That was on the ninth day after the stop-height of your general contractor, shortly after the Tokyo Stock Exchange closed.

On the day a stop allocation was made for a small amount of sales, a large number of sales were made on each broker's PTS (Proprietary Trading System) in a way that left only a few buys.

And 52 million Miyagi shares were promised in off-market transactions that day.

"The $45 memory that was available almost promised. instructions after this."

The purchase had been ordered backwards from the funds made available. But I had no idea in this situation that there were holders who could release so many stocks in kind at once. (* 1)

Bad timing, though, to say it's a budget as planned.

The man who asked for instructions hesitated, but he already promised for 9500 yen. It was disastrous that the price range of the night PTS was applied to those of the next day's trade.

"Keep the funds convenient, but we'll see how it goes for the moment, if it's going to go down a lot, handle it in the direction of buying support."

Anyway, D132 is an expensive part. Profits would also be greater. That could be hundreds of millions, in some cases billions.

Despite the huge profit potential, the stock price has gone up too much in the last ten days. This is where I was thinking about getting my hands on it.

I thought the seller would show up from triple on schedule and at most 5x... somehow the terminal stock didn't gather. As if someone had bought it up in advance.

If the stock price falls significantly here, it'll be shark bait in a few days.

I've already been to a university in Japan. I've just been contacted. They should be releasing the equipment soon. As long as we can support it until then...

The man, ready, turned up the receiver.


Explorer men were having a brief lunch on a bench placed near Event Square in Yoyogi Park.

The youngest man said excitedly, shaking Parks' flesh.

"No, the case of the Explorer's event, that was cool!

"Oh, NY's?

A man with an automatic small gun broke into the event.

Calm down, it was obvious that we weren't talking about a level of cool, but we didn't have any victims in particular, and only Hit Girl's activity was closing up, so he was treated as if it were an event in fiction.

"Yes, yes. It's okay with tan-chee, we're leveling up in the dungeon, and we're actually like heroes, aren't we?

"It looks like a vigilante organization is being formed in the US to control bad guys."

"That's the city where the Guardian Angels originated"

"The GA seems to be in Japan."

"Heh, but you've never seen that red beret around the station?

"Japan's railways are safe."

When the first man to speak swallowed the near-eating meat, he undone the story of being derailed.

"So. We can do that, can't we?

"Yeah? You gonna punch him in Mr. Yar's office, too?

"That's a crime to Hutu. Besides, he's definitely gonna kill me on the spot."

"No, the ones that are tangled up with girls around Shibuya, you can do it, right?

"Shibuya huh? You used to have to know, and now, you're just, like, a color gang, you know, a gag, right? It's only in Saitama, Grandpa."


It's been twenty years since Shibuya had that kind of atmosphere. Now, something doesn't happen all that often, even around Circle Mountain Town and Dogenzaka.

Anyway, downtown is now full of surveillance cameras. It's not easy to commit a crime either.

"Shinjuku and Ikebukuro also said that vicious catches lurked the shadows..."

"If you try this, Tokyo is peaceful."

A pigeon accustomed to people jumped a little closer to them a little further, and put his neck around him to give them something.

"Peace indeed."

When the man shrugged so, he smashed the cookie portion of the melon bread he was about to eat into small pieces and sprinkled it towards the dove.

There couldn't have been so many places for the heroes to play in Tokyo, which is much more peaceful than in NY.


"These are the targets."

In the window seat of the YD cafe, a man with light brown hair and eyes, dressed in a suit perfect for his slender body, showed the beautiful woman with red hair and black eyes a picture displayed on her smartphone.

The man's name is David Jean-Pierre-le-Garcia. He was formerly an asshole con man, but now he's also a representative of the perfect religious community to file for Conceille Deta.

When the woman glanced at it, she heard as she twisted the flashy flesh of a male lover at an exquisite angle and reassembled her legs.

"David. So what am I supposed to do?

