Time Travel

Chapter 767

Chapter 749

The multiverse is originally a whole. Although what appears to the world is an independent universe, in essence, they are all part of this whole.

In this whole, 129,900 railways are the foundation and the cornerstone of everything.

And to construct your own iron rule is to leverage the power of the entire heavens and control the laws of the entire heavens step by step.

In this world of lines, the lines are staggered and spread to infinity, running through the entire diversity, with luxuriant branches and leaves.

Li Yue stood here, expressionless, his heart cold.

No one is eternal!

The moment this thought collapsed in the chains of his own heart and blood structure and the iron dissipated, it took root in his mind and echoed over and over again.

Very desperate and empty.

The framework of the ‘eternal’ way fails, the iron collapses, and the red fruit proves the fact that there is no eternity in this world. Because it does not exist, it cannot be structured.

At this moment, as his heart riots, the 129,900 pieces of iron twisted.

This is an unspeakable phenomenon. At this moment, the entire world of lines seems to be kneaded by the invisible big hands. The lines are stretched, shortened, squeezed thick, or thinned… …

Between coupling with each other, the entire multiverse has fallen into a kind of chaos at this moment.

This is the 129,900 railways are all distorted, and it is still within this suspected six-dimensional line world, the cornerstone of the universe’s operation.

Naturally, the consequences are much more terrifying than the simple projection distortion in the universe, and the scope of the impact encompasses the entire diversity.

It can be seen everywhere in the multiverse, every universe, every corner, there is a chaos, and the whole world bursts out of chaotic light, or Madara’s colorful hollows, various laws. Distorted, gravity reversed, air evacuated, sunlight reversed, time reversed, space reversed…

And Li Yue, who caused all this, has fallen into an unknown situation.

He didn’t know what was wrong with the outside world, and he didn’t know what kind of consequences he had caused. He just stood there, and his whole mind was plunged into an extreme abyss.

In that ‘the abyss’, there seems to be a voice calling, and it seems to be a kind of repulsion, an indescribable, invisible, inaudible, unintelligible material or non-material existence.

But there was no thought in his heart, and his mind was completely empty, because he couldn’t see or perceive it, so he naturally didn’t find it.

And his mind and thoughts are sinking deeper and deeper, and deeper and deeper. In the end, the thinking realization in the line world seems to be blurred, and it begins to fade a little bit. The rays of light disappear with the wind, flowing in all directions. .

At this moment when the world of lines fell into chaos, in another dimension, the master of civilization frowned.

“Did he succeed?”

As soon as this idea entered my mind, it was immediately rejected.

Because just now, he saw with his own eyes that the iron structure of Li Yue collapsed. Although he could not perceive the definition because the iron did not succeed, he only needs to know that Li Yue failed.

It’s nothing more than trying to construct a terrible ironclad, define a Tao that is not in your control, and it just collapses.

The ruler of civilization has never thought about whether this path is ‘eternal’ or not, and will never think about it.

Eternal existence, must exist, this is his lifelong pursuit.

The entire multiverse has fallen into extreme chaos, and the Lord God universe is no exception. All the technological items in the entire Lord God universe went on strike instantly, and even a lot of them exploded directly. Some magical mythological items of rules and regulations were all pale and colorless. , Lost the magic function.

Not only objects, but many reincarnations have also been affected. Because of the special practice system and practice, many of them have suffered heavy injuries, and some even blew themselves directly. .

For example, the prophetic practitioners bear the brunt.

“His Majesty.”

Noah looked worried in the tumultuous source.

At this moment, the universe of the Lord God is in chaos, and he has no way to manage it, because this has surpassed his realm and imagination, and surpassed his cognition.

But this is not what Noah is most worried about, he is most worried about Li Yue.

The main god universe is chaotic like this. According to the truth, Li Yue can feel it for the first time. After all, Li Yue and the main god universe are originally integrated, but now, Noah still can’t feel the relationship with Li Yue. There was no information about the connection between them, no doubt, very anxious.

Confusion, confusion, confusion.

The twisting riots of the Twelve Thousand Six Hundred Tiezes caused a different kind of fluctuation in this line world. In the depths of the line world, the huge chain representing the’chaotic’ Tieze bloomed at this moment. Out of the ultimate light, unparalleled power flows from all directions of the multiverse, running through the huge chain, shining brightly.

The more chaotic the universe is, the stronger this chaotic iron will be, and the more power can be obtained.

And as the endless influx of power, the iron that represents ‘power’ flickers. As long as there is power, there is me.

This is the horror of the iron rule of ‘power’, although it is only indirect.

What about Li Yue?

At this moment, he has already fallen deep into the abyss of consciousness.

It is not knowing what kind of place it is, there is no up, down, left and right, no light and color, no darkness, no light, everything is not defined, indescribable, incomprehensible.

He just fell endlessly, fell, fell…

And the body of the outside world keeps fading, the speed is very fast, and it will not take long for it to completely collapse and completely dissipate in this world.

Finally, dozens of seconds later, the mind and soul in the line world manifested, and the emperor collapsed, turned into flying spots of light and burst in all directions, and finally disappeared completely.


Do not.

Not yet.

Rather than being dead, it is better to say that the body of the mind and soul manifested to pieces, and his mind and soul had fallen into something unknown at that moment.

When the body is broken, it will be broken.

His mind is still falling, and he doesn’t know how long, time has no meaning, everything is like vicissitudes of life, and what is cast into Li Yue’s eye pupils is a blank.

At this moment, Li Yue, who had been trapped in a deadly emptiness, suddenly woke up.

“This is where?”

He didn’t know what happened, and he didn’t know how he appeared in this place. These thoughts only turned in his heart for a moment, and he was completely attracted by the blankness and nothingness in front of him.

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