
The fourteen states of the Han Dynasty all read the articles of the Propaganda Department


This scholar bought an article with one five baht


"Okay, that's really good!"

━━━━ Chapter 334


Another scholar also read the Propaganda Department's article


"I'm happy today, Xiongtai, let's go to a wine shop for a drink, I'll treat you today!"

"Then thank you brother!"



These two scholars are just a microcosm of Youzhou scholars. I have seen countless articles from the Propaganda Department


Especially the family of Zuo Xian Wang, who kidnapped Cai Yan, was a heinous crime. He was demoted to slavery, and he was not wronged at all! Because of this exciting news, today, the whole city of Jixian is full of wine shops.

Scholars who come and go, all discuss with their friends about the achievements of the state of Yan.

"It's a pity that... Liu Yuan can continue to be his Zuo Xian Wang, I think, he should also be demoted to a slave!"

"Isn't it...? These... The Huns, for hundreds of years, have killed countless people of our Han family, and they should do their best to get rid of evil!"

"We must do everything we can to eradicate evil. We only occupy the huge grasslands. Our country of Yan is still weak. If we go on an expedition to the Xiongnu, the people will suffer!"

"That's true, bah! Let that group of... dog thieves escape!"

With the Propaganda Division article


Water Mirror Villa.

Pang Tong, Xu Shu, and Zhuge Liang are gathering together. In front of the bamboo table are three articles from the Propaganda Department.


Xu Shu was wearing poor clothes, his eyes were like swords, and he was upright.

He was a ranger when he was young, with martial arts skills, strong physique, and full of heroic spirit, but now he has joined Mr. Shuijing's door. of compliments.

"King Yan has swept away the frontier and strong enemies, and has the merit of Wei Huo. Now that Zhao Ji has returned to Han, it is a righteous act in the world. King Yan is the number one prince in the world, and he deserves it."

Pang Tong also nodded, agreeing with Xu Shu's words.

But Zhuge Liang disagreed, he shook his head and said, "Liu Yi, you are not a virtuous ruler."

"Kong Ming, where did you say this?"

"Yeah, Kong Ming, where did these words come from?"

Pang Tong and Xu Shu looked at each other in dismay, wondering why Zhuge Liang belittled Liu Yi so much.

Zhuge Liang looked at the two of them, smiled slightly, and his expression showed that he was confident.

"You two, please listen to me."

"Although Liu Yi was far away to beg the Wuhuan and the Huns, he killed too much. More than [-] Huans, counting the Wuhuans, were buried in the mountains in the north. I heard that the Wuhuan and Xiongnu had surrendered, but Liu Yi refused to allow it. , but forcibly killed."

"Such a slaughtering monarch is not a benevolent monarch."

"And Liu Yi defeated the Huns. Instead of benevolent, he brutally suppressed them. [-] Wuhuan people and [-] Xiongnu were all demoted to slaves."

Kanwu "Also, Liu Yi's methods are too sinister, and his vision is not long-term."

"He recruited and recruited Ke Bineng's people, and made them fight bloody. Ke Bineng would have resentment, and divided the Xianbei people into two categories: those who rely on him and treat them kindly, and those who stay away from him and treat them badly."

"Ke Bineng is the king of Xianbei, how can he live under the people for a long time, Liu Yi is so supportive of Ke Bineng, he is raising tigers!"

"Once Kebi is full of wings and orders the Xianbei in the world, Liu Yi's kindness to Xianbei will suddenly turn into a sharp blade that hurts himself!"

"I disdain such a short-sighted, sinister prince."

Zhuge Liang's theory made Pang Tong and Xu Shu look at each other in dismay.

Indeed, what Zhuge Liang said has some truth, but after thinking about it carefully, why is it so wrong: "What Kong Ming said, is it to let King Yan release foreign captives and let them continue to do harm?"

"Naturally let it go."

As soon as Xu Shu asked a question, Zhuge Liang immediately.

Answered his words.

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