Chapter 544 Endless! (please subscribe for support!)

Khosla did feel a breath of danger, so he was so irritable.

It is of course not a trivial matter to make him feel dangerous.

What he can think of is the ancient beasts before, which naturally includes the blue dragon.

Looking at him with an angry face, those people stayed away. This guy is bloodthirsty. Even if he is not crazy, there are not a few people who die in his hands, not to mention that he is now in a crazy period.

Khosla’s eyes gradually calmed down, and he roared, “Bring me all over.”

Hearing what he said, the human beings looked at each other. Although they were unwilling, they had to walk over.

Khosla stared at them and ordered: “You immediately send people to look for other evolutionary beasts. If you find something powerful, notify me immediately.”


Now, everyone knows, why is he going crazy~.

After all, it has been more than four years since the aura has recovered, and human beings have some understanding of the evolutionary beasts. They will be like this, it must be because they have sensed the crisis.

As strong as Khosla, he will still feel a sense of crisis.What is it that has such a powerful force?

Humans are very curious, and Khosla is also very curious.

No matter how Khosla guessed, he could not think that Lin Feng would bring him a sense of crisis. After all, in his eyes, Lin Feng is just a cub, not worth mentioning.

Only those ancient beasts can compete with him.

“If you find a powerful evolution beast, let me know.” Khosla rolled his eyes.

Here. Lin Feng has been absorbing the power emanating from the iron chain, and he doesn’t know how long he has stayed here.

It’s just that the power keeps coming up, and he keeps absorbing it.

He didn’t even have time to digest, and he tried to wake up, but he couldn’t.

This shocked him.

Could it be that I can’t wake up unless I absorb the power here?

Although the power here is endless, being able to absorb it is indeed a good thing. But he was not sure, in reality, whether he could also get this power.

Moreover, if it takes a long time, and Khosla finds him, and he is still asleep, it will definitely die.

Thinking about it, it’s still a bit worried, but it’s useless to worry. There is only this that can be done.

He worked hard to absorb the radiated power, wanting to end it all as soon as possible.

0-Look for flowers…

Power entered Lin Feng’s body, and Lin Feng only felt very hot all over. There seems to be a feeling of explosion.

Fortunately, his current control of power is almost perfect, and he can deal with it in time, which prevents him from exploding.

Of course, these powers seem to understand his difficulties, so after he absorbs them to a certain extent, they will stop.

Give him some time to digest.

In the bamboo forest, the panda stayed silently on Lin Feng and chewed on bamboo shoots.

Although it has become a super-evolved beast, it is not necessary to eat.

But in Panda’s view, eating is the happiest thing, so he will not give up.

He glanced at Lin Feng, who was shining all over, and he continued to gnaw the bamboo shoots.

“It looks like you had a good dream.”

The power is like the tide, soaking Lin Feng in it.

Whenever politely crosses his shin, his whole body is in pain.

Lin Feng only feels that the body seems to be swelling, which is also in line with the characteristics of evolutionary beasts.

The stronger, the bigger the body.

He lowered his head and glanced at his paw, which was twice as big as before. Knife.

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