As soon as I heard the knock, the door opened and someone came in with a basin.

"Shit. Alive?

"Didn't the elementary school teacher tell you to wait till you heard back if you knocked?

"If Mr. Fangmura comes across something he's not doing alone, I'll be careful from now on."

"You know..."

After seeing strange dreams - the contents of which were no longer remembered but vague impressions - I was ill and laying down in bed. How sleepy and weak.

"So, what did Saito do?

"Look, thanks for the bow the other day, come visit me"

My sympathy, it was this morning that I went to bed, this morning. I'm here in the morning. There's no way she'll know.

"So, what's the real place?

"Piano Practice"

Yeah, well, I thought that would be the place.

"No, no, no, no, no. Take it home."

"It gets narrower, so it feels like it's 1K smooth."

She continued, placing the basin she had brought on the bedside table.

"Someone in a place like this, who lives in a big house like this, wouldn't know."

No, even me, I lived in an old apartment until the other day. Not to mention 1DK, sure, don't hesitate if they tell you to put the piano over there.

"Well, okay. So, how's the bow?

"It's all over now. That's my special!

When I bought it, I said it was Ryoko Special and Ryoko was beaten.

So, after all, I'm special. You can't even name this guy. No. Even entertainers, unfortunate ones.

"Senior? Are you alive -?

Brutus, you too.

To the third degree, he suddenly opened the door without even knocking. What happened to manners education around my house?

"Before dinner, first, I'd like this"

That being said, Sanko has been offering an electronic thermometer. I see, was there a time difference because I was going to pick this up in my room?


There is no such thing as a thermometer in my room. On the contrary, I didn't even buy out the cold medicine.

The medication and the namesake have a set I got from the company as part of my benefits, but I left it in the previous room, and it should have expired years ago already.

Well, I've been living out of a hospital for the past few years...

"But I never imagined Shige would fall asleep sick."

"Is he the one who says fools don't catch a cold?

"Yes, yes. Not really. What are you masturbating about?"

Saito laughed at the pieces and said he knew he was stupid - and he punched lightly in his arms. Come on, I'm a sick man for once.

At that time, a thermometer played a small electronic sound, which I was putting under my arm.

"Mmm. Here."

When I took it out and checked it, and gave it to her, she said, looking at the body temperature shown.

"Looks like you have a slight fever, is that a cold?

"Are you okay?"

When Saito heard about it, he looked so worried, he sat at the end of the bed holding the basin and keeping his body close to me.

Apparently, what's on the basin is egg porridge. When I saved it with a wrangle, I hooked up and gently offered it to me.

"Kuck, that's a high DEX actress. Even if I know, I'm going to be fooled."


I put it in my mouth when I took the wrangle and the basin from her hand.

The salt is quite delicious to hear.

"No, you go home now. Wouldn't it suck to have a shooting schedule or something if you had a cold? Wash your hands properly."

"Well, you finally admitted I'm not stupid, huh?

"There's something wrong with you going in there."

That's what I said with a sigh. I really have a cold, what if I really get used to it?

"It's okay, it's okay. Then I'm sure Shizu will give me the cure potion."

"You know..."

When I heard that, Sanko went in looking interesting.

"Saito-san, there's only one cure potion in our house."

"Rank seven?


"I've never heard of that... could that be so expensive?

"That's about 50 memories for the reference price."

Saito-san suddenly stood up and looked at the day after tomorrow and said with emotion as if she were a stage actress when she put her hand up to offer to the future.

"... me, if they catch a cold, I'll take it and retire. And then, with the money you sold out, you'll be relieved for the rest of your life."

"What flag... you don't use it in the first place"

She was solidifying in the pose as it was, and suddenly she looked back at me, gripping her bush and forcefully theorizing.

"You can't use it!

"Well, you can't normally use it"

"Oh... how many times in my lifetime do I have to make an annual income," he said, exaggerating in a mourning pose, tearful acting.

No, it's too much of a play.

"I think Saito-san will make that much soon."


"Huh? Well... maybe?

"What is it?"

When I think about Gala the Hollywood actor, that's about as soon as I feel like I'm going to make money.

Robert Downey Jr. Something like $10 million for Spider-Man and $75 million for Infinity War in one bottle?

The actress felt like she had a wall for about $10 million, but it's not quite like that now, and around Sandra Bullock, she also hears about $50 million in zero gravity.

"That's what Hollywood looks like, isn't it?

"The Orientals, I don't know"

Polycore is fierce now, and I think if English isn't very different from native, I'd be surprised.

"Well, I'm done practicing, and I'm going home."

"Good luck"

"Yeah, well, I contacted Haru earlier, too. I'm sure he's been in Paris since yesterday."

"Finally, you took me to the end. But it's still early in the morning."

The time difference between Paris and Tokyo is eight hours. It would still be four o'clock in the morning over there.

"I'll text you when I wake up. Enjoy!

Happily I saw her face like that, and I got attacked by a bad feeling.

"Wait a minute. What the hell did you write?

"It's okay, it's okay. Because it doesn't say anything about Haru throwing out her job and going home."

I don't trust this guy at all. Especially at times like this.

Later, I'll have to text you from over here, too, which is not good.

"You don't have to worry about that, 'cause it's okay. Well, me, I'm working this afternoon, see ya!

"Oh, hey!

So she left like a storm.


After a while, Sancho, who sent her to the front door, came back. I guess it's because I have dish collection.

