The atmosphere between the Straw Hats and the Navy became depressing, and they would often start fighting if they disagreed.

Luo, who was among the Straw Hats, was also anxious because his identity was still the Shichibukai and it was difficult for him to get involved with the navy. If we don’t take action and let the Navy capture the Straw Hats, all subsequent plans will be ruined!

At this time, Lin Hai glanced at Luo and quietly motioned for Luo to take some of the people away first.

General Kizaru and Luffy looked at each other for a while, and then looked at Lin Hai with interest. This young man could actually fight him for several rounds without losing. Although he didn’t use his full strength at the time, it was enough to make him Kizaru was surprised.

“Well, Huaxia D. Lin Hai.” Huang Yuan raised his eyebrows and said: “Facing me, what do you have the time to say about me? Do you think you don’t take me seriously?”

“Ah?” Lin Hai stepped forward quickly and laughed, “What a big battle. General Kizaru, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, Lieutenant General Dauberman, that…”

Although he had seen them before, Lin Hai could not remember the names of so many people and said instinctively: “Who is that one?”

“Asshole.” Stierres shook his beard and said, “I am Lieutenant General Stierres of the Navy Headquarters.”

“Yes, yes.” Lin Hai replied: “Lieutenant General Stierres, that mustache of yours is really handsome. Are you preparing to fight the four emperors of the New World with such a large army? Do you want our help? ?”

Everyone couldn’t help but twitch their eyes.

Kizaru shook his head slightly and said: “Be more serious, Sleeping God Lin Hai, haven’t you figured out the current situation?”

After a pause, Kizaru continued: “Pirates, do you want to follow us to the underwater prison now, or do you want us to capture you and take you away?”

“Bah.” Luffy said with a look of disgust on his face: “Whoever wants to go there with you, I still have very important things to do, the Pirate King, I’m determined.”


Whether it was the navy or other people in the Straw Hats, they were all speechless. Was this flag set again?

“How dare you speak so shamelessly in front of me.” General Kizaru put his right hand on the upper right, and drew his left hand from the right to the left, and a laser sword appeared in his hand.

Immediately, those who knew that their strength was not enough withdrew from the battlefield.

In the field, Lin Hai, Luffy, Zoro, Sanji and the opposite lieutenant general and general confronted each other.

Luffy muttered: “We had enough of running away two years ago. If we choose to run away again when we encounter an admiral, how can we become the pirate king?”

“What a shameless statement.” Dauberman pulled out his sword, which was wrapped with the power of thunder. He looked at the main straw hats and said: “You don’t have to go sailing anymore, we will send you all to the undersea prison.” .”

Zoro pulled out three knives, “Let’s see if you have this ability.”

Luffy clenched his fist and swung it to one side, heat immediately rising from his body, “If you want to fight, fight. You won’t know until you fight.”

Kizaru stared at Lin Hai and said, “It’s so scary, the Straw Hat Boys.”

Lin Hai also took out his sword and asked doubtfully: “General Kizaru, why do you always stare at me? Are you also thinking about my wine?”

Kizaru pouted and said, “You are very dangerous. You have already made the world government worried.”

“???” Lin Hai confirmed: “So, your opponent is me?”

Kizaru smiled, “What do you think? Be careful.”

Lin Hai shouted: “Luffy, get out of the way.”


Kizaru, holding the laser sword, appeared in front of Lin Hai in an instant, and struck Lin Hai from top to bottom with a powerful and heavy sword.

Lin Hai held the sword with both hands and charged up an upward slash. Two shocking energy spread out in all directions.

Suddenly, sand and rocks flew on the beach, and even the seawater was forced to recede from the shore toward the sea.

A sailor couldn’t help but cover his eyes with his hands and exclaimed: “This, what kind of power is this!”

The commander said: “What do you think this is? This is a general’s battle. Everyone, please retreat from the battle circle.”

Everyone who returned to the Sonny couldn’t help but feel worried. Usopp asked: “What should we do now? I didn’t expect to meet an admiral and so many lieutenants.”

Chopper: “It’s terrible, it’s terrible. Are Luffy and Lin Hai okay?”

Luo frowned and said, “It depends on the situation. With their abilities, they shouldn’t be defeated so easily.”

Nami was puzzled, “Why would the Admiral come to the New World to target us?”

Robin comforted calmly: “If something goes wrong, let’s go to Dressrosa first…


Usopp exclaimed, “Hey, aren’t you abandoning your friends?”

Robin advised: “Calm down Usopp, have you forgotten Lin Hai’s ability? If he wants to run away with Luffy and the others in a desperate situation, can the navy catch them?”

Luo couldn’t help but open his eyes. What a huge amount of information? Could it be that Lin Hai has some secret trick?

When Robin reminded them, the other Straw Hats suddenly realized, what a space ring!

As for Monet and Caesar on the side, they can only silently pray that the Straw Hats can escape. At least the Straw Hats still have a way to survive. Once they fall into the hands of the navy, they dare not think…

Elsewhere, Sanji and Luffy were also held back by the Lieutenant General. Among them, Zoro and Flying Squirrel had a preliminary trial, and it felt like they had met their opponents.

The two blocked each other’s swords, and Zoro said: “You are strong.”

The flying squirrel replied, “You too.”

With that said, the two fought together again.

At Sanji’s place, he kicked away the strange man in front of him, because the man was dressed a bit like Garp, with a Dalmatian-like hat on his head.

Sanji held a cigarette in his hand, pointed at him and asked, “Who are you? Are you also a vice admiral?”

Dalmecia turned her hands into claws, stared at Sanji and replied: “I am Vice Admiral Dalmecia of the Navy Headquarters. This is our first meeting. Please give me some advice.”

“What kind of teaching are you talking about? It’s so polite.” Sanji jumped up and kicked Dalmecia.

“Head meat, shoulder meat, loin meat…”

Facing Sanji’s kicks, Dalmecia blocked them one by one, “Shave…”

“Finger grab!”

Sanji poked a finger from behind. He sidestepped and lightly stepped on Dalmecia’s arm with one foot. Then he spun in the air and kicked Dalmecia’s head with the other foot. “Big plate, thick.” broken.”


Dalmecia actually caught Sanji’s spinning kick with one hand.

The two of them separated at the same time, and Sanji narrowed his eyes, “Looks like some of them were beaten.”

Dalmecia: “Your kicking skills are pretty good…”

Luffy’s place.



Lieutenant General Stierrez, who had a mustache, jumped into the air, used the acceleration of the moon steps to jump a few times in the air, held the knife in both hands, and slashed at Luffy below with both ruthlessness and accuracy.


Luffy jumped away, and the rocks on the ground were chopped into rubble.

“Guess Guess Nuo, bullet.”

Luffy jumped away and stretched out one arm, then pulled back and hit Stiers in the abdomen.

“Shaving.” Stirres disappeared from the spot again.

Luffy’s eyes glanced to one side, “Guess Guess Nuo, his weapons are hardened and he looks like a robber!”

Stirres held the sword with both hands and charged up to slash at Luffy’s fist.


The sword and the armor-covered fist collided with the domineering force, sending out sparks of fire. Needless to say, the power of Luffy’s punches in this form was so strong that Stiers was forced to slide backwards on the ground for his entire life.

Stirres couldn’t help complaining: “As expected of a criminal with a bounty of 400 million Baileys on his head, isn’t this power too brutal?”


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