Two nights after the Dressrosa incident, there was a small house far away from the town where Cyrus and Rebecca lived. The Straw Hats came here to rest.

Even after two days, Luffy was still sleeping. It seemed that the forceful use of Haki before was a bit excessive. In the past two days, Sabo has been here. He visited Luffy, but because there was CP0 lurking on the island, he chatted with everyone for a while and then left with his friends.

At this time, the entire island was under night and seemed particularly quiet.

Zoro, Cyrus, Law and others have woken up, but Luffy and Lin Hai are still sleeping.

Luo, who didn’t know Lin Hai well enough, looked at Sauron in confusion and asked, “Master of the Sleeping God, he doesn’t seem to be injured, right? Why is he still sleeping after two days?”

Cyrus also expressed doubts. After all, he was a benefactor, but he thought that normal people’s sleep should not be like this, so he tentatively guessed, “Could it be that he was injured before, but we just didn’t know about it?”

“…” The Straw Hats were speechless.

Usopp warned with fishy eyes: “That guy should be fine. You can think about it from his title. Why is he called the God of Sleep?”

“…” Luo and Cyrus looked at each other, speechless.

This scene couldn’t help but make Zoro laugh and shake his head. He looked at Bellamy who was still sleeping on the side and couldn’t help but ask: “Is that guy awake yet?”

Luo: “It seems that he was seriously injured when he fought Doflamingo before.”

“Ah, another day when I woke up to my handsomeness.” Lin Hai sat up sleepily and yawned.

Zoro immediately said: “Hey Lin Hai, get a few cans of beer quickly, there is almost no wine here.”

“Ah, it’s already dark when you wake up?” Lin Hai ignored Sauron’s words in a very shameless manner, and everyone’s eyes couldn’t help but twitch.

Franky was amused and joked: “If you don’t wake up, we are going to find a doctor for you.”

Usopp complained: “I’m telling you, you’ve been sleeping for two whole days, aren’t you hungry?”

Lin Hai took out a dozen beers and said, “What are you hungry for? I’m so thirsty.”

Sauron suddenly became energetic. He took the beer from Lin Hai’s hand, turned to look at Cyrus, and said, “You must have never drunk this wine before. It’s unique.”

“Really?” Cyrus took a sip with great interest, and saw Lin Hai holding a fruit in front of him. He couldn’t help but narrowed his eyes, “This is!!”

Lin Hai nodded and said: “I heard that this is a natural devil fruit. Our crew won’t eat it, so it will be easier for you.”

Cyrus quickly put the wine bottle on the table, raised his hands and replied: “No, no, I can’t accept such an expensive gift!”

Franky smiled and said, “Since Lin Hai is giving it to you, feel free to accept it.”

Lin Hai threatened: “That’s right, if you dare not give me face, be careful…” As he said this, Lin Hai actually made a fist with his armed hand and waved it, and the meaning was self-evident.

Cyrus glanced at Zoro with whom he had the best rapport in a dilemma. After all, the natural devil fruit was too precious, and he had received so much favor from the group of people in front of him, and now he still accepts things from them… …

Zoro smiled evilly and said, “Haha, do you need me to feed you?”

Luo sweatdropped, he was really speechless to this group of people.


Without waiting for Cyrus to hesitate, Lin Hai violently stuffed the Devil Fruit into Cyrus’ mouth, and persuaded him: “I heard that all Devil Fruits must be eaten to exert their maximum power, so you should eat them all.”

“…” The eyes of everyone around them twitched. Even those who have never eaten it know that all it takes is one bite of a Devil Fruit, and the taste…

“Um, cough cough cough…” Cyrus’ whole face turned green, and it took him a long time to spit out: “Asshole, do you want to choke me to death?”

Usopp asked with great interest: “Please show us your abilities quickly!”

Franky smiled and said: “Maybe I will gain an incredible ability.”

Luo said softly: “No matter what ability it is, it should not be bad. After all, it is the natural system.”

Cyrus was stunned for a while. He suddenly felt an indescribable feeling, and a golden mysterious light emerged from his body…



No one expected that the house would be blown down by a powerful force, kicking up clouds of dust. Fortunately, before the energy exploded, Lin Hai moved all the people around him away.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, they saw a god of war in the field who was exuding a mysterious light. After careful identification, he could clearly identify that it was Cyrus who had been enlarged several times.

Luo Ji

He turned to look at Lin Hai mechanically and asked, “Is that the natural system?”

Zoro is also a little confused. Is this the case for people with natural devil fruit abilities?

“Meat, I want to eat a lot of meat.” Luffy actually murmured in his sleep.

Everyone was really speechless, such a loud noise could not wake him up. As for Bellamy next to him, he had woken up. He held his forehead and asked, “What happened? That’s it!!”

Ahead, Cyrus scratched his head and apologized to everyone with dignity, “I’m sorry, I couldn’t control my power for a moment…”

Lin Hai felt vaguely like he had lost millions, and said to himself: “Didn’t we agree on the natural system? This, this…”

Franky continued: “Looking at this situation, it is obviously not a natural type, right?”

Luo guessed: “This should be an animal type that is even rarer than the natural type, the human fruit phantom beast type…the God of War form?”

Usopp exclaimed, “Look, his broken leg seems to have grown back! Could it be that the Devil Fruit ability still has this function?”

Cyrus quickly put away his abilities and looked at his legs. He touched his legs in surprise, “This, this…”

Lin Hai immediately jumped to Cyrus, grabbed his neck and shook him back and forth: “Spit out the Devil Fruit quickly, my God of War Fruit…”

Zoro was amused and joked: “Didn’t you force him to eat by yourself?”

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Hai jumped up to Sauron, “You still dare to say sarcastic words, I will strangle you to death!”

“Asshole, hurry up, let me go, believe it or not, I will chop you down!” Zoro immediately started to yell.

Bellamy asked confusedly: “What happened? I was…” When he came to his senses, he immediately said: “Thank you for saving me. I thought I was dead.”

Usopp: “You’re welcome, hahaha.”

“You’re not the one who saved me, are you?” Frankie complained and said, “Hey Lin Hai, stop making trouble, we don’t even have a place to live now…”

Lin Hai knelt on the ground and punched a few times, heartbroken, “Why should I live with my Devil Fruit? Why are you so mean? No, this is all Doflamingo’s fault. Why are you breaking the natural system? ?Tell me where Doflamingo is, and I’ll kill him again!”

“Hey hey…”

This cannot be blamed on Doflamingo. Some Devil Fruits have similar shapes, and people who have never seen them can only rely on their shapes to guess which category they belong to, so they made a big mistake.

Of course, Lin Hai was envious of the “other kind” and was not really reluctant…


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