Thunder Martial

Vol 2 Chapter 1181: spider

Chong Hao climbed up the mountain and came to Ziyan's side. "What did you see?"

"A big guy, he's not slow, he's already gone."

Wu Zhonghao was one step late and never saw the big spider. All of this should be controlled by the other party.

However, this also indirectly proves that the number of these small spiders is not endless, or they will not be removed in the end.

In a blink of an eye, all the living spiders in the surrounding area were withdrawn, and the remains were all corpses, which almost filled most of the canyon.


"We are going to catch up and see?" Chonghao suggested.

Tong Zizhen nodded, he did have the idea.

With a stumbling shape, the group continued to move forward, and after walking out of the canyon, all the spiders disappeared.

Everyone is very fortunate in their hearts. Thanks to the presence of Aster, they can mobilize some of the power of the rules. Otherwise, it is almost difficult for everyone to come out of the canyon.

Once something inconspicuous once formed the scale, it was so terrible.

欧 Shan Ou from the Demon Race came out of a forest. He looked at the old man leaning on the rock, and there were three people sitting next to him.

"how is it?"

After seeing Shan Ou, the old man raised his eyelids, and the others became expectant.

Sheshan Ou shook her head. "Without success, the spiders have withdrawn."

The old man sniffed, "Withdraw? Are they also afraid?"

"I didn't dare to get too close, I was worried about being discovered by Ziyu, so I don't know what happened. After about half an hour of fighting, they withdrew."

Laoshan Ou said helplessly: "Perhaps I knew I was out of luck and didn't want to die like this."

"After the protectors come here, the control of the rules will be weakened a lot. Now that they can persist for half an hour, it proves that they have the opportunity to kill those people."

The old man thought for a while and said, "Is there a way to control more leaders?"

Shan Ou shook his head, "Absolutely impossible! What I can do is only affect some of its consciousness. It subtly follows my instructions. It is impossible to force a command. Moreover, I guess those leaders are also obedient to other existences, dare Take a risk. In case something goes wrong, it's impossible for us to leave. "

I have seen the embarrassment and horror of those spiders, but they have no confidence to stand opposite to those spiders.

A demon leader next to him said: "Once we could kill Chonghao and Hannv, he ran out to do good things for us. Unfortunately, we had a fight with King Gordon. Otherwise, we should find another demon. Can kill them all. "

Suddenly a light flashed in the mind of the old man, "Yeah, why not try this?"

Others are looking at the old man, not knowing what the other person thinks of.

The old man said to Shan Ou: "Are you sure, there may be a stronger presence behind? Control all of this?"

She Shanou shook her head uncertainly. "I dare not make a complete conclusion. It is very possible to rely on speculation."

"You can try it."

The old man said, "Let them go directly, sparking a fire between the two sides, and maybe we can sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, we can have some unexpected gains."

Others slightly stunned. I didn't expect the old man to want to use this method, and his expression changed all of a sudden.

Sheshan Ou did not immediately agree, "Is this appropriate? Now we still have an advantage, but once they are reunited, and with the addition of Ziyu, the situation will be very unfavorable to us."

Others also nodded, but this risk is not small.

The old man groaned for a moment and said, "This is only the worst plan, but you ignore the power of those spiders. Even if you are protected by purple lynx, those people will die more than half in the case of fierce fighting on both sides. If the big guys come forward, Perhaps there will be more dead people. This is not the case we expected, and it will really happen. Everyone, including Aster, will die here. "

"Compared to the worst case, if the best case is expected, it will be of great benefit to us. Maybe we can take this opportunity to find the secret to become a demon and advance to the devil in one fell swoop. territory."

After listening to the old man's words, everyone still had anxiety in their hearts, all of which are comparable to the ancient deities. Of course, they will not be rushed with blood and act impulsively because of a few words.

But after careful discussions, even after thinking about the worst and best results, everyone decided to give it a try.

Everything has a case.

What if it succeeds?

妗 "Sang Ye, how are you now?"

She sat there with her pale face, and blood continued to spill from the corners of her mouth.

Su Ninghua and others are guarding her, surrounded by spider corpses.

进入 After entering here, they encountered the siege of the spiders, and then moved forward while fighting, but they did not expect to be able to get rid of the spiders.

If there are not many people in the team, everyone can switch to each other for recovery, and they will not be able to persist for a long time.

But now that everyone has been injured, I can't hold it when I see it, so I pin my hopes on her, hope that she can use a unique method to help everyone find a way to live.

Wu Changyu was helpless. After coming here, Tianji was covered everywhere, and every time she deduced, she would encounter backwash.

