Chapter 533

The road to Baiyan Cave is not easy.

That is located on the side of the two research institutes.

On the side of the two institutes, there is a hill.

It is said that it is a hill, but in fact it is much larger than a hill.

At first, it might be a mountain range.

But because it is very close to the desert.

So the mountain collapse is very serious.

A hill is formed on one level.

There are hundreds of holes, large and small, on the top.

The name of Baiyanku may have come from this.

Someone in the live broadcast room reminded that the rescue team was not far away.

I just saw the old sheepskin talking.

But for a while, I guess it won’t be there yet.

This gave them some time.

This petal scorpion is a scourge. If we can take the opportunity to get rid of it, it will be a good thing for them and the locals.

Everyone endured fatigue and continued on their way.

At the beginning, I could also talk about Foehn.

But in the end, I was tired and didn’t want to talk anymore.

Both Hu Commander and Shirley Yang were still thinking about the fat man’s situation.

The two of him remembered the words that seemed like nothing before him.

To say that the fat man is okay, they may not believe it.

It’s just that this juncture is really not suitable for talking about this.

So they are all pressed in my heart.

After you’re ready to wait out, ask about this.

If you haven’t met in this life, then forget it.

But now that they have all met, Hu Sling will naturally not let it go.

The group of people walked for half an hour, and finally came to the foot of Baiyan Cave.

At this time, the giant scorpion behind him also walked out of the range of Guanyin Teng.

He has already started chasing towards them.

That thing is extremely vengeful.

It may be that Qin Yu was hurt so badly that he was unwilling to give up along the way.

And the place it passed was simply messy.

The vegetation was withered and ruined, and there were even many other scorpions and big-eyed thieves who fled for their lives.

Animals are very sensitive to danger.

Maybe all feel the danger of this thing.

When everyone saw this, they didn’t dare to delay, and began to climb the mountain.

The entrance of Baiyan Cave is on the mountainside.

The soil slope is gone when it reaches the mountainside.

On the top is the vertical cliff.

There are so many holes on it, I don’t know where it leads to.

And the entrance of Baiyan Cave is at the junction of this breakthrough and the rock wall.

I can see that when I get here, there are obvious traces of artificial construction on the road under my feet.

I think it was the original Marukuni people who made excavations here.

This is quite normal.

After all, the original Marukuni controlled this place and conducted biological research here.

Naturally, I will not miss the things in this Baiyan Cave.

At that time, the people from the local Hu Bandit Nier Club were found by the people of Marukuni.

I just don’t know if the people from the Nierhui are involved here, whether it has anything to do with the things in the Baiyan Cave.

Why is there a statue of the Great Xianbei Witch and a human skin mask here?

The human skin of the Da Xianbei maiden was drilled for the yellow skin.

And what Nier will find is the bronze box of Daxian Fox.

To say that there is no connection, I am afraid it is unlikely.

But these things actually have no further meaning at all.

Because this matter itself has nothing to do with them.

As long as the variegated scorpion is resolved, everyone can leave safely.

In less than half an hour, everyone had reached the entrance of the Baiyan Cave.

And then to see the variegated scorpion, it has already reached the foot of the mountain.

And this thing climbs the mountain much faster than them.

I’m afraid it doesn’t take half an hour at all, it can be up in ten minutes at most.

When everyone saw it, they knew that they couldn’t be delayed, and they immediately entered the largest entrance of Baiyan Cave.

The entrance of the entire Baiyan Cave is actually a huge cave entrance.

However, this entrance has been artificially fortified and may be a masterpiece of Marukuni people.

As soon as they entered this entrance, everyone was shocked by the scene they saw before them.

I saw that the space in the entire Baiyan Cave was surprisingly large.

At least the size of a football field and a half.

And the shape of the entire space is actually an inverted pyramid structure.

There are many traces of mining around.

Obviously this was once a huge mining operation site.

“I have a grandma, and I don’t know what kind of treasure Marukuni people dug up here!”

“For such a large scale, I am afraid that even a golden mountain can be dug out!”

The fat man couldn’t help saying.

The others were also stunned by the scene before them.

There are too many scary scenes in this place.

Who would have thought that there would be such a large-scale mining work in a mountain in the grassland?

The closer the mining area is to the middle, the deeper it is, and the darker inside knows what’s inside.

But Qin Yu and the others couldn’t help but want to look at the scene in front of them.

Suddenly, Wu Buzheng on the side walked along the way down.

Qin Yu hurriedly stopped him when he saw this.

Wu Buzheng was taken aback for a moment, then he recovered and said with a shocked expression on his face.

“I… I don’t know what’s wrong, I want to go down and have a look!”

The fat man was also busy when he heard this.

“My damn almost couldn’t hold it back!”

“How does it feel like a bottomless ghost hole below, people who are close want to go down and take a look?”

Commander Hu heard the words.

“I’m afraid there is something evil down here, right?”

Shirley Yang shook her head.

“It’s impossible. If there is something unclean, the people of Marukuni wouldn’t dig so deep!”

“Also, looking at the depth of this work, I’m afraid they have spent a lot of time here before!”

“Let’s go down and take a look, it’s not a solution here!”

“Wait for the piebald scorpion, we don’t even have a place to hide.”

After hearing this, everyone nodded.

Shirley Yang’s analysis is in place.

The most important thing is to find a cover first, and I am afraid that there is no suitable cover here.

At this time, it is most appropriate to go down and take a look.

Of course, although it is said that it is going on, there is no need to really go deep.

As long as you find a suitable cover, you can hide in the middle of the road.

As for the shocking scene here, I will leave it to the relevant departments to investigate it slowly in the future!

Everyone walked all the way down for ten minutes.

However, because it is a downward spiral, the ten-minute journey does not actually drop as much.

But they found a very strange place during this ten-minute journey.

That is almost they two steps a week.

You will find that there will be a mark on the wall on this side.

At first they thought it was a lamp mark left by the Marukuni people who worked here.

After all, it is very dark here, and it would be very troublesome if there is no lamp to illuminate it during work.

But gradually they discovered that this may have nothing to do with the lamp.

Because the distance here is too uneven.

Not every few meters.

But some places are very dense, and some places may not be visible for more than ten meters.

The fat man felt that this mark might be a reminder that there is a baby.

So he smiled.

“I said, anyway, we didn’t see any bunkers along the way!”

“I’m afraid it will be the same all the way, or else we will dig a cover in this marked place?”

“This will prevent Foehn wind!”

“Secondly, if there are really any treasures in it, then we won’t miss it!”

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