Chapter 739

The rope was quickly tied up, and everyone went down the rope one by one into the space below.

To be honest, the distance of ten meters is not too high for them.

Follow the rope quickly to the ground.

And when they really came to the space below, everyone felt a sense of oppression.

The space below this is a completely enclosed space.

The only exit should be the location below the corresponding coffin built before.

But it was blown down by a fat man with a detonator.

On the nearest rock wall, there are several steps leading all the way to the top.


Everyone didn’t want to delay, if it was left before, they might still want to see what the place of alchemy was.

But there are too many poisons in this bottle mountain, and staying for a moment will be more dangerous.

If you can go straight to Huanglong and find the Xiangxi Corpse King to get the inner alchemy, it is undoubtedly the best.

The fat man was really reluctant to bear the alchemy furnace over there and the funerary in the iron gate.

However, Wu Buzheng and Hu Commander were forced to walk towards the steps beside them.

“Everyone saw it just now, there may be something under this!”

“We try to speed up as much as possible and try to enter the channel first!”

Hu Commander greeted.

Everyone nodded, and they all went up the steps.

However, as soon as they climbed up the stairs, they found that there seemed to be a problem with this stage.

The steps here are not cut out on the mountain.

Instead, use a whole piece of large stone, polished into the shape of a step, and then embedded in the rock wall.

However, in order to be stable, the shape of a step is still carved out under the whole big stone.

In this way, from the outside, the entire steps appear to have been excavated on the mountain.

In fact, each step is a complete piece of stone, so that the entire step becomes very strong.

But on the steps that looked so stable, there were obvious traces of rubbing.

The edges and corners of the stone steps were rubbed and a little bald.

“Hey! The stairs are carefully constructed, knowing that the edges and corners are too sharp to hurt people!”

“It seems that the person who built the ancient tomb for this general of the Yuan Dynasty is quite particular!”

The fat man smiled.

Qin Yu shook his head, obviously disagreeing with his view.

Wu Buzheng also saw that Qin Yu’s expression was wrong, and followed his gaze.

I saw it at the edges of these stone steps, especially in the corners near the inside.

These stone steps are actually angular.

This shows that the edges and corners of the stone steps were not flattened by people.

It was formed later. At least workers would never flatten the middle and leave edges and corners on both sides.

This makes no sense at all.

“It may be an animal, such as a bug!”

“Let’s be careful!”

Shirley Yang said.

Everyone nodded and became vigilant.

When they hadn’t come down before, they saw a strange red light below.

However, after coming down at this time, nothing was seen.

I thought it was dazzling, but when I saw the stone steps, my heart was also frizzy.

Go up the stone steps.

Soon everyone came to half the height.

With a total height of ten meters, the stairs are also zigzag-shaped.

There are only four turning points in total.

And after two up, it has reached half the height.

Standing here at this time, they could already see the entrance not far away.

However, I don’t know if it is the angle or the reason.

The entrance was dark, as if something was blocking it.

Even the lights can’t get in.

“The entrance won’t be blocked, right? If I go here, it will be a trouble for us!”

Said the fat man.

Everyone is also a little worried.

But it’s useless to guess here, everyone still touched the entrance.

The closer it is to the top, the heavier the stone steps will wear out.

Fortunately, it does not affect the climbing.

Everyone soon came to the entrance.

Sure enough, they only saw it here.

Sure enough, there was something blocking the entrance.

It was as dark as a mass of horse dung.

Formed into a ball, the entrance was closed tightly.

Hu Commander motioned the fat man to poke twice to see if it was a stone or something.

The fat man is also welcome, and the climbing pick stabs into the entrance.

However, everyone can see it at a glance.

The climbing pick in Fatty’s hand was actually submerged.

Obviously this cannot be stone.

If it’s a stone, the climbing pick won’t go in at all.

The fat man was also full of excitement.

“Hey Lao Hu, the stuff in it seems to be a honeycomb, you can go in a bucket!”

“I go to such a big hive, then we can eat something!”

Fatty likes wild honey very much.

Busily drew out the climbing pick.

Expect a lot of honey to appear on it.

However, when the climbing pick was pulled out, everyone was dumbfounded when they saw what was stuck on it.

I saw that the climbing pick in Fatty’s hand was actually covered with a dark green juice.

The juice is very viscous, and it is full of black and red origins.

It’s like insect eggs floating in the viscous green liquid.

Even the dark red thing inside looks like a bug.

“It’s like a damn bug!”

The fat man exclaimed.

“It’s not a hive!”

“What does it mean, that’s a bug, that’s a damn centipede egg!”

Wu Buzheng was so sick that he almost didn’t vomit.


Hu Commander next to him also hurriedly shouted.

Everyone saw that in the place where the fat man stabbed, there was more green liquid flowing out.

All those floating above are eggs of this kind of centipede.

“This the fuck is in the centipede’s nest, right?”

The fat man scolded.

A few people hurriedly retreated to the next platform, and then they weren’t touched by the disgusting people’s green liquor.

But there is a large black area in the entrance above.

If it’s all such things.

It would take a long time to clean it up.

The fat man squatted on the platform, a little troubled.

“What should I do now, I can’t use explosives again!”

Hu Siling also shook his head and did not speak, apparently thinking of a way.

“If it doesn’t work, just dig up the mass of centipede eggs. Anyway, it’s just a few eggs and no bugs!”

“Except for being disgusting, it’s not dangerous!”

Wu Buzheng gritted his teeth.

The fat man hurriedly handed him the climbing pick, as if you were coming.

Wu Buzheng just wanted to scold him.

As a result, who knew that at this moment, in the calm underground space, a loud noise suddenly came to mind.

Something seemed to hit the metal.

And judging from the direction of the sound, it seemed to be the location of the cauldron used to refine the medicine.

“I’m going, what’s the situation!”

The fat man got a little hairy, so he hurriedly took out the flares and pointed it at the sky.

The flares shot out instantly.

In an instant, the light below was extremely bright.

Almost at the same time, everyone heard the sound of rubbing metal more violently.

It seemed as if countless tentacles were scratching the metal.

“Look at that!”

Suddenly Wu Buzheng shouted.

Everyone looked at the position of the alchemy furnace hurriedly.

Under this look, everyone couldn’t help but blow their heads.

I saw that the top cover of the alchemy furnace fell to the ground.

In the cauldron, two blood-red rays of light gradually emerged.

When everyone saw the true face of the thing, they couldn’t help but breathe in cold air.

The fat man exclaimed even more.

“I’m fast, this is a damn centipede, right?”

“Chief of Staff Yang, please be angry!”

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