Evelyn snorted coldly, the smaller body was slashing, and it instantly turned into a black light, dodging around the huge soles of the dragon king of the coffin, and the unpleasant screams of the zombies could be heard from time to time. , the hideous zombies were disintegrated and blown down by the death light magic blade in a brutal way.

In just a moment, the giant legs of the dead coffin dragon king composed of zombies and undead were cut off, but he had six legs, but it was not enough to lose his balance.

"Good! So strong!!"

Lahagis and the other women were all stunned. They still knew something about Evileye's strength. She is a magic caster, so how could a tight attack be so powerful?The auxiliary magic that Lord Goku cast on her actually endows her with such terrifying strength?

"Lord Wukong, what was the magic just now?" Jue Ding Ding also looked curious, making a magic caster with the strength of a warrior, and Sun Wukong's methods shocked her again.

Sun Wukong: "The power beyond class, the protection of God."

"Power beyond class?!" Albedo and the others looked at Sun Wukong with admiration and admiration: "As expected of Lord Wukong, he still has such powerful auxiliary magic!"

"This person... is very dangerous!!" The Platinum Dragon King Char had a solemn expression on his face, and Sun Wukong just showed such a magic, and it scared him.

Chapter [-]: Evileye vs Dragon King

[God's Protection] is terrifying, and the platinum dragon king Charles can see it at a glance. It is such a powerful and incredible skill to upgrade a magic caster in the hero field to the strength that can fight the dragon king in close quarters. what!

You must know that the physical strength of a magic caster is no different from that of ordinary people, and at most it is a little stronger.

Char is very aware of the strength of the Rotten Coffin Dragon King. He is as high as level [-]. This is like strengthening an ordinary human to be comparable to a level [-] Dragon King. This auxiliary magic has such an inverse effect. day effect.

Doesn't this mean that as long as he is there, even ordinary humans can compete with the Dragon King?

At the thought of this possibility, Char felt a chill.

Moreover, I don't know whether this magic is a single body, or it can act on more than one number. If it is the latter, Char only feels that all the scales on his body are erected, which is really terrible. Who can sanction?If you arbitrarily apply [God's Blessing] to a few humans, wouldn't it be possible to push the world horizontally.

"Such a terrifying effect, it should only be a single person, right?" Char can only think so at the moment, after all, the more terrifying the magic, the greater the limit, especially the number of castings and the cooling time.

"[God's Protection]... It's really amazing magic!" The Dragon King of the Coffin - Cure Elimo Losmowa naturally heard Sun Wukong's answer, and couldn't help but exclaimed, he was also stunned by this The terrifying effect was shocking.

"However, it just so happens that since I condensed this body, I haven't shown it in front of the world. Today, it's time to test its strength."

The voice of the rotten coffin dragon king reverberated. Although he was startled by Sun Wukong's magic, he did not show the slightest fear or panic. He was still so calm and calm. As a dragon king, he was confident that he would never face anyone. failed.

The coffin dragon king moved, the huge body looked a bit clumsy, raised his left front foot, and stepped on it towards Evileye's position.

From Evileye's point of view, it was like a mountain was smashing down towards him, and the speed was so fast that it almost landed in the blink of an eye.

She hurriedly stretched out her body, dodged to the side, and with a roar of 'bang rumbling', the soles of the dead coffin dragon king stepped on the ground, the ground trembled violently like an earthquake, and cracked like a spider web to the surrounding spread.

Although Evileye was not stepped on, she was shocked by the aftershocks, and she almost groaned. She almost fell unsteadily and fell to the ground. She avoided the cracked earth several times in a row. With the coffin dragon king, this unparalleled terrifying power brought her great pressure, even if she avoided it, she would be injured by aftershocks.

"What's the matter? Vampire girl, do you only have this level?" The dragon king of the coffin made a deafening sound, and something thick and long like tentacles suddenly stretched out from his forelimbs. They opened their mouths and bit Yi Yi. villelie.

Rao is that Evileye, who has seen a lot of the world, saw this situation, and felt disgusting for a while, but what surprised her was that the one that was connected like a rope and bit her was not an ordinary zombie. But dragons, zombie dragons.

The speed of the zombie dragon's bite is very fast, and the range is also very large. It is not as good as Evileye to dodge. She can only instinctively make a move, and a magical barrier is in front of her, and the zombie dragon bites at it. On the magic barrier, there was a screeching sound, but the magic barrier remained motionless.

