"I am a soldier of Da Chanyu, you can't kill me, you can't kill me!"


The only response to him was the sound of the whip whipping on his body.

One after another whip fell, forming bloodstains on his body.

After the clothes were torn, each whip could pull out a half-finger-deep wound from his flesh.


A horsewhip slapped his face heavily, blinding the Hun soldier's eyes.

His eyes and cheeks were immediately smashed by the whip, revealing deep bone scars.

The Han slaves became more and more angry.

In the past, many Han people were beaten to death by... Getting weaker and weaker, the Hun soldier no longer had the strength to hold his head, his eyes were all blind, his body was covered with wounds, and the blood formed a pool of blood on the ground.

Soon, the Hun soldier was completely beaten to death under the whipping of the Han people without leaving their hands.

Even when he was dead, the angry slaves were still flogging the corpse until the messenger told them to stop.

Of course, not to stop them from whipping the corpse, but to let them not beat the corpse too badly, this guy is still useful.

"Please put his body in front of the door here and tell the people who come and go that this is the end of the people who hurt my Yan country!"


................................................:Please customize, fully order!..... ................................━━━━ Chapter 318


He was sent by Liu Yi. On the surface, he was also one of the messengers. In fact, he was here to collect news.

"Well... the Xiongnu soldiers whipped the people of our country of Yan, and they were beaten to death... Shan Yuting also has a painter, this scene can be painted, and then go back and print it out."

The propaganda officer laughed and muttered to himself, and quickly wrote with a bamboo pen on a wooden board covered with paper.

This bamboo pen is also the work of Ma Jun. Putting ink into the bamboo pen can save the inconvenience of grinding ink for writing. It is still a trial product, and only the people in their publicity department have it.

After writing these words, he wrote a second article


The propaganda officials wrote more and more vigorously.

Of course, this copy was not for the Han Chinese, but for the various tribes of the Xiongnu.

Liu Yi has not yet personally conquered the grasslands, but well... Of course, the weaker the Huns, the better, this leader is sometimes more effective than a sword.

This propaganda official had already predicted that as soon as this article was published, the tribes of the Xiongnu, big and small, would all set off a rebellion, or they would break away from the control of Shan Yuting.

By then... there should be no Huns.

"There are Qiang people in the west, Xianbei in the north, and Yan Kingdom in the east. Let's see if you Xiongnu will not die this time."

The propaganda officer laughed.

... Soon, a large amount of gold and silver, cattle, sheep and horses, as well as slaves and freed Han people, under the protection of the Xiongnu army, came to Xinlongcheng in Xihe County.

Along the way, no thieves dared to disturb them.

Not just because the Huns sent fifty thousand troops to escort these things, showing great respect.

Of course, these [-] people were all temporarily assembled by the three courts of the Xiongnu. There were less than [-] men in armor, and most of them were herdsmen.

Of course, the combat power can't match the regular army, and the thieves are still no problem.

Of course, there was another reason why they didn't encounter an attack. The thieves didn't take action.

In the Han Dynasty, Bingzhou had the most thieves, Huangjin, Baibo, etc., and they were all famous thieves all over the world.

Even if they are destroyed, the life is rotten, and there are still a large number of thieves and bandit cottages in Bingzhou.

But they did not attack the Huns this time, because they knew that this time, what the Huns escorted was compensation for the state of Yan, and more than [-] Han slaves! What they didn't do when they came to the Han Dynasty! They also let them free their slaves. Such a righteous act made the world's thieves unable to bear to oppose Liu Yi.

So along the way, the Huns walked very safely.

During the large-scale migration of more than [-] slaves, under the care of the Huns, there were almost no deaths.

It can be said that the Huns took care of these......the former slaves were more attentive than taking care of their own mothers.

After all, there is an order from the big unit, whichever team of slaves escorted by the Huns died, the leader of which team was cut off.

Their own lives are at stake, so of course they care! Outside Xinlong City, King Zuo Xian took the lead, leading the troops to welcome the troops of the State of Yan who came to meet them.

Now most of the Huns in Xihe County have migrated back to the grasslands.

Of course, there are also those who have taken root here and are unwilling to move, and King Zuo Xian cannot force them all to move, just let them stay.

As for himself, the reason why he stayed was because he wanted to take one last look at Xinlongcheng.

After all, it was his Zuo Xian Royal Court that he spent a lot of effort to build! Soon, there will be a return from the cavalry, and the troops of the State of Yan have already moved towards New Dragon City.

Zuo Xian Wang Liu Yuan put his hands together, pressed the reins to his palms and lowered them, waiting for the arrival of the Yan army.

He also wanted to know what kind of troops the Yan army came from.

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