Chapter 804, Wu Jiao

Look carefully.

Some people have excitement on their faces, others have excitement on their faces.

It’s just that they all have a bit of awe at everything around him.

Similarly, there are still people who disdain.

The disdain was naturally Fang Chen’s opponent during this time, Lu Yun.

The group of people with Lu Yun are all gathered together, and they don’t even cling to the recruits here.

As if they were an independent individual.

But the blame is that most of the recruits still like to move towards them, as if Lu Yun is the focus of the entire recruits camp.

Fang Chen was also speechless when he saw this scene, and the surrounding poplar trees trembled with the breeze.

A cloud of dust was suddenly rolled up on the battlefield.

Fang Chen stared at the vest figure that came slowly not far away, and the corners of his mouth twitched violently.

“Is this guy our instructor?”

It’s so special!

This unique way of appearance, as well as the style of dressing.

If you put it in the barracks, if you don’t have any status and confidence, ordinary officers can hold you and train you to death!

Until the man stood in front of hundreds of people with an aura.

There was no stage fright in the slightest, even when those sharp eyes scanned hundreds of people back and forth, Fang Chen completely understood that if it weren’t for the instructors of this batch of recruits, Fang Chen couldn’t justify it.

After all, he was so arrogant that he was going to be beaten!

On the battlefield, most of the recruits still work in separate groups, scattered in various positions, and several people who are familiar with each other or in the same dormitory are used to standing together.

The team is very scattered, like a spring outing for elementary school students.

Sure enough, the man in the vest frowned and opened his mouth and shouted;

“Stand well, all crooked, like a bastard, do you still look like a soldier? Just like you bears, you still want to defend your home and the country?”.


This sound sounded like thunder falling on a rolling stone hillside.

It caused a violent reversal among the crowd in an instant, and most people hadn’t even noticed the instructor’s arrival.

As he took the initiative to speak, almost all the recruits at this moment were taken aback by this murderous roar.

It’s just that the sense of undisciplined crowds, like shopping in a vegetable market, still exists.

The instructor said lightly; “Give you 30 seconds to stand in two rows, and then report the count, one, two and one count. move”.

“Execute immediately, this is an order!”.


Fang Chen looked to the left and right quickly, and it seemed that many people were selected from the major military camps.

Because those people have experienced military life in other military camps, their reaction speed is much faster.

Soon more than two hundred people stood in two rows, but it took far more than thirty seconds.

The instructor glanced in this direction, and then said; “Report the number.”

Fang Chen originally thought that according to this instructor’s very individual way of going on stage, and that silly voice, this guy would still get angry.

Fang Chen, who was just over one meter tall, was not too tall, so he could only stand in the leftmost position of the team.

One-two-one count means the first person shouts one, the latter person shouts two, and then the third person continues to shout one…

By analogy, you only need to report these two numbers.

When it was Fang Chen’s turn, he was also singular, and Fang Chen stood with his hands behind and shouted;


The two rows of teams also looked messy when reporting the numbers.

The instructor frowned frequently, but he didn’t say anything more.

Obviously, most of the delayed and unreacted recruits were recruited by college students who had never entered the barracks.

These people are actually the most brushed by the Asura Department every year.

Because most college recruits are really bad at adapting to the barracks!

Even if the Asura Department wants to give those highly educated and high IQ talents a chance, their basic physical fitness also determines that it is difficult for them to stay in the Asura Department.

The end of the two rows of reports.

The instructor yelled; “first row”.

“Report one step forward.”

The whole team finally had a uniform movement.

After all, these command instructors had spoken as soon as they first appeared on the stage. Most people are not so dull yet, and even the numbers they just called out can be forgotten.

The two hundred people were originally divided into two rows, that is, a row of one hundred people.

Now that the first row is divided into two columns, it becomes three rows.

The instructor shouted again; “In the second row, the one who has just reported to take a step back”.

At this time, a large force of 200 people has become four columns, and on average, there are about 50 people in each column.

Although it’s still a little messy, it’s better than the chaotic sense of sight of the old lady in the vegetable market just now.

“Straddle, stand at attention, take a break!”.

The instructor simply yelled three times, and then said;

“Raise your hands horizontally and align back and forth.”


Only then did all the people look like soldiers.

Ding Liang’s stature, like Fang Chen, was about one head or so, and he would not stand with Fang Chen at all.

On the contrary, it was Fang Chen’s enemy, and Lu Yun happened to stand in the same row as Fang Chen, and there was one person separated between the two.

“My surname is Wu, you can call me Wu Jiao, because this time the number of recruits from the Asura Department who have been enlisted in the army is only about 30 people.”

“Among you, many of you will be beaten back to the school where you were originally from after three weeks of training, and the major military camps will be set up.”

“I don’t need to let you know my full name.”

When he said this, Wu Jiao had a completely indifferent expression.

On the quiet battlefield, none of the hundreds of people took the initiative to speak out.

“There is one more thing. When the recruits joined the army two days ago, when your corresponding veterans led you to report in the Asura Department, they should have given you the officer certificates, right?”.

While talking, Wu Jiao also took out an officer’s card from his own pocket.

Isn’t it the special electronic card exactly the same as Fang Chen’s.

Fang Chen and the others subconsciously wanted to get their officer certificate, but Wu Jiao said angrily with a displeased face; “I just show it to you.”

“Who made you move? Who made you move? You got used to it all, right? Stand for me.”

“Take a rest, stand at attention!”.

The roar came again, this Wu Jiao deserves to be a talent who can say that you don’t need to know my full name, and his temperament is almost evident from this brief contact.

Fang Chen quickly converged the movement in his hand.

Once again, he stepped back neatly and stomped the ground with his left foot, then retracted his toes and stood upright obediently.

“The military officer’s card is what you must have for survival in the Asura Ministry.”

“I don’t know if the recruits have discovered it. This includes all the supermarkets, the water room in your dormitory, and all the infrastructure.”

“There is no place where RMB can be used, and there is no means of mobile payment.”

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