"But super recovery didn't work for the sick guy, did it?"

"Basically, it sounds like it's for injury. Looks like he's gonna recover."

"Come to think of it, there's a heel potion and a cure potion in the potion too. What do you want to do, drink?

"Do you have a rank seven cure potion?

"It's the most expensive cold medicine in the world."

That's what Sancho said with a laugh at Couscous.

"Until I'm dying, I'll take it."

Then the three good things I had laughed at until then said with a serious look on my face.

"What if, seniors? If a part of your body gets hurt with severe pain..."

"Uh, uh, don't! I don't want to hear it!

Healing your body wounds with super healing means only severe pain can be inflicted forever.

That's common in fiction, where he cures with heels while torturing them.

"It's an unexpected flaw in super recovery, isn't it, this"

"I hate self torture and stuff too much. But you rarely get sick like that, do you?

"Actually, I do."


Sanhao dived into his voice and said after creating a horrible atmosphere.



It's an interesting proposition whether super recovery repairs enamel.

Failure to repair nails and hair would not repair enamel quality either, given common sense.

Except this is the effect of the dungeon. Until now, common sense does not always prevail. Instead, if the owner wanted to repair his teeth too, maybe he should have thought it would be repaired.

Unfortunately, I didn't have tooth decay for me or Sancho, so I can't confirm it... but it doesn't look like it's going to be for Asha, does it, tooth decay?

If the enameled part is not repaired, the repair and destruction may be repeated every time the nerves are reached, leaving the nerves running out and sore forever.

I'm also willing to tell you to go to the dentist, but what if, at that time, your nerves were pulled out as a medical practice? Will the nerves still be revived and the pain continue?

Nerves to revive, unplugged or unplugged...... don't be too nasty.

"Well, I can't help but be afraid that my uncle might come"

Seeing me finish my porridge, Sancho took something out.

"Come on, this is the dessert!

Together with the sound effect of saying, Sanho took out a can of fruit with his throat and face and put it in front of me.

"No, I, I hate peach cans"

"That's another statement about turning Nishiura High School baseball players against their enemies."

"You're still going to your old apartment."

"That break-in, it almost only contained comics. What kind of life did you have?"

"No, 'cause I was taking the specialty books to the office."

"That's not what I meant. Yeah, and there's one that doesn't have a new roll."

I laughed and gave him the Kindle Oasis I had on my pillow.

"Ooh. You were making it an ebook!

"It would be useful to just read it. Although the desire to own is more satisfied with paper."

"Is that it? There's one you're wearing, right?

"Uh, 'cause it's paper all the way down the road, and it's a hassle to be an ebook all the way down the road, right?

"So you've become a bourgeois"

"Not yet, you can't deny it when you haven't canceled your previous apartment."

I don't really feel particularly rich, and it's my own, not particularly if they want something, but I was plainly grateful that I didn't have to worry about saving money in these parts.

"But when are we going to get a bi-fold device?"

Sancho said that while reading the comics to try it out.

"It may be difficult due to weight and battery capacity, but as a book reader, you want a textbook style device."

"If you think you're out, you fold the opposite of what I was expecting, right? Are you stupid to be a board or something when you open it? It doesn't mean bi-fold!

Even though the laying is much lower than the bending LCD, Sanyo says it bumps.

If you want to think about it in a smartphone extension, you want it to be tablet-shaped, but what you want is a book reader. I would love for Kindle to do his best because he won't appear from his career around there.

"kindle twofold. If you could give me a two-screen version by name, or just use two of them to make interlocking features or something, I'd be able to handle it in a case."

"Why don't you come out with crowdfunding?

"That's an advanced VR or retinal projection device, and it might be quicker for something like a PC viewer to be put into practice."

With that said, Sanho blew out a puff.

"What the fuck?

"No, when I get on the train right now, everyone's looking at the smartphone, right?"


"If it's just as prevalent as retinal projection-type glasses, they're all swiping space in front of you to turn the page. Isn't that a little dumb?

Sitting in the commuter train seat, looking up, all the people grabbing the leather are pretending to have their hands in front of them...

"No, you're more scared than a dumb one, that. What a ritual."

Sanko said, "Yes," and put the dishes I had finished eating on the basin.



"You're really okay, aren't you?

Sancho said so with a serious face.

No, when they say that with a serious face, I kind of feel like I've had an incurable disease.

"Oh, well, I'm just a little sloppy and sleepy. I don't have a headache, I don't have chills. Are you a little tired?

"Even though you have super recovery?

"Sometimes that happens. I'll go to the hospital if it goes on."

The tests at Cui's didn't show any strange numbers, nor does the medical examination of the seeker that JDA does seem to make any significant difference from the average person, and it would be okay to go to the hospital normally.

"Do so. Well, I'll leave the glass, so if I switch with Graysat, please set up the boot camp."

"Tell me to wake you up if you're asleep"

"Copy that. It seemed a little late today, so I think it's probably after 16: 00."


When the glass that came out of the shadow of Sancho jumped on the bed with our face, he sniffed my face. And then he stumbled into my shadow with a disgusting face.

"Huh? Me, stink?

"Nothing in particular? You can't take a shower or anything until the fever goes down."

Speaking of which, I had hypothesized that monsters aren't so developed in their sense of smell... so what the hell did Glass smell?

There was something caught in the corner of my thoughts, but I was so sleepy that I immediately traveled into my dreams again.

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