"This, this? Has my magic been strengthened?" Evileye couldn't help but be overjoyed after being shocked. She thought [God's Blessing] only gave her the power to fight in close quarters, but she didn't expect that even her The power of magic was also strengthened at the same time.

"It's amazing! Even the magic has been strengthened!" Lahasi exclaimed in amazement. They could feel the terrifying power of the zombie dragon's bite from far away, but they didn't expect it to be cast by Evileye in an emergency. The defensive magic of the Lord Wukong has been resisted, and this auxiliary magic of Lord Wukong is simply against the sky.

"It turned out to be—all-round improvement?!!" The Platinum Dragon King Char was even more shocked at this moment. Before, he seemed to have underestimated the power of this auxiliary magic.

"Since that's the case..." Evileye's eyes were bright. When dealing with zombies, the Holy Light type was the best, but unfortunately she couldn't, so she had to choose the lightning type magic. After all, the lightning type magic has a little effect on the zombies. of restraint.

"Flash thunder!"

Evileye pointed it out, and saw a blazing thunder light spurting out from her fingertips, clattering, and hitting the zombie dragon. Amidst the thunder and lightning, the zombie dragon let out a shrill roar, and was instantly struck by electricity. A charred black, powerless decline to the ground.

"Okay, what a powerful power!!" Evileye herself was surprised by the magical power she unleashed. The zombie dragons were not low at first glance, and even more blessed by the coffin dragon king. A second-order magic was given in an instant, and the [God's Blessing] that Lord Goku cast on her was so powerful.

"Uh~~" The Dragon King of the Coffin made a heavy sound, and seemed a little surprised. The zombies he controlled were all undead, with the characteristics of immortality, but he didn't expect the magic of Evileye to be electrocuted. Can't recover?Finally, he felt a little threatened.

But it's just a little threat, so what if it can be killed?The zombies he controls are not just a little over [-], but more. In this kingdom of death he created, all zombies and undead can be used by him.

If you can kill dozens, hundreds, or thousands of them, can you kill tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions?Just the number, he is already invincible.

Evileye raised the dead light magic blade in his hand, and a group of lightning flashed, smashing on the huge body of the dead coffin dragon king, taking away pieces of zombies and falling like rain.

However, the result was just as the Rotten Coffin Dragon King thought, the huge number had an absolute advantage, and the zombies and undead were wiped out, and they were immediately replaced by new zombies and undead. All attacks were unsuccessful.

"This is the end of the joke. These are the undead that I have worked so hard to accumulate, but I can't be spoiled by you so casually." The dragon king of the coffin made an indifferent voice, and Evileye felt a touch of it in an instant. Dangerous volatility spreads.

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Soul Killing Breath

Dangerous aura emanated from the body of the rotten coffin dragon king, and the undead at his chest moved to spread out in all directions, revealing a huge void. In the void, a pair of eyes like the fire of the soul can be clearly seen. .

"Is that the main body?" Evileye's expression was solemn, and she could clearly sense that the dangerous fluctuation was emanating from that void.

"That's..." Sun Wukong, who was watching the battle, suddenly stood up. He really didn't expect that this rotten coffin dragon king played cards so unreasonably, and he was not forced into a desperate situation, but he was about to use his own trick.

The real dragon king has some kind of powerful power, especially Cure Elimu is also strengthening this power while preparing for the player, which is the reason why he has become like this.

Origin magic is the powerful power that every true dragon king can use, and Cure Elimu's Origin magic is the most vicious among the dragon kings, comparable to the twenty-one world-class props - the slayer The spear is an indefensible power that can make the contacted soul fly away, "Soul Breath!!"

A heavy voice resounded, and the ferocious ultimate power was spit out from the mouth of the Dragon King's body, devouring everything he passed.

"Damn!!" The Platinum Dragon King's complexion changed greatly, and he couldn't help shouting angrily: "Cure Elimu, do you want to kill me too?"

Without any hesitation, the Platinum Dragon King Char dodged in front of Ligulet and protected her with his body.

The Platinum Dragon King is very aware of the terrifying magic of Siyuan, the Dragon King of the Dead Coffin. He must do his best to protect his old friend Ligulit. After all, he is not the body now. If it is destroyed, it will be destroyed. At most, a little injury is not enough. fatal.

Growing up to this point, the Dragon King of the Coffin has never fought with a character of his own strength. This is not because he is cowardly, but because his wisdom tells him that he is an invincible opponent.

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