Time Travel

Chapter 405

Chapter 401 Return, the Lord God 1

Before that, after sneaking into the escort spacecraft, as imagined, the robots in the spacecraft did not have the program to kill people, they were just fooling people.

The two naturally settled easily, and then they stepped on the spaceship smoothly and left the Prisoner Star.

But the rest of the day was not easy.

Zangqingshan and Ningkang are the prisoners who escaped from Prisoner Star for the first time in so many years. This is something that can’t be held back and caused a lot of trouble. In order to arrest them, the Interstellar Federation sent special police to encircle and suppress them.

In this way, while avoiding encirclement and suppression, while looking for equipment to shuttle through parallel worlds, they had a hard time.

Finally, they found the equipment that shuttled through the parallel world, a space-time instrument, and then began to complete the task, hunting down themselves in the parallel world.

During this process, those special police officers added another group, a group of special time-space special police officers who specialize in arresting fugitives in time and space, making their lives even more sad.

Kill, run, kill, run…

This is their life, they almost died many times, but fortunately they survived.

During this period, they also heard about the universe. According to legend, if someone can kill themselves in 125 parallel worlds, then he will become the savior of the universe and gain unprecedented power.

Strength is gained, but this savior is pure joke.

“There are 125 parallel worlds in this universe, and they are all under the management of the Interstellar Federation. In this universe, every time you kill yourself in a parallel world, you will gain a power. More than one hundred parallel worlds will come down. The strength has increased dozens of times!”

“The current me meets the former me, I’m afraid I can kill with one move!”

“Just so what? Become a savior? It’s impossible! The power of the Interstellar Federation is too strong, and now more and more forces are chasing us. The last time they used anti-matter weapons, this time if they were discovered again, I don’t know yet. What kind of thing will be used to catch us!”

Zang Qingshan muttered to himself, and at the same time kept looking at the watch in his hand, as if waiting for something.

Finally, a minute later, as he waited anxiously, a crisp cell phone rang in his arms.

Zang Qingshan smiled in relief, then pulled out the phone to connect, “Kill?”


“Are you also prompted by that voice?”


“Then, let’s go!”


After speaking, Zang Qingshan threw away the phone, and then muttered to the voice silently in his heart, “Return!”


In the same place, his figure disappeared in an instant like this.


In the dark, Tibetan Qingshan only felt a burst of warm comfort passing through the whole body, a gentle feeling nourished every place in the body, and every cell was groaning and trembling.

After this feeling lasted for a long time, Zang Qingshan felt his body slowly fall to the ground, feeling the hard and stable ground, and suddenly felt an oily sense of steadiness deep in his heart, and finally opened his eyes.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Ning Kang who was about five meters away from him, and he seemed to look the same as himself. He just woke up.

“My vision has never been clearer, and my body has never been refreshed. It feels like the whole person has been cleaned to one side, completely cleaned up!”

Zang Qingshan clenched his fist, carefully feeling the changes in his body.

There is no increase in strength or anything, but the body is indeed different. He doesn’t know how to describe it. If he insists on describing it, it is like a patient with constipation that has been cured for decades and feels refreshed.

Yes, it’s refreshing.

“Brother Qingshan!”

Ning Kang called out and walked over, but his eyes were looking around, constantly looking around.

“What is this place?”

“And that… the big ball of light… what is it? Is it… the main god?”

After not seeing him for a while, Ning Kang seemed to have matured a lot. Compared with the original intelligent and young feeling, he now looks more determined and calm.

“I don’t know!” Zang Qingshan shook his head. He stared at the top of his head. There was a faint ball of light suspended in the sky about tens of meters high.

The light sphere is not big, emitting a soft white light, illuminating this area of ​​the square. And the whole square couldn’t be seen exactly how big it was. The ground of the whole square was made of metal, and I didn’t know what material it was made of. I stomped my foot, and there was no change in the ground except for the shock to myself.

“Very strong!” With their current strength, even a steel plate can be easily deformed.

“The huge and solid square, the ball of light above our head, and… the door behind us all tell us that we have come to an amazing place!”

Zang Qingshan turned around. Behind them, there was a portal. The silver-white metal body was carved with unknown patterns. It was simple and mysterious. He didn’t know where the door was.


At this moment, there was a burst of applause, and there was also a cold laughter.

“Rookies, I didn’t expect to see you guys here, but I saw two of them all at once. This is really unpleasant…’good news’!”

“It’s him? The leader!” Ning Kang looked back, and at a glance he saw the familiar liquid metal man, who was also the leader who appeared in their mission, Number One.

“How did he appear? Suddenly appear?” Zang Qingshan frowned slightly, this number is powerful, and has a fascinating personality, and has a bad personality. He is very repulsive.

“Two boys, don’t stare at me like this, do you know? I know you hate me, and I hate you too. But no way, who told me to be the leader of your rookies?”

“I thought that no one could come back alive from the mission this time. I was able to relax a lot. I didn’t expect that someone could complete the mission and return to the main god space alive?”

Number One smiled, “No, I have to work hard to introduce you to the situation here again, it’s really troublesome!”

After that, he ignored the reaction of the two Tibetans and Qingshan, and walked in front of the two of them, and directly introduced them.

“The place where you are now is called the main god space!”

“This is where you start and return, and the ball of light above your head is a little derived from the will of the great Lord God, and is also the manager of this space. You can call it the Lord God!”

“Of course, it is not the real main god, but only represents the will of the great main god, but this is just a name, the great main god doesn’t care about these imaginary things!”

“The ball of light, that is, the main god, is the greatest support of the reincarnations and the core of everything!”

“Your tasks, your rewards, your future life needs, and even your lives, etc., are all in charge of it!”

“For you, it is the master and the only one!”

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