
Vol 4 Chapter 27: Ambiguous 2 can

Chapter 27 Ambiguity

Zhou Guoping is an extreme person.

Yun Zhao didn't know what happened to her when she was a child, which led to her being cared for by Yushan Academy for so many years, and she still has a fierce personality.

Yun Zhao remembered very clearly that when she first saw her, she was a thin cat-like child, carried by a tall man in a basket.

The transaction process was very simple. The tall man poured the dirty Zhou Guoping out of the basket, and then loaded 40 kilograms of minced rice given by the Yun clan's family and left. He didn't even have the interest to look back at Zhou Guoping.

I don't understand the relationship between them... Yun Zhao didn't have the energy to ask any more questions. Anyway, the little cat glanced at the thin girl at Yushan Academy, and all her sufferings passed.

Two wild vegetables, the same bacon, a small trash fish caught from a small river, a jar of wine, Yun Zhao and Zhou Guoping drank happily under the yellow tree.

As it was a formal government conversation, Feng Ying did not appear at the wine table.

Yun Zhao took a bite of fried small fish, and after a sip of wine, he said to Zhou Guoping, "I always think you are going crazy!"

Zhou Guoping said: "For a while, I always wanted to commit suicide."


"I don't know why, but I just feel that I am not worthy of my current life."

Yun Zhao smiled, and touched the glass with Zhou Guoping and said, "Who said that?"

Zhou Guoping drank the wine in one cup and said, "Many people say that I am not worthy of virtue."

Yun Zhao also drank the wine in the cup, and knocked on the table with his knuckles and said, "It's not too late for you to commit suicide when I say this!"

Zhou Guoping smiled and said, "Okay!"

After drinking a few more glasses of wine, Yun Zhao looked at Zhou Guoping and said, "You don't really like me, do you?"

Zhou Guoping smiled and said, "Do you remember the situation when I first arrived at your house?"

Yun Zhao nodded, and said casually: "You were so tall at the time. When Granny Qin and the others took you to the bath, why did you cry like killing a pig?"

Zhou Guoping said: "I thought you were going to wash me clean and start eating. Then you came and I thought you might not want to eat me, so I won't cry."

Yun Zhao said strangely: "Why do you think I am a good person?"

Zhou Guoping laughed and said: "You took out a persimmon from your belly pocket and gave it to me. That was the first time in my life that I had eaten such a delicious thing. Since you have the deliciousness of persimmon, you should not be able to eat it. I."

Yun Zhao took out a persimmon wrapped in paper from his sleeve and handed it to Zhou Guoping: "I still have the habit of putting snacks on my body. Sometimes I meet people like Han Lingshan, Duan Guoren, Zhang Guoying, and Qian Xiaoxiao. When the emotions are uncontrollable, I will give them a snack—and then, the world will be peaceful.

This incident was a shame to the people of Han Lingshan, so we did it very privately.

I always thought you didn't need it.

It seems that I will still have to coax you with snacks in the future. "

Zhou Guoping slowly opened the paper bag, sniffed the dried persimmons, and then ate them in two bites, and wiped the persimmon frost on my mouth. "Next time you give me dried persimmons, wrap it with a handkerchief. The saponaria on your handkerchief tastes great. smell.

You always give others snacks, does anyone give you? "

"Yes, Yunyang always roasts sweet potatoes for me, which takes a lot of money from me."

Zhou Guoping clicked her mouth, seeming to be still reminiscing about the taste of persimmons, and then said after a long while: "This is the taste of fate, eat one more time, it is like one more life, you should not give life to us people too often.

I'm worried that if I eat too much, I won't be able to taste the taste of being alive. "

Yun Zhao smiled and nodded solemnly. He felt that Zhou Guoping's words made sense.

With Zhou Guoping in the small Xing'an Mansion, there shouldn't be any problems. For a hero like her who has come out of hardships and struggles, as long as she doesn't have any problems, things in Xing'an Mansion are not a big deal to her.

Therefore, in the conversation between Yun Zhao and Zhou Guoping, most of the conversations were common words, and none of them involved government affairs.

When the moon was in the middle of the sky, Zhou Guoping looked at the bright moon in the sky with drunken eyes, and then at the clouds, and said: "The moon under the flower before the moon, you really don't want me to sleep?"

Yun Zhao shook his head and said, "I don't want to!"

"Somehow you speak tactfully!"

Yun Zhao took a bite of the vegetable and stuffed it in his mouth, and said without thinking.

"You are so pure, noble, elegant, elegant, and knowledgeable. Once defiled by a layman like me, there will be no beautiful scenery in the world, and there will be no Chang'e dancing among the white lotus in the heavenly palace. !"

Zhou Guoping nodded reservedly and said, "I feel much better when you say that. By the way, who do you usually talk to? How much money?"

Yun Zhao shook his head and said, "When I like a lot of money, I will pounce on it, no nonsense!"

Zhou Guoping stood up slowly and waved her sleeves towards Yun Zhao: "Just so, there will be nothing in Xing'an Mansion. Even if there is something, I will get rid of it. Tell Wang He, if you dare to oppress my people, I will let him. Can't eat it!"

Zhou Guoping walked away drunk, and she could still hear her singing faintly.

Yun Zhao didn't mean to leave, he still sat under the yellow tree, drinking glass after glass.