The fleshy woman with red hair and black eyes is Sara-Isabella-Magdalena.

She was a woman who took a man by the hand with her inflammatory beauty, but she felt neurosis when she accidentally acquired a special ability pressed by the man she was dating, and it was how she got to know a temporarily hung psychiatrist who tipped her off to the Virgin of David's organization, leaking about her to David.

David, who was twice as nosy as a man, then caught a bottle of her.

In general, little known, Artum Foraminis Sacri Esse (Deep Hole Church) was perceived by those who knew it as the bottom of a land that was not Volargo, Hades, Avis or Tartarus - a cult of Christian descent that believed in dungeons.

The name derives from the fact that the Virgin of the Order, Marianne-Therese-Martin, was supposed to have gained healing power in the dungeon, but drew a line in one respect from the numerous other cults.

I mean, Marianne was real.

David met her two years ago in Encamp, Principality of Andorra.

At that time she was surrounded by local old men on her knees on a small bench in the Church of Saint Mark & Santa Maria, dressed in miserable clothes and in a joint cemetery in the city of Encamp.

"Is that some sort of rally?

David, wondering about a strange group, asked a man like an official.

"Those are the people who seek Ma Santa," the man replied in a small voice, turning his face slightly to you.

"Ma Santa (Holy Hand)?

Towards David, who asked back so, the man, shaking his head small, turned his back on him and left so that he could escape from what should not be touched.

Much inspired by his curiosity, David sat back on another bench and watched the group in the distance.

After a while, there was a tender movement towards the gate, and a soothing old woman, whether her husband or a werewolf man was in charge, ran over to the side of the bench.

At the time of cooking, did she accidentally wear even oil, and the woman's face was red and tattered, making her feel like she was suffering a terrible burn on her upper body.

It should be life-threatening if we don't get you to the hospital right away. David felt anger at the obscure old men as to why he was bringing them here, but in the next moment, all but surprise had disappeared from him.

The girl who was sitting on the bench just put her hands on the woman's face with a quiet cheeky grin as to whether she intended to be some kind of curse (serious). Yes, that was it, and the nagging face of the woman, who was dying right now, turned into a normal state, as if to see a video that would be played backwards.

The man who brought the woman bowed his head to kiss the back of her leg.

Unexpectedly, David was stiffened with his mouth wide open enough for his jaw to come off, but after a while, as if time had returned, his strength fell off his entire body and he fell back onto the bench with his bare hands as it were.

I am now at an extremely critical juncture in my life. He felt strongly that way.

Yes, he has now been enlightened.

The miracle of treatment itself would be possible if a potion from a dungeon were used. There was no reason for her to bother using the most expensive potion for free, and I didn't think she was actually doing so.

Anyway, for David, I didn't care if that was a real miracle or a trick. The important thing is that it looks real, that was the point.

God is one of the best products a man has ever produced. Anyway, God's love is free. In other words, purchasing is always free. Everyone competes to buy merchandise with a 0% cost ratio. It's the same with no fixed price.

Religion created as a system for selling it is also great. Doctrine and etiquette are performances to sell it, and institutions and organizations, if you ask me, are like dedicated shops.

In this way, people of faith will buy large pieces that do not have the benefit of saying peace of mind, etc.

If you want something like that, I'd just like to tell you to sleep in the chest of a woman you like, but in terms of it costs money, they would both be the same thing. Most importantly, the latter has an extra physical satisfaction, which should be an even better value, but it is important to note that it can come with troublesome baggage called the fence of the world.

During that day, David took a business meeting with her father as he followed Marianne to find out his home. Her father, who, modestly speaking, was scumbag, was happy to sell his daughter to a con man for only a small sum of money.

My daughter, who was embodying a miracle, was perfect the more I heard.

