"Sure enough, is it impossible to leave safely..." Jiuyao sighed, this is not surprising, from the moment she decided to make a move, she had already made this kind of consciousness, and that woman How could someone as mysterious and unpredictable as the master let her get away so easily.

"Hehehe~~ Here's another one!" Shalltear looked at Jiuyao, her eyes flashing dangerously, but with a smile on her face: "You used a world-class item just now, right? It's so easy. I just unlocked the sealing barrier set up by the Eternal Tribulation Snake Ring, it seems very good, so let's stay with it!"

Saying that, Shalltear directly used her special skill—the Bloodthirsty Spear, which was evolved from the special skill Clean Throwing Spear after she broke through the level limit.

The effect of the clean throwing gun is: consume MP, summon a giant three-meter war god gun, and give it a sure hit effect, making it impossible for people to dodge.

The upgraded and evolved version of the Destruction Bloodthirsty Gun has evolved into a special and exclusive gun skill, which can only be used when holding a gun. While inheriting its inevitable effect, it can also convert [-]% of the damage caused to restore its own blood volume. .

Once the skill is used, the slaughtering spear in Shalltiya's hand is wrapped in a layer of rich blood-colored halo, which looks extremely gorgeous and exaggerated, and the body floats autonomously. She could barely react.

And this is the attribute that must be hit. It's so fast that you can't react in time. Once locked, even if you leave with teleportation magic, the caster will also teleport away together until you hit the target.


There is no doubt that Shalltear's shot directly hit Jiuyao's heart, but there was a sound of gold and iron symphony, and the violent force made her take a half step back and stabilize her figure.

If this is a game, then there will be a 'miss' font floating on Jiuyao's head at this moment, yes, under this powerful blow, she did not receive any damage.

Not to mention her own defense power has already overwhelmed Shalltear's attack power. When she made the move, she was even more prepared. All the defensive skills that she could perform were blessed by her, even the World Tree. She used the absolute defense her heart had on her body, just to prevent all accidents from happening. With such exaggerated preparations, it was no wonder Shalltear could deal damage.

The full-strength blow did not cause any substantial damage, which made Shatiya frown involuntarily. Just as she was about to withdraw and retreat, she suddenly saw Jiuyao's probe grabbing the slayer's spear and said indifferently: "The slaughter's spear should also be It's back to its original owner."

"Return everything to the original owner?" Shalltear heard the words, her face suddenly became angry and twisted: "This is the token of love that Lord Wukong bestowed on his concubine, you should stop talking about it here!!"

"When did it become a token of love?" Sun Wukong was silent by the side.

Shalltear's left hand exploded with blood and smashed directly in front of Jiuyao - blood rage!

Jiuyao hummed softly, and the violent air wave burst out from her body instantly. It actually formed a substantial air wall and forced Shalltiya to fly out, and the hand holding the gun was released because of this, ruthless. He fell hard and fell to the ground, seemingly suffering a lot.

"My slaughtering spear!!" Almost at the moment when she fell to the ground, Shalltear jumped up and let out a harsh scream, completely disregarding her injuries, and rushed towards Jiuyao like a lunatic. How could someone else take away the 'token of love' given to her by Lord Wukong.

"Shalltear." Seeing that Shalltear had gone berserk with anger, Sun Wukong said indifferently.

"Hey~~ Lord Wukong!" Shalltear was stunned for a moment, and regained some sense of reason, and stared at Jiuyao with bloody eyes: "Please give me some time, I will definitely use the slaughtering spear. Take it back!"

"Go back, she, you can't win."

"Uh~ Yes!" Shalltear retreated behind Sun Wukong without any hesitation: "But the slayer's spear..."

"Don't worry, I will help you get it back." Sun Wukong patted Shalltiya's head with a smile, stepped forward and looked at Jiu Yao: "I remember you, last time, you wanted to take it from me. Take this trophy?"

"So you still remember me!" Jiu Yao looked serious and did not dare to relax at all: "Then, you should also know that this slaughtering spear was originally given to the undead enchantress by me, and now, it is just a return to the original owner. ."

"Hehe~~ Returning to the original owner?" Sun Wukong smiled lightly: "You really dare to say that these props do not belong to anyone in the first place, their ownership has always been - whoever grabs it belongs to whoever is. ."

