Chapter 428: The Way to Open the Entrance

Everyone laughed at what the fat man said.

In the live broadcast room, not even girls, netizens are scolding fat people and criticizing them.

But the fat man didn’t care, he was full of justice.

“What is old sex criticism? This is human instinct!”

“Just ask, if we men don’t like your women, who would you show you so beautiful?”


Pan Zi couldn’t listen anymore and joked.

“Fatty man, then you are going to tell me, who did you choose in the end that time? Was it the red dress or the black silk?”

The fat man smiled when he heard the words and said proudly.

“Look, you didn’t care about what Fat Master said before!”

“Fatty Lord, I have always emphasized that we must learn more and read more newspapers, and remember what others say!”

“Finally, I was telling you and remembered that only children make choices, and adults take both of them indifferently!”

Now even Wu Buzheng couldn’t help laughing, and gave the fat man a punch.

“I said why did you come here this time, so imaginary, is it okay to do less exercise with more people?”

“If you are not paying attention to temperance like this, I will leave you here this time and let you and the old zongzi do a multiplayer exercise!”

As everyone talked and laughed, the tense emotions also eased a lot.

At the same time, the stone slab at the foot gradually bordered the platform.

After stepping on the ground of the platform, everyone’s hearts were relaxed.

But without further ado, everyone immediately ran to the stone platform.

The fat man lit a flare, and everyone began to study the entire stone platform.

There are seven corpse pills on this stone platform.

The arrangement is really nice. The Big Dipper.

According to what Wu Sansheng said before, every pill on this stone platform is carefully calculated.

One disorder will trigger organs.

The one that Liang Qiong picked up before should be the control switch that opened the Shimen Chamber.

But then she put it back, and then fell into the ground.

I don’t know if she is touching other pills.

If it is touched and everyone does not see it, it will be even more troublesome.

If not, you can find the pill from memory.

Give it a try.

But for people like them, especially old foxes like Wu Sanxing.

He didn’t want to do anything risky.

No one knows if Liang Qiong touched the second pill.

So this method is not very safe.

Wu Sanxing stomped the ground and said.

“Let’s see if I can dig it!”

Pan Zi nodded and immediately took out the engineer shovel and climbing pickaxe to smash.

However, the tight fit of the stone slab had no effect at all.

If it weren’t for Liang Qiong, he would definitely go down from here.

They all suspect that there is really a channel below this?

Pan Zi tried for a long time, and finally shook his head.

“No three masters, unless you use a detonator to blow it up!”

When everyone heard this, they knew that the method would not work!

With a detonator, the pill on the stone platform must be shaken off.

When the mechanism is triggered, I don’t know what will happen.

Obviously this method was ruled out.

Then there is only one way left, just like Liang Qiong, to unlock this mechanism.

But this mechanism may not be so easy to untie.

Everyone stared at the slate for a long time, and finally was not sure which corpse pill Liang Qiong had taken.

Everyone was quite excited when they returned to the platform.

But who knows that this kind of problem is now encountered again.

Wu Buzheng couldn’t figure it out, so he went to Qin Yu.

However, Qin Yu also shook his head.

To be honest, he didn’t know how to crack this mechanism.

After all, there is no chance to give you a second test.

And the internal connections in this kind of agency are definitely very complicated.

It is easier said than done to untie it.

Wu Buzheng finally looked at the fat man.

He already has experience, generally as long as he and Qin Yu can’t solve the trouble.

Then look for a fat guy, this guy has a very unique head.

The way of thinking about problems is different from others.

Sure enough, the fat man thought for a while and said.

“It’s not why you are entangled whether it will trigger the mechanism?”

“Isn’t our purpose to go down?”

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, and they didn’t understand what the fat man meant.

The fat man said helplessly.

“Thinking about the problem will hit the nail on the head, our purpose is to go down!”

“Instead of cracking this bird mechanism here!”

“For example, let’s use a detonator to blast the tunnel. Wouldn’t it be over if we jumped down?”

“What if the trigger mechanism?”

“It’s not good to say, we just jumped down before the agency started, wouldn’t it be okay?”

Everyone was taken aback when they heard this.

Yes! How come they didn’t expect it.

Even if the result after triggering the mechanism is terrible, they are all experienced in battle.

It’s okay to resist for a while!

You can go any way then!

Pan Zi thought he was going to get a detonator to blast the channel.

Wu Buzheng was busy stopping Pan Zi and Fatty, and said.

“Although what the fat man said is reasonable, it is not what he did!”

“I ask you, if this slab is very thick, will the detonator not be blown away?”

“The pill on the stone platform will be shaken off when it falls!”

“Once the mechanism is triggered, we may not even have a second chance!”

When Pan Zi and Fatty heard this, they couldn’t help swallowing and spitting.

I was excited just by blasting the channel.

Actually forgot about this matter.

The fat man settled down.

“That’s simple, we increase the amount of detonators to ensure that they can explode!”

Talking about the two people, they went to find the detonator.

However, both of them were dumbfounded.

Along the way, countless detonators were used.

At this time, the detonators on everyone’s body are fully charged and there are only four left.

Four detonators, together, really may not be able to explode the slate on the ground.

Once they are used up, they are completely finished.

On the way out, I encountered the double-scaled giant python and even lost the ability to counterattack.

And most importantly, the four detonators simply cannot guarantee that the bluestone slab can be exploded.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Wu Sansheng suddenly smiled.

“You idiots, is there no other way except the detonator?”

After hearing this, everyone couldn’t help but look at Wu Sanxing.

I don’t understand what he means.

Wu Sanxing smiled and pointed to the top of his head.

“Just use it!”

Everyone was suddenly stunned.

The suspended furnace hanging above everyone’s head is extremely heavy.

Once it falls, not to mention that there is an empty shell underneath it, I am afraid that it will be able to smash a hole out even if it is solid.

The weight of this huge cauldron is very large.

Blasting a slate is just like playing.

But the fat man asked afterwards.

“San Ye, what you said is simple, how can we get such a big cauldron!”

“Nan Bucheng used a detonator to blow it up, in case it went wrong!”

Wu Sansheng said with a smile upon seeing this.

“No, this cauldron is the best mechanism!”

“Look at the location, once someone touches the pill on it, the cauldron falls, and the entire stone platform is smashed!”

“The people above won’t survive either!”

“I speculate that this cauldron fell after this mechanism was triggered!”

“Nothing is more powerful than this mechanism!”

“So, we can just trigger the mechanism directly!”

Everyone can’t help but feel that it makes sense.

This old fox is an old fox, and he can always see where others can’t.

At the moment, everyone is not delaying, the fat man greeted everyone to avoid and trigger the mechanism by himself.

Qin Yu also hid Wu Buzheng aside, blocking him behind him.

To be honest, he was a little disturbed.

Because he had reached this place in his memory, only the meteorite jade was left.

I can’t remember other things.

I always feel that things after the trigger mechanism may not be so simple.

But he didn’t speak, because this was the only way to open the entrance.

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