Chapter 904, cough cough…Leaders, am I not late, am I?

On the high platform, Wu Jiao gave a wry smile with a sullen face.

Still couldn’t wait for Fang Chen?

This kid… will actually escape.

This was something Wu Jiao couldn’t think of.

The smile on Gongsun Cheng’s face grew stronger. In order to eliminate all the recruits in one breath, he even summoned back some elite members of the Shura Guards II team who had personal tasks.

Those talents are Gongsuncheng’s real trump card.

Each is a unique existence, among them there are even Gongsun clan powerhouses whose strength is comparable to that of Wonderland masters.

These people are the mainstay of the Asura Guards II team, and they are not at the same level as the captains of Yang Yi and Liu Yuyun.

It can be described as a heaven and an underground.

Those people are… the true elites of the Shura Guards II team!

“Hehe, your biggest reliance actually slipped away.”

“Dugu sword, I see what you will fight with me in the future. By then, the only people who can lead the team to the four islands of Kyushu are from my Gongsun clan. At that time, your Asura God of War is just a display.”

“Furthermore, the four islands of Kyushu and China will never try to get involved anymore…”.

Gongsuncheng sneered, and said inwardly.

Ding Liang and several people were also full of sullen faces, with a feeling of being abandoned by Brother Chen, silently following the crowd, and walking towards the helicopter.

All the people who knew Fang Chen’s role in this game were all full of sullen faces.

Dugu Sword seemed to be ten years old for an instant…

At this moment, I watched that the first helicopter had already boarded and was about to take off. Suddenly, there was a streamer piercing the void at a terrifying speed. The warning from the Asura Department entered in this streamer. Within the battlefield domain, a sudden sound suddenly sounded.

Didi Didi——

The moment the change happened, the sirens instantly spread throughout the battlefield.

The high-level members of the Asura tribe on the high platform were all panicked for a while;

“What’s the situation? Did an unauthorized flying object break into the airspace of my Asura Department? Could it be a disc player from another country?”.

“Fuck, more than eighty Mach, this speed must be an airplane!”.

The data from the testing equipment was almost immediately passed to the hands of several senior executives.

“No, this is not an airplane. Your airplane is so small? This is the fucking drone, right?”.

The data detected in the background is passed into the hands of various high-levels as soon as possible.

Dugu Jian had a bitter expression on his face, but after hearing this, his eyes lit up for no apparent reason.

Small size and fast speed.

Could it be… Could it be…

“Could it be Fang Chen?”

This idea just surfaced.

First, the alert sound of the original piercing whistle suddenly disappeared.

The next moment, there was a voice from the top of the Asura Ministry;

“Hey, it’s strange, the detection radar showed that the last place the opponent appeared was actually on the battlefield…”.


How can it be?

Inexplicably, there are more fighters. Unless they are all blind collectively, how can they not be able to see…

As soon as this idea emerged, the officers projected their sights to the center of the battlefield.

However, the next moment, all the officers on the high platform, including Gongsun Cheng, were shocked to death by their expressions.

Because, in the center of the battlefield, all the recruits originally went to the aircraft apron and vacated the battlefield.

There should be no one here.

But at this moment, what did they see?

A silhouette!

A silhouette of a recruit in military uniform.

A young figure who is not strong, but gives Kong Wu a strong sense of security.


He stood firmly in the center of the battlefield, but his appearance did not attract anyone’s attention, as if he was standing here, completely in harmony with the environment.

More and more people noticed him, and an uproar sounded instantly.

Because no one knows how this guy appeared!

And when someone in the new barracks noticed an uproar behind them, they subconsciously looked in that direction, and was immediately stunned…

“Brothers, look!”.

“It’s him! He’s coming!”

The next moment, all the recruits suddenly turned their heads to look in that direction, and the entire recruits barracks burst into a roar like a tsunami!

I can hear two words clearly…

Brother Chen!

The appearance of that young man directly caused the boot camp that had gone hundreds of meters away to boil.

As the deputy captain, Ding Liang was almost immediately excited;

“Brother Chen! It’s Brother Chen, brothers!”.

“I knew that Brother Chen would not abandon us. He promised to take all of our recruits to normal. How could Brother Chen break his promise!?”.


The new barracks boiled even more.

It seemed as if there was an extra backbone, from the lifelessness just now to the noisy uproar as it is now, just because of the appearance of the young shadow…

What is more eager is actually the three eyes on the rostrum.

Hengyang, Dugu Jian, and…Fang Shiyun, the Fourth Sister.

Fang Shiyun fixedly looked at the youth. At this moment, she actually noticed that the figure standing in the middle of the battlefield was attracting attention, as if it had grown and changed a lot.

They all brought a bit of strangeness to myself.

“The little guy who used to need my elder sister and me to protect, now seems to have climbed to an unattainable level that we all need to look up to.”

Dugu Sword is full of eagerness.

He finally arrived at the last moment, and even brought himself a lot of surprises. This guy… appeared in such a way that the dragon sees the head without seeing the end, even the Dugu sword as the god of war is the slightest. There is no perception.

Can only explain one thing…

That is, the strength of the youth has made a qualitative leap in this short day.

Dugu Sword didn’t need it, and didn’t care about how the young man broke through.

He only knows… his bet with Gongsun Cheng, with the appearance of the youth, the scale of victory seems to have begun to lean towards him!

The young man who enjoyed the sight of the tens of thousands of people in the audience.

Finally… Raised his hand angrily and touched the tip of his nose.

Immediately, the extremely handsome cheek rolled up with a dry smile, and said sly;

“Ahem, what… Leaders, I should, I am not late, am I?”.

PS; are you excited, are you passionate? Recently, it seems that some elementary and middle school readers have started their summer vacation. While you are chasing books, don’t forget to review and consolidate the knowledge you learned last semester. Only by learning can meet the greater challenges in the future!

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