Marianne of Prenon (* 1) is an anthropomorphic image of the French Republic, and besides her Duziem Prenon, in Therese, her last name was Martin. Even though it was the most common surname in France, I didn't like it, but it was reminiscent of Liju's Therese, the second patron saint in France. Besides, she is the guardian saint of the sick and vulnerable. It can no longer be better than a full score and flourish as if it had been created from the beginning.

Thus, when he founded the Order, he skillfully embraced politicians and millionaires, using her miracle as a weapon.

Anything that runs a state or a large corporation tends to be much more inclined to lean towards mysticism and occult than people think. History, starting with Rasputin and Freemason, proved that. He believed that that was why we were given the chance to take ripe fruit as well.

The daughter, who embodies a small miracle, used potions and the like to turn into a great Virgin by his performances that make it look excessive. In that way it had helped a great deal to bone out the world's wealthy.

with her beauty.

The appearance of David and Isabella in YD Cafe, visible over large glass, was like a scene in a European film, with people passing outside looking back from time to time.

If they had heard voices, the French they spoke would have circled on it.

"As usual, I just want you to ask..."

David frowned as he gracefully lifted the espresso cup and put his mouth on the cafe.

I didn't know if it was because the cafe didn't fit my mouth, because The Phantom was bitter, or if it was both.

"- About a joke seeker called The Phantom."

They tried to leave it to the investigative professionals, put exploration into the DA, and end up using the financial community to work for the militia, but they didn't know where Phantom was going.

The guy was as if he didn't exist in this world, but he was bound to be in Yoyogi, even if he combined the information he had leaked from England and so on.

David had brought the Virgin to Japan under the pretext of preaching to Japan because the person who was no longer likely to be a clue was about a party with a ridiculous name such as D Powers, and it was unclear as it was.

"This girl over here, Azsa?

'That's right. Perhaps the woman is more destiny...'

You don't know how the appraisal affects you, do you?

David answered, shrugging his shoulders.

"It's a total pain in the ass."

If a human could be appraised and even the skill could be seen, I could say it would be dangerous to just approach her.

"I'm just doing bad things, so I'm afraid of the appraisal, aren't I?

"You never told me."

I know quite a bit about Isabella's past, that's how David cut it off.

"Oh, terrible."

The gesture of a woman who creates a family (a sign) naturally with a twinkle of an eyebrow, if a man, was more or less inspired by desire.

But sleeping with this woman is like welcoming Order Moftere (Sasori) (* 3) into bed. The men who destroyed themselves remain on the fingers of both hands, even if he only knows.

This woman is not just a Hanitra factor. ”Nightmare” Isabella. Those two names were not Dada.

"Besides, the trigger is a trigger, so it's better for a man."

"You can go both ways, right?

She raised a cool voice and laughed at David's bewildering inquiry.

"The man appears frequently to Yoyogi. If you see him... I'll take care of the rest. '

"Am I going to stick around? At the entrance to the dungeon, stand-up?

David put his phone down before her as she rode her body out on the table with the face that she was clearly unhappy.

"If he shows up at Yoyogi, the phone rings. Then head near the entrance to the dungeon. '

Isabella said with a spear that she had no choice.

"I'm not sure I can tell the Oriental face, but I'll try to do something about it."

"Nice to meet you. So, that's fine - are you going into the dungeon in that outfit?

Fitted to the body, the well-shaped foot that the off-shoulder inner integrated with the collared outerwear like the empty tall collar in front of him and the occasional peek from a long skirt with a large slit to the ankle caught the eye.

'I said don't come dressed too flashy, so I tried to dress as little exposure as possible. This is Chanel again. Was there something wrong?

I told you not to come in a flashy outfit, which means I told you not to stand out.

In the first place, the one who comes to the dungeon in that outfit, that's all that's weird, and if he enters the dungeon in such a good way, he'll have no choice but to stand out unusually.

For this guy, maybe the dungeons and resorts are the same...

'No, it looks great, but to get into the dungeon... you know what I mean?

'Oh, that's the thing. Of course I'm not going in there like this. "

She just said that she knew all about it, but she snorted.