"Then, it's in my hands now, so it's mine." Jiuyao looked at Sun Wukong. Although he was afraid, he didn't show any timidity on the surface.

"No, it's not yours." Sun Wukong smiled indifferently, stretched out his right hand, and the slaughtering spear that Jiu Yao held tightly in his hand suddenly appeared in his hand.

"!! When...?!!" Jiuyao's face changed greatly, how did she take away the things in her hands, she didn't even feel at all?The chill in my heart is even stronger.

"It's very shameful to be taken away by someone, so don't be taken away next time." Sun Wukong handed the slaughtering spear to Shalltear.

"Yes, I'm sorry, the concubine has embarrassed you." Shalltear took the slayer's spear with a face of shame.

Sun Wukong rubbed Shalltear's head and comforted: "You don't need to care so much, after all, losing to the "Nine Lights World Devourer" is not a shameful thing."

""Nine Lights World Devouring Demon"?" Albedo landed on Sun Wukong's side with a puzzled look on his face: "What is that?"

As created NPCs, if there is no corresponding information, it is natural for them not to know the existence of world-class bosses.

Sun Wukong: "World-class props are all transformed from the leaves of the World Tree. I have already told you about this, and the "Nine Lights World Devourer" is a world-class monster that evolved by eating the leaves of the World Tree."

Hearing the words, Evel opened her eyes in astonishment: "That is to say, she has swallowed countless world-class props? My God!!"

This kind of Arabian Nights-like background is as exaggerated as listening to heavenly books.

"No, I didn't expect this guy to be such a monster!!" Shalltear and the others were all shocked.

Chapter [-]: All staff dispatched

Shalltear's originally unhappy heart suddenly improved a lot, and losing to such a monster was really not a shameful thing.

Sun Wukong looked at Jiuyao: "However, I'm very curious, you should be the second generation "Nine Lights World Devourer", right? You can't beat the "Nine Lights World Devourer" with your previous strength, who helped you defeat it? "Nine Lights World Devouring Demon"?"

"This has nothing to do with you." Jiuyao looked at Sun Wukong, his face was indifferent, but his heart was full of vigilance. She naturally didn't mention anything about the adult.

"Really." Sun Wukong smiled and didn't care: "But I should be able to guess the general situation, but what makes me curious is that I can't detect her specific location, which is a bit of a concern. , how did she evade my detection?"

This dimensional world cannot escape his investigation, even the lord of one world has nothing to hide. Sun Wukong is sure that the person behind Jiuyao must be the lord of one world, but what makes him feel strange is that he cannot detect It's a bit strange to see the existence of the Lord of the World. He is clearly in this world, but he can't detect it. He has never encountered such a thing before.

"Could it be that the Diversified World Lord gave her some magical powers that didn't work?" Sun Wukong rubbed his chin and mused: "Or, what special abilities does she have?"

Seeing that Sun Wukong was silent, Albedo couldn't help but grabbed his arm and said softly, "Master Wukong, why are you so distressed, as long as you arrest her and interrogate her well, you will definitely know everything. It's over."

"I'm not worried, just thinking about something." Sun Wukong smiled, looked at Jiu Yao, and said, "But you're right, you really need to get some useful information from her."

"Then, let us capture her together!" Albedo looked at Jiuyao with both eyes, her gentle expression was gone, and she was replaced by a piece of ice cold. At the same time, she took out a scroll and tore it open directly. It swept out from the scroll in an instant, forming a black teleportation. All the guardians of Nazarick's stratum and the guardians of the realm came out of it one by one, and they exuded a terrifying and evil aura, which made people feel Fearful nausea, chills all over the body.

At first glance, these monsters are not good people, but wicked people.

Evileye looked at the figures walking out of the portal, and her eyes widened in shock. In the past, seeing a monster of this level was enough to shock the world, but now, it's just a group of them With that wicked aura that exudes, why is she not only not disgusted, but has a feeling of blood boiling?Is it because she is also a vampire?She is no longer human at heart?

Lahas and the others were all swallowing their saliva with difficulty. Although they had already seen Nazarick's horror, the sight of all [-]-level personnel dispatching them still startled them. What I saw in Nazarick was just the tip of the iceberg. There were so many top [-] experts in Nazarick.

Such a terrifying force, ruling the world, is really just a matter of words!

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