Feng Ying walked out of the room and sat opposite Yun Zhao, drinking with him.

"Zhou Guoping has always been drinking very well, why is he drunk today?"

Feng Ying was somewhat curious.

"This woman seems to want to go to bed."


"I didn't promise!"


"I'm very lucky."

"Are you talking about her going to bed?"

Yun Zhao shook his head and said, "Sometimes I only need to give them a dried persimmon, and I can get all of them from them!"

Feng Ying smiled and said: "The monarch treats me with the scholar, and I shall repay it with the scholar! The monarch treats me with passers-by, and I repay it with passers-by! The monarch treats me with carelessness, and I shall retaliate with the enemy! It is just like saying.

My husband’s broad-mindedness and benevolence far surpass ancient and modern emperors, and this kind of return should be obtained. "

Yun Zhao laughed and said, "Praise me more in the future."

"Concubines obey your orders! Okay, it's time to go to bed. Tomorrow you will meet the village elders from Xing'an Mansion."

"What kind of village elders are they, just some old people who are not afraid of death, wanting to use their lives as a bet to find the way for their younger generation."

"That's also a villager."

When I got up early in the morning, Yun Zhao was awakened by the sound of birds. When he opened the window, a plump magpie flapped its wings and flew away. After a while, it flew back again and was out of the window again. To Yun Zhao chirping.

Feng Ying poked her head out of the quilt lazily, took a look at the magpie, and took out a small knife from under the pillow to kill the magpie that disturbed her dreams.

Yun Zhao stopped Feng Ying's mindless behavior and urged her to get up quickly. There are still many important things to do today.

Seeing Feng Ying's beautiful figure, Yun Zhao wanted to go to bed for a while, but Feng Ying's brain came back, but he was unwilling.

Xing'an Prefecture was formerly known as Jinzhou. In the eleventh year of Wanli, the Hanjiang River flooded Jinzhou City. A new city was built under Zhaotai Mountain in the south of the city. It was renamed Xing'an Prefecture and belonged to Hanzhong Prefecture.

In 23 years, Xing'an Prefecture was demarcated from Hanzhong Prefecture and directly under the Chief Secretary of Shaanxi Province, leading the six counties of Hanyin, Pingli, Xunyang, Ziyang, Baihe, and Shiquan.

Since Luo Rucai, Shooting Fallen Heaven, Xintianwang, Walking Stone King, Equality King, Lao Huihui, One Eye, Roaring King... etc., this place has become an uninhabited place.

Yunjiao, Yunxiao, once killed more than 7,000 thieves and bandits here. Even so, the remaining people here only dared to hide in the high fortresses.

Whenever large bandits arrive, the people in these fortresses will send some widows, money and food to the outside of the fortress, hoping that the bandits will leave after they get these people, money and food, so as not to harm the people in the fortress.

That's how Zhou Guoping's more than two hundred women who obeyed their orders came from.

In just two months, under the leadership of Zhou Guoping, these women have gone from loneliness and helplessness to very tough, and they are the first batch of Xin'an people recognized by Zhou Guoping.

The supplies Yun Zhao brought with the army were all distributed to these women by Zhou Guoping without reservation. Therefore, in an instant, these women changed from abject poverty to wealthy households in Xing'an Mansion.

When the old people who came to listen to the news saw the neatly dressed women, they were surprised and speechless.

When they found out that these women had already started to build a small clay lacquer workshop for famous Jinzhou products, and they had already produced something, they were silent.

Until they discovered that these women began to add crushed rust to the soil paint to make the black soil paint and there were tens of thousands of kilograms of finished products, they began to become crazy. Old people began to point out that these women belonged to their family, so the soil The lacquer should also belong to their family.

Zhou Guoping's saliva was sprayed on the face of the old man with gray beard. It was the first time that Yun Zhao discovered that Zhou Guoping's saliva was so large.

The old man was just about to yell and was caught by two people in black. Then, the two hundred women passed by the old man in a line, and each of them was spitting at the old man.

So, the old man was bathed by the woman's saliva.

After being released by the black-clothed crowd, the old man did not immediately commit suicide, but solemnly made a request to Zhou Guoping. There was also a lot of clay paint stored in their fortress, hoping to sell it to Zhou Guoping.

Yun Zhao stood quietly behind, watching Zhou Guoping perform.

Sure enough, Zhou Guoping didn't let him down. He bought the clay paint stored in those fortresses at less than 10% of the market price, and then sold it to Yunda at a profit of ten times.

All this was done in front of the When paying the bills, I was even more overbearing. I directly allocated 10% of the money given by Yunda to the villagers, but 50%. Those women, she didn't show anything by herself, and got 40%.

It is strange that the village elders who have the courage to plan the woman's money have no opinion at all about Zhou Guoping's taking 40% of the benefits.

"I didn't intend to give these people a good face from the beginning, nor would I give them the slightest benefit. For now, as long as Wang He starts large-scale acquisitions of clay paint, within two years, I will make it in Xin'an Mansion. More than two hundred wealthy female heads.

I need more than two hundred women to control all the production in Xin'an Mansion. If these people want to make transactions with people outside, they must first accept the exploitation of these women.

Until they destroy their clan, destroy their superior power, and disrupt their inherent living habits, I will consider opening up the market and allowing them to enter.

Of course, the clans that collapsed first must be the first beneficiaries. "


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