"Lai Lai"

David was relieved to hear it and wonder if this guy had common sense as well, but dropped his shoulder disappointed to hear the line that followed.

"Lubutane's decided to change to Lucock (* 4), right?


That day, when I came to Yoyogi in search of the "storage bin" at the beginning of Cool Time, I went down to the first floor and met a woman who was too out of place.

When I saw the woman, I came down the stairs down to the pool at the San Domenico Palace Hotel, feeling like the sea of Taormina was spreading in front of me, and I looked at it twice by accident.

She walked over to me in the opposite direction to the flow of people when she saw it twice.

Within the dungeon, the atmosphere that even parties with dress codes seemed to do, I wondered what that outfit was like, and about myself before, I put it up on the shelf.

I felt like I finally understood the feeling that the Seekers were watching me in my usual clothes at first.

"Comment allez-vous?"

Ugh, it's French. And it's formal.

Show me the power of the third foreign language here... there's no way I can do it. It was ten years ago. Not in English? Because the French are tough. (biased)

"Uh. Pamar, Merzieve? (Fair enough. What about you?)"

If the Japanese I don't know are approaching, I wonder why they respond that they are foreigners when they are appropriately embedded and run away. I answered that unexpectedly, thinking that this would be the gene of hospitality.

The woman, just smiling, quietly approached us.

"Woo...... kesktuboo? (Yeah... what can I do for you?

The woman walked into my personal space and touched my shoulder so that the martial arts master could enter the other person's time at a time she knew was coming but couldn't prevent it.

I couldn't react to her face slowly approaching me, as if I had been made to mahi my brain by a gentle, sweet scent rising from my feet.

There was no reason to know at all at that time that the scent meant 'Temple of Love' in Sanskrit.

So the moment something soft touched my lips for a moment, I returned to me as if the curse had been broken, and I accidentally took a step back.


For a moment, I didn't know what they had done, but the cursed gaze of the Seekers, who had just gone down the stairs, 'Leah fills to death', made me understand what had just happened.

(You're lying...)

It's a one-tier exploration, so even though status remained the usual number, it should be close to the top handful in humanity.

Thanks to this, it was well established that the status may not be helpful if you are poked at the opinion. Maybe it's because of the LUC100.

Dortwin, who was supposed to be in my shadow, did nothing, probably because he had no intention of hurting me on her. People seem to fight back just because they're close, so is their normal lives.

That's when she said something.


"Kuku? (What?

When I returned, I asked back the last part I missed, but she just had a luscious grin and turned away early enough to leave the dungeon.

Lutubonne Dawn Zan...... what? Rave?

Damn, I still don't understand French liezon and anchenuman. Besides, I don't do liezons or anything, I want to tell you not to be kidding me.

'Cause it's like pronouncing a sentence as a single word, right? It's worse than the German compound noun!

You guys think about the meaning of the half-width space between a word and a word, and you're outraged at the French textbook, and your memory of dropping a third foreign language is vividly revived.

Fortunately, there was no listening to the exam, so I was able to pick up "yes" as long as I could.


What, that kid, it's a little messy.

As she ascended Yoyogi's stairs, Isabella thought back about the man she was now in front of, and thought it was silly to be on guard.

If you're older than yourself, if you're unfamiliar with women and don't dislike them, they're all kids to Isabella.

For beginner rounding gear, stand full of gaps. To the woman's surprise, I didn't flatter her, I didn't hold her hips, I just said I was a boy to take it with a stick.

"I wonder if you really know what Phantom and I are saying..."

Well, that was off the hook, and David's just in trouble, and she had nothing wrong with it.

With everyone's admirable gaze and free money, the world is happy and brilliant.

"For that, let the boy dance at best."

As she climbed up the stairs and left the dim dungeon, she proceeded to walk into the light of the outside world.

That brilliant light was shining as if affirming everything in her life.

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