Time Travel

Chapter 401

Chapter 397: Failure 1

“Of course they can, but… it requires money, a lot of money. Prisoner Star’s prison is too big, and it occupies too much area. Not to mention redesigning the prison, even if it’s the transportation of anti-electromagnetic interference equipment, it’s needed. The number is amazing!”

“For them, it’s not worth it at all!”

“And the prisoner star has been established for how long, no one has ever escaped from it, no one can leave alive!”

“The prisoners were escorted over naked, living on a planet where food is scarce, and under the control of this group of cold robots every day!”

“The food is artificially produced by machines and equipment, the drink is artificially synthesized, and the things that you wear, sleep, and live are all made artificially…”

“And the prisoner is outside the stars, there is nothing. The beasts, the wasteland, the cold night, the hot day, the scarce food…”

“Look at these prisoners. They would rather live here than go out and see or leave.”

“It’s not that they can’t, but because they have been institutionalized!”

“But after being sent to this prisoner star, they have no hope. They can’t escape, can’t do without, every moment, they can only live with a group of villains from all over the universe!”

“Facing an army of robots that can’t resist at all, do you still want to escape for a long time?”

Ning Kang shook his head silently when he heard the words.

“But what about the newcomers? Why don’t they resist?”

“Because you can’t resist, you have also inquired that the transport spacecraft is actually escorted by robots, and it is a more advanced robotic army. How can this be mixed in?”

“Even if the gang enters, when you return to the Federation, you will not dare to go out, because maybe you will be discovered by the satellite, and then you will be arrested again!”

“Under such despair, the newcomer himself is very desperate!”

Prisoner star.

It’s not a planet anymore.

It was the mountain in the hearts of all the prisoners, that mountain rose high, blocking their hope and blocking all their thoughts.

“We are going out!”

“To complete the task!”

“It’s not a problem to sneak into the spacecraft. With our experience and the information we have obtained, it is only a small matter to get through this layer of obstacles and get into the escort spacecraft!”

“The key is how to hide the mechanical army inside that spaceship!”

“After the concealment, leaving Prisoner Star, how do we obtain the parallel world shuttle device to complete the mission!”

“This is the key!”

“But anyway, I think I will act first and try one or two times. Anyway, there is no death penalty in the Prisoner Star. If I get caught, I will wait for the next chance! Once, twice, three times, four times…until we succeed. .”

The tone of Zangqingshan is full of determination and perseverance.

“Okay, Brother Qingshan, then wait for the next time the spacecraft is escorted over.” Ning Kang nodded, they are not prisoners in the prisoner star, they still have hope, but a year’s mission time has passed for a few months, and the rest is There is not much time, and it doesn’t matter what you do to complete the task.

Prisoner Star’s escort spaceships are also regular, and a group of people will be sent every half a month. The number is variable, more or less, and sometimes even if there is not, it will come, and I don’t know what it is.

There is insufficient intelligence to analyze.

Anyway, this is the rule.

A few more days passed.

In the sky, there seemed to be a familiar roar.

Both Ning Kang and Zang Qingshan knew that this was a prelude to the escort of the spacecraft.

In the prison cell, many prisoners also began to yell, perhaps as usual, betting that the guy will run away tonight, or what the newcomer sent over today will be like, anyway.

This kind of life has become a part of their lives, and a habit has been formed unconsciously, and the habit is the most terrible thing.

“Brother Qingshan, are you ready?”

“Well, we will leave when the time is right!”


The two had already figured out all the information, and naturally knew how to pinch the timing.

At the moment when the prison system is affected and disordered, all equipment will be affected. Cameras and everything are paralyzed. Although the time is short, as long as the calculation is accurate, you can escape smoothly.

And every time someone would flee and be forced to flee and wander in the wilderness outside the prison.

After a few minutes.

The two who were checking the time easily opened the door that was originally closed, and then took advantage of the opportunity to bypass the camera, bypass many patrol robots and leave the prison.

As for the prisoners in the prison, it is useless for them to yell, and it will not affect their actions.

In this way, the two left the prison and came to the outside road, and then according to the arranged plan, they began to regularly avoid cameras, avoid surveillance, avoid patrols, and circle around, and they came to the center of the entire prison. .

There is a spaceship staying there!

Outside the spacecraft, two teams of completely different robots stood. One team was a prison guard, and the other was a team of robots that came with the spacecraft. They were completely different from the robotic prison guards in this prison, and looked more advanced.

The robotic guards are standing here, and the special robots on the spacecraft are responsible for escorting each prisoner off the spacecraft.

“Brother Qingshan, here it is!”


“Brother Qingshan, have you noticed that the new prisoners haven’t, and their expressions seem desperate, it feels like a walking dead!”

Ning Kang hid in front of a concealed object, looking at the prisoners coming down one by one in the distance, watching them look dumbfounded, and shaking his head in his heart.

If there is no hope, then why should it be better to live, commit suicide, or seek death?

“Don’t worry about them, we have to take advantage of the opportunity to enter before the spacecraft door is closed, otherwise we can only wait for the next time!”

“We can’t wait for time!”

“Listen to my password, I said one, two, three, you rush with me.” Zang Qingshan moved his hands and feet while staring at the robot with a cold expression.

“We must live, this time the task must be completed!”


As time went by, the prisoners in the spacecraft were finally escorted.

Then the team of special robots turned around and walked towards the spaceship one by one.

“No, I don’t want to stay here!”

Some prisoners yelled, and even the big criminals of the interstellar came here, crying like a child, and gloomy.

But it’s useless.

The prison guard robot just waved his hand and threw the prisoner aside.

Then with a wave of his hand, a group of prisoners were escorted in this way and walked towards a certain prison cell.

“It’s now!”

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