildly, raised his spear, and rushed towards the bridge.

Zhang Liao gave Mu Lian a disdainful look.

A guy with such a big head and no brains, commanding such a large army, is really the way to die.

"Fire arrows!"

Zhang Liao raised his sword and ordered the archers and arrows to rain.

In an instant, thousands of arrows shot towards Mulian alone.

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