Jinbei’s words reminded Nami of the past, the fishmen’s invasion of Cocosia Village, the suppressed villagers, the dead people, the unaffordable “head gold”…

That frightening and helpless laughter, with ridicule, contempt, and hatred…

At a young age, she was introduced to hell with this terrifying laughter.

Aaron killed her favorite and most respected benefactor and mother. In the years that followed, she was on the verge of life and death for a long time, as well as her mother’s smile before she died, and her daily routine. Facing that hateful face…

Nami came back to her senses and looked at Jinbei in surprise. Could this guy in front of her have the same dangerous thoughts as Aaron?

With all kinds of doubts and cold sweat, Nami looked at Jinbei for a while and couldn’t help but ask: “Jinbei, what’s going on? You said you released Aaron to the East China Sea?”

Jinbe replied: “Well, yes!”

Sanji lit up a cigarette and said: “Jinbei, isn’t this the shady story of you secretly manipulating Aaron’s actions? If you want to defend yourself, I will listen carefully. But please pay attention to you. Such words, because the beautiful navigator in front of you – Miss Nami, her hometown is the island dominated by Aaron!”

Jinbei was immediately shocked!

Seeing Jinbei stunned, Sanji continued: “The suffering she suffered is beyond words. If you don’t have a satisfactory answer, I will never forgive you.”

Hachi, who was lying on the side, sat up and said, “Mr. Jinbei, what he said is true. We caused that girl pain that no amount of apology can make up for.”

Nami, who had been silent on the side, had many fragments flashing through her mind, including sunshine, green grass, oranges, Bellumel smoking a cigarette, Nochigo, the townspeople…

Everything that was originally beautiful was ruined by that man named Aaron!

Looking at Nami’s expression of beauty and pain, Jinbei said: “It seems that you have suffered a lot.”

Sanji immediately shouted: “You guy, don’t talk like it’s none of your business!”

“Hey.” Sighing, Nami suddenly said: “No matter what happens, I will not have any sympathy for Aaron now. Just like that guy Lin Hai said, doing evil is evil. If it becomes a fact, there will be consequences.”

As she spoke, Nami raised her head and asked, “When I passed through the Shampoo Islands two years ago, I didn’t expect that the murlocs were in this kind of situation. Such powerful murlocs have been persecuted by humans…”

As the chat progressed, Jinbei introduced the history of the fishmen to everyone.

Two hundred years ago, Fishman Island joined the World Government as a member country, but it was still classified as a fish, and its situation did not change much. It was either oppressed or some young mermaids were kidnapped…

Among them, those who meet their needs are naturally the Tianlong people!

During this process, two great figures appeared on the Fish-Man Island, Fisher Tiger, who rescued the slaves, and Princess Otohime, who called for peaceful coexistence between fish-men and humans. They were both working for the peace between fish-men and humans. Work together and work together.

Everything was originally going in a good direction. Just over ten years ago, Fisher Tiger couldn’t let go of his hatred for humans because he had been a slave to the Draco for several years. In addition, while escorting a human child back home, he was betrayed by the villagers. As a result, he bled excessively from his injuries. Fisher Tiger refused human blood!

The fishmen who witnessed Fisher Tiger’s death, in order to preserve Fisher Tiger’s reputation, lied that humans did not give Fisher Tiger a blood transfusion, causing him to die in battle.

It was here that some fish-men who hated humans, such as Aaron, took advantage of this and took advantage of this to take revenge on humans.

At that time, Jinbei was still in grief and didn’t think deeply. He couldn’t imprison Aaron by his side or kill him, right?

Of course, Jinbei, who had nothing to do with Aaron, decided to let him go. If he received news that Aaron had done something evil, Jinbei would naturally stop him…

During this period, young Hody and others lived in Fishman Street, which turned into a black zone due to management and other reasons.

The fishmen who live there hear the news of the persecution of the fishmen every day, as well as the rise of the Sun Pirates founded by Fisher Tiger, who are respected as heroes!

Hodi and others, who have admired heroes since childhood, have long listened to the people’s worship of heroes in Fishman Street, which makes them also yearn to become heroes. Therefore, the abnormal ideas of Hody and others also sprouted from it and went straight to the extreme…

On the other side, Princess Otohime has the power to listen to all things, and when she hears

The voice of the people has been overturned. If the fish people are allowed to live in hatred, the future of the fish people will be ruined.

Therefore, she works hard every day to appeal to the public to treat human beings with a positive and tolerant heart.

Of course, the road was difficult, and Princess Otohime received a lot of anger from the fish people every day, but Princess Otohime still restrained herself. Only after returning home, she vented her confusion by crying and turned her unhappiness to herself. Husband complains…

Otohime works hard like this day after day, year after year. Until one day, Otohime, who was calling on people to coexist with humans, was shot and killed. The person who shot her was a human!

This has also become a flash point of conflict…

Let me ask, after so much has happened, who among the grumpy people of Fish-Man Island can sit down and talk calmly to humans?

As Jinbei spoke eloquently, everyone couldn’t help but sigh.

As for the Straw Hats, Jinbei planned to bet the future of Fish-Man Island on them, so he sent a message before not to fight with Hody…

After saying that, Jinbei, who was sitting on the ground, looked directly at Nami and said: “Aaron, who made your hometown suffer, is my younger brother. We originally planned to rush there as soon as that guy caused trouble, no matter where he was. It’s just that Aaron bribed the nearby navy so that the news could not be conveyed to the navy headquarters, which ultimately made you and many people suffer!”

After saying that, Jinbei knelt on the ground and said, “I feel deeply guilty!”

Nami couldn’t help but be stunned, and Sanji stood up and said: “That’s it, then go ahead and commit seppuku. Even so, you are an unpardonable sin, but at least it can give Miss Nami some comfort in her heart.”

“Shut up Sanji!” Nami said.

Sanji said very unhappy: “Why? When I think of what they did to Miss Nami in the past…”

Nami raised her hand and said, “These are two different things. After listening to his explanation, this person has no malicious intentions at all, right?”

Jinbei said: “As long as it can eliminate the hatred in your heart, I am willing to accept any punishment.”

If Lin Hai were here, he would definitely scold Jinbei. This guy is too serious. Nowadays, Jinbei is a very important person to Fishman Island. No matter how much Nami hates her, she doesn’t dare to let Jinbe commit seppuku, right?


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