Tianji is so vague that it doesn't seem real. Every snooping seems to be leaking, including pushing derivative machines for everyone at this moment.

Xun Ke just doesn't have any vitality, and it has been so many times.


After forcibly deducing again, Sang Yi coughed up a blood, and her face was paler. She pointed to one side and said, "Here, we kill from here. There is just a hint of vitality. But be quick, the opportunity will be fleeting. "

She stood up after adjusting her breath, and the next group guarded her and killed in that direction.

The spiders are still endless. This little guy who is very inconspicuous to the outside world has become a deadly threat.

The big spider ran away, Zi 宸 decided to follow up and see, never met other spiders along the way, as if all the spiders had disappeared in an instant.

During the sting, the white-haired mouse made suggestions. Since the spider has disappeared, is it possible to try to find an opportunity?

At this moment, the purple magpie felt the energy fluctuation again, and it was still a familiar energy fluctuation.

"There is fighting there, let's go and see."

The words of the aunt fell, and the amaranth swept forward.

异常 No one else has ever noticed the anomaly, including the cold girl.

They followed Ziyu and realized that something was wrong after walking for a long time.

From this we can see how powerful the purple magpie's perception is.

"It's Ninghua."

Xiao Zhonghao saw Ninghua and his party far away, so he shouted aloud.

宁 Ninghua in the battle, heard the voices look up, and saw the approaching hurricane.

Puppets were a huge threat to them, and they were quickly swept away by the hurricane.

Purple 宸 walked forward.

"Are you okay?" Ziyan came to the front and looked at everyone.

"It's okay, thank you for coming in time."

Sui Ninghua shook her head and had a lingering fear in her heart. The original line of vitality derived from the clothes was Ziyan them.

Others also felt like the rest of their lives, panting heavily.

The spiders who have never retreated, but quietly retreat after the cyanosis approaches.

The rustling sound that never stopped is finally gone.

Wu Zhonghao and Han Nu followed, and everyone's situation was not much better than before.

"It's weird. Those spiders who don't know where they came from never retreat, but now they see you but they retreat." Ning Hua looked at a few people, "What method did you use?"

"What about Meng Yao, Meng Yao? Why are you alone here?"

After the spiders left, the first to worry was the apprentice.

Qi Zizhen was very touched and responded politely: "Seniors please rest assured that Meng Yao is still refining the leader of Neidan, it is very safe. I came here to see."

"The leader's Nedan?"

Wu Chang's look changed slightly. "So, you broke through?"

Zixu nodded.

Wu Changyu said, "Did these spiders retreat because of you?"

Zi 宸 said, "Well, my ability here is limited, but I can still use some rules."

"Since some rules can be mobilized, that is also the rule, so you are still invincible here. No wonder the spider that could not be killed before was withdrawn. It turns out that you are truly invincible."

Su Ninghua then let go of her heart and said, "Shang Xiu, then you have to figure it out. Where is the chance to become a demon? With purple cricket in the team, no one should be able to **** us."

Wu Changyu's eyes darkened, "I'm afraid it can't be deduced. The backwash here is too big. It was not easy to find the vitality earlier."

Looking at the blame partner, Ning Hua hurriedly said, "It doesn't matter. As long as there is Ziyu here, even if we slowly find it, we can find the final opportunity."

Tong Zizhen looked at everyone who had little fighting power but was in high spirits, and said helplessly: "The priority is to recover. You should recover first. If the spiders come again, you will be in trouble."

"Are you in trouble? There is an invincible rule for you ~ ~ Even if the spiders appear, they are not here to kill them?" Ning Hua smiled slightly and seemed less concerned.

The rustling sound that had previously disappeared resounded, and this time it was more intense.

The spider that pulled back came back again, and soon reappeared in Shino and surrounded everyone.

The smile on Su Ninghua's face was solidified, and she could not wait for a few strokes on her face.

The face of Li Haocheng and others also became ugly, and these spiders are almost becoming their nightmare.

"You recover first, I'll deal with them."

Tong Zizhen looked at these nearby spiders, but his expression was not as easy as words. Going back and forth proved that they have the confidence, and it may not be easy to deal with them.

The four beasts consciously dispersed and were on alert.

Tong Zhonghao and Han Nu also stared in two directions to prevent accidents.

Hurricanes reappeared, appearing in all directions, swept away all the spiders around them.

The maggot spider landed, then continued on.

Hurricane appeared for the second time, this time a blade appeared in the wind, strangling all the spiders, leaving only dead bodies after landing.

Then, the hurricane appeared several times in a row, and each time no one stayed alive.

The perception of 宸 and 宸 is always on the lookout, carefully guarding.

A moment later, he found out that his expression had changed.

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