Chapter 826 Friends (please subscribe for support!)

Of course Lin Feng couldn’t waste time teaching these two guys all the time.

It was just a careful plan, and finally selected one of the people not far away, and brought these two guys who had not dared to speak easily, and came to this person’s side.

The person selected by Lin Feng is a middle-aged man who seems to be getting older.

I don’t know if it’s because of the hardships in the base that the man looks young.

But the surrounding area has been dyed with wind and frost, and even the hair has begun to show some gray marks.

Obviously, after the resurrection of the earth’s aura 01, the physique of many ordinary people has been improved. Researchers in the research room have conducted research on people with no abilities early on.

After all, there are only a few who have supernatural powers in the research room, and most of them are normal ordinary people.

After Lin Feng invited this group of researchers back to his sect, he soon got a message from these people.

Even ordinary people who are incapable, after these special changes.

The physique and all aspects will be greatly enhanced, and even evolution is not an exaggeration.

When these evolutions are obtained, the age of human beings will gradually extend, but there are too few samples available for research, and the data obtained is not particularly accurate.

The age of mankind, which can be calculated from existing data, can already be extended to hundreds of years old.

Of course, this is just a rough calculation by these guys.

Now that it has been greatly improved, it can still appear to be so tortured.Lin Feng did it next to this man, and when he looked at his tired face, he couldn’t help but sigh slightly. .

The man is probably one of the people in this group who still barely maintains a little vitality. When he saw Lin Feng sitting next to him, his eyes moved slightly.

Soon, he slowly supported his body and sat up blankly.

“You are the ones who just came to this base, right?”

Lin Feng nodded, he could feel that the other party was already hungry and was about to faint, and he didn’t dare to take out the things in his hand easily.

Even if he has the ability to feed the people in front of him, he does not have the ability to feed all the people around the entire base, in order to avoid unnecessary disputes.

Even looking at the haggard look of the opposite person. Lin Feng didn’t say much in the end.

“This base will be over soon. What are you doing here at this time? It’s better to go to other places earlier, now this world is so chaotic.”

“You should all be capable people, why continue to waste here?”

Lin Feng shook his head 320 and looked at the man in front of him: “Just leave you here in this place. Has the leader in this base really come to take care of it?”

Hearing this, it was as if he heard some joke, a sarcasm flashed across the man’s expression, and finally he shook his head.

“What can they care about? No people drove us out of this place. It should be the last kindness of these so-called leaders.

“Who could have imagined that in such a short period of time, the whole city became what it is now. We are just a group of ordinary people who can do nothing.”

“What do you want to do when you come here? You can’t get anything from me, I have nothing left.”

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