Chapter 887

“Silent Arrow is indeed powerful, but Wu Jiao himself is not a martial arts master. This level of identity restricts him.”

“If it is combined with any technique with a hermit attribute, the silent vector can become a tracking silent vector, completely hidden in the air.”

“Use a short bow to shoot again, with an incidental blasting effect.”

“During the assassination, I am afraid that the best results will be achieved.”

Fang Chen clenched his fist, his eyes were filled with longing for Silent Arrow’s arrow technique, and he had some thoughts faintly in his mind.

The hermit attribute, isn’t it the Shura tactic?

He has seen Dugutian and Gongsun clan fight against each other.

At that time, the true energy that the Dugu Tian Shura Jue turned into was a great combination, and it had the same arrogant combat power as the Yanhuang Jue.

However, there is one difference in essence between the Shura tactic and the Yanhuang tactic.

Although Yan Huang Jue’s explosive ability is strong.

But it is more inclined to explode frontally, without the slightest dark energy, which belongs to the fierce attack of opening and closing!

Although powerful, it is full of masculinity, which is more like the kind of exercise that is suitable for head-to-head combat!

The Shura formula is different!

Although it also has strong explosive power, the explosive power of Shura Secret Art is more like hiding in the cascading waves.

Layer by layer, it has a powerful and fierce seclusion ability!

“If I can master the technique of Silent Arrow and practice Shura Art at the same time, with the ability of Shura Qi to hide in the void, I would like to think that even if I use it to assassinate the powerhouse in the fairyland, I can achieve unexpected results.”

When Xiao Ling’er next to Wu Jiao was talking with Fang Chen, she obediently stepped aside.

A little daughter-in-law looked like a gas bag, and she was silent.

It wasn’t until Fang Chen’s thoughts gradually subsided that the guy noticed the faint sight next to him.

“Finally don’t treat me like an airman?”.

There was a hint of resentment in Chu Ling’er’s voice.

Fang Chen squeezed the little girl’s shoulder as if to please;

“Didn’t I just tell Wu Jiao about business, I just forgot about you.”

“You see how I keep my promises, in order to make up for the promises owed to you in the imperial capital at that time.”

“After I finished my training with Teacher Wu today, I came to look for you as soon as possible, yeah.”

Chu Ling’er burst into laughter at the appearance of garlic.

Although Chu Ling’er also knew that Fang Chen was just making a joke with herself on purpose, when the youth showed caring appearance and emotions in front of him, it would still make the girl a little bit happy.

“Forget you, but I heard that you are quite powerful. Yesterday, he blackmailed the battalion commander Gongsun Cheng of Shura Guards II for 10,000 military merits, and also obtained 10,000 military merits from Liu Yuyun’s team leader.”

“Speaking of which, the military merits you have now are enough to redeem first-class merit.”

Xiao Ling’er glanced at Fang Chen, her beautiful eyes filled with wonder.

After that, Chu Ling’er blushed;

“It’s worthy of the person my father valued, you guys really can’t stop no matter where they go. Just a few days after coming to the Asura Department, I feel that you guys know more people than I know. “.

“When Captain Yang Yi of the Asura Guards II team heard that I was the recorder of your new barracks, he asked me to say hello to you.”

Fang Chen gave a dry smile and scratched the back of his head;

“What’s so great about this? Who told them Zhou Yu to hit Huang Gai, one willing to fight and one willing to fight, in fact, even if Liu Yuyun didn’t jump out to challenge me at the time, I was willing to cure all the wounded unconditionally.”

“Liu Yuyun jumped out at that time, but he lifted a rock and hit him in the foot, giving me 10,000 points of military merit for nothing.”

Fang Chen’s words are full of freehand brushwork. From his point of view, he didn’t take what happened yesterday at all.

When Chu Ling’er heard the words, her little nose moved; “Just blow.”

“Isn’t it enough to know that you are great?”.

“But before, I really didn’t know, when did you actually learn such a superb medical skill.”

When the two met in the secular world for the last time, Fang Chen was still in the capital, when the Tianding clothing branch in the capital had just opened.

Mo Liang and his son came to make trouble.

Fang Chen’s plan went according to schedule.

On that day, all parties came to congratulate, Xiao Ling’er at that time represented that Chu Sect gave Fang Chen a happy celebration message and an order.

Although Fang Chen had already learned the silver needle technique at that time.

But at that time, there was not much opportunity to show it to Xiao Ling’er’s old friends.

So until yesterday, Xiao Ling’er heard about the conflict between the recruits and the Shura Guards.

This was learned from word of mouth.

It turned out that Fang Chen had healed all the wounded in the end, and what was even more outrageous was that he was still using his own power.

“Lin Mengxue told me that she ran into you at the Exchange last night, and she said you plan to set up a stall in the Exchange?”.

The two chatted with each other without thinking about the concept of time.

Anyway, this meeting has ended one day of recruit training, and Xiao Ling’er can be considered free again. Her task is only to record and count the training status of recruits.

The training of the new barracks ended, which meant that Xiao Ling’er’s day’s work was also over.

The main reason most of the recruits on the battlefield are sweating and unwilling to leave is because they are tired and out of touch with training.

Of course, it is not ruled out that it is because of the beautiful and beautiful female recorder!

Fang Chen nodded, and didn’t mention to Xiao Ling’er the scene where Lin Mengxue reprimanded him yesterday. Fang Chen was not a small belly person.

Lin Mengxue was also out of good intentions at that time, for fear that Fang Chen’s newborn calf would not be afraid that the tiger would suffer a loss in the trading shop of Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger.

How could Fang Chen care about Lin Mengxue?

“Almost, do you want to witness it tonight? If nothing else, I will be the big brother of Shantou selling pharmaceutical products in Exchange City tonight.”

“Nonsense, isn’t Senior Huyanbo taking care of medical products? Did you go to the mountain yesterday?”.

Obviously, Lin Mengxue only briefly told Chu Ling’er what happened last night, including some of the causes and results in the middle, Lin Mengxue didn’t mention it to Xiao Ling’er.

Because once the truth is told.

It is inevitable to involve her Lin Mengxue herself.

At that time, Chu Ling’er would definitely wonder what Lin Mengxue was doing when Hu Yanbo and Fang Chen clashed?

Could it be that just as coldly as a okay person?

In fact, it wasn’t just that she was sitting on the sidelines, Lin Mengxue almost became the one who fell into the pit. How could Lin Mengxue be embarrassed to tell Chu Ling’er about this?

“Worshipping Shantou, what happened yesterday was like this…”.

Fang Chen curled his lips and began to talk about what happened last night.

Of course, he skipped the part where he encountered Xia Muzhi.

He just told that he entered the trading market, originally intending to find an opportunity to earn military merit.

As a result, it happened that Hu Yanbo was selling bone-setting medicine.

So Fang Chen had the idea of ​​blending.

Until the two sides clashed.

Hu Yanbo blatantly poured dirty water on Fang Chen. As for the Lin Mengxue section in the middle, Fang Chen also deliberately maintained it and omitted it…

“What? So Master Huyanbo is so shameless?”.

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