As a vampire, she craved blood now.

Looking at the adventurers in front of them who were fleeing because of fear, he smiled: "There is still a lot of food!!"

Countless wailing, resentful screams, and desperate cries are constantly echoing...

At the same time, a capable and neat team appeared in front.

There are three male warriors in the front, each wearing different equipment, but at least they all wear scale armor made of many scales, with a drawn weapon in one hand, and a large shield on the back.

Following behind was a red-haired female warrior in rope armor.

Protected by the team at the back was a man with a staff in simple attire, probably a magic caster.

Next to him was a faith-based magic caster who wore a priest's uniform over his armor and had a flame-shaped holy seal hanging around his neck.

All the six men and women showed shocked expressions when they saw Shalltear who was brutally killing them in front of them, but they still raised their vigilance without panic. This was a reaction accumulated from experience.

If Sun Wukong was here, he would definitely sigh with emotion, this Shalltear still couldn't escape the arrangement of fate, and still met this group of people.

Chapter Thirty-Five

"Hee hee hee - I found a new prey again!" Shalltear naturally saw the six people in front of her, and immediately showed a very happy smile.

The thought circuit that has been gradually dyed red makes her show more fanatical killing intent.

The six people in front of her are just food, and she can see at a glance that such a level does not pose any threat at all.

"Then, what do you want me to do with you?" Shalltear looked at the six of them with a look of anticipation in her red eyes, and gave each other a sinister smile.

A look of astonishment appeared on the face of the magic caster. This kind of evil spirit that made the hair stand on end was probably the only one he had ever seen in his life, and his face instantly stiffened: "This kind of pupil... the other party is very likely to be a vampire! Only silver weapons. Or magic weapons are effective, you can't win! Retreat! Don't look her in the eyes!"

"Retreat? Don't! Just play with others for a while!" Shalltear let out a wicked smile, and she turned into a phantom and broke into the battle of the six. With a single stroke of her sharp nails, a striker was instantly killed by her. , the blood from the neck spurted out like a jet of water.

Shalltear, who stepped into the blood frenzy, couldn't hold back the urge to kill, completely smash, smash into pieces, and be covered in blood. She gasped for breath in a disorderly manner, and a lot of bubbles had accumulated on the corners of her mouth, but maybe it was because of Sun Wukong before. The relationship that helped her restore her original appearance, and now she has not recovered her body, but her cute face looks extremely hideous.

"Anti-evil defense!"

"Low-level spiritual defense!"

In a split second, a forward warrior made the expressions of the remaining five people change greatly. Two of the magic casters immediately cast defensive magic on the remaining warriors in front.

"Don't fight recklessly, retreat!!"

Judging from Shalltear's skill as a forward warrior, the vampire's skill is definitely not something they can handle, so the person in the priest's uniform immediately ordered it.

However, how could they escape in front of Shalltear?

At this time, Shalltear didn't have any plans to play around, she felt unhappy and wanted to vent, and with the bloodthirsty and irritability of the blood frenzy, she almost started killing without holding back.

The delicate body flashed, the cold light and claws shone, and the warrior in front had no ability to resist at all, but his claws pierced the throat...

"Monster!! This is a monster!!"

Less than a minute into the battle, two companions fell, and the rest of the dead exclaimed with fear on their faces.

However, such a frightened exclamation aroused Shalltear's slaughtering nature. The blood-red eyes revealed bloodthirsty excitement, and the slender hand stretched out, piercing the shield, smashing the armor, ignoring the magic defense, piercing the skin, muscles, Bone, grabbed the beating heart in his hand, and took it out in one breath.

Such a substantial touch made Shalltear show a sinister smile and activate magic: "Create undead."

The warrior who lost his heart slowly stood up and turned into a zombie of the lowest rank undead monster.

Then, Shalltear put her hand into the blood clot floating on her head again, and there was a throbbing blood clot in her hand - a fake heart, and threw it towards the zombie's body.

The blood clot squirmed like a worm, twisting its shape and sliding into the zombie's body. In an instant, the zombie's body moved. After the whole body spasmed several times, the appearance began to change slowly.

As if all the water in the body had evaporated, the skin became like dry bark, and sharp claws and protruding canine teeth grew. Before long, the undead in front of him could no longer be called zombies.

Seeing the birth of a low-level vampire, the remaining four shouted in shock, "Impossible! I have never heard of such a vampire who can use such high-level magic without paying a price!"

"The facts are in front of you, don't panic! Deal with it calmly!" The priest said so, but it was obvious that he was already panicking: "You buy me a little time, just a little bit!"

"Hehehehe~~ A little bit?" Shalltear let out a strange evil laugh, and with a flick of her figure, she appeared in front of Shen Guang, then grabbed one of his hands, and rudely adjusted it. The root was torn off, and for a while, the screams and mourning continued.

"That's right—!! That's how it should be!! Hahaha~~~!" Shalltear let out a series of happy laughter, and this kind of laughter caused fear and chills in the bottom of my heart.

While Shalltear was laughing wildly, a silver weapon suddenly stabbed at Shalltear's heart!

Shalltear's eyes widened, and her violent and disgusting breath was released. She grabbed the silver weapon and stabbed the man's body with a backhand: "Hehehe~~ hehehe~~ I won't let mere humans anymore. It hurts me!!"

There were six people, and there were only three people left.

"Win... can't win!!"

Shalltear's ferocity and strength displayed frightened the opponent to collapse.

But the fact was that, if one had to describe it, these six people were weak bugs in front of Shalltear.

The fingernails waved, and they took the lives of the two unceremoniously, only the female warrior was still lingering.

Just when Shalltear raised her hand and wanted to kill the last person, Shalltear suddenly felt that her heart became blank, as if some of her thoughts had disappeared. She couldn't understand what was going on. , Shalltear was extremely shocked when she realized what had happened to her, even as an undead, she still felt a sense of fear.

That's -- mind control! !

As an undead, she should be completely resistant to mind control, but her mind is still controlled. She desperately wants to leave a hatred in her gradually whitening heart, and countless worst situations pass through her mind. But still can not resist the terrible control.

Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw twelve figures appear on the left side, especially the thing held by the old woman in the back, which made her instantly understand the source of control: "It's her!! Yah! "

Screaming of disgust, Shalltear's whole body was transformed into a gorgeous outfit, and in an instant she was dressed as a Valkyrie.

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