
Vol 5 Chapter 135: Honest little lamb

Chapter One Three and Five Simple Little Lamb

Destroying the social structure of the savages is an extremely simple matter.

In a society that still takes food distribution as the highest power base, food and safety are the power base that the patriarch obtains to dominate the tribe. Similarly, in such a tribe, whoever has the food can provide the tribe with a certain degree of security. Guarantee, he will automatically gain power.

The above words may sound awkward or even cumbersome, but this is the status quo of the aboriginal society in Yaozhou.

When an ethnic group is still in a state of macro-community, everything belongs to the general public in principle, and belongs to all ethnic groups. The patriarch only has the right to distribute. In this situation, love does not exist, and family does not exist. Therefore, Everyone is sensible.

After simply studying the social composition of the indigenous people in Yaozhou, Kong Xiu proposed to Yunxian another way to solve the problem of the indigenous people in Yaozhou.

This method is to completely destroy and destroy the social composition of the indigenous people, and then take over the leaders of the indigenous tribes and become the new leaders of these indigenous tribes.

The indigenous people have no concept of race, they only have the concept of food and safety.

As long as these two needs are met, the indigenous tribal rule system that has been maintained in Yaozhou for an unknown number of years will completely collapse.

Men in black have guns and more advanced tools. In this world full of kangaroos jumping around, one person and one gun can satisfy the indigenous tribe’s social needs for food and safety at the same time.

Yun Wen killed the tribal leader and killed many young men. In the eyes of these indigenous women, this was a battle for the tribal leader, food, women, and children's distribution rights.

This kind of battle occurs almost every few years. The old and no longer strong leader is killed, the previous leader’s squire is killed, and new leaders and new squires appear. This is a natural process. .

Of course, we must first ensure that the people in the tribe have food and are still in a safe environment.

After tribal men treat women as goods, basically don’t expect women to have emotions such as strange things to men. Love always happens when you have the right to choose your partner freely. It will only appear in food. When abundant, it is an accessory.

Yunxian led all men this time!

Eight thousand strong men!

Eight thousand men stronger than the strongest men in the indigenous tribe! !

Therefore, in Kong Xiu's plan, the first thing to do is to forcibly deprive these indigenous men of their reproductive rights by force.

Aboriginal men who do coolies will not survive for too long. The primitive Yaozhou now needs these indigenous coolies to build up day and night.

Kong Xiu doesn't think how long these eight thousand men can endure, even if they still think their bodies are noble, they can't make peace with these indigenous women at will.

However, Kong Xiu believes more in the desires of men, especially the desires of samurai.

He is not going to prohibit the Ming army soldiers from combining with local indigenous women. Of course, he will not encourage them. The essence of Confucianism is to be subtle, that is, to moisturize things silently.

After the birth of a new generation of Yaozhou people, Kong Xiu believes that the era of educating Yaozhou is coming.

Therefore, in subsequent military operations, the army only killed the patriarch and the patriarch’s obedience. The strong men would naturally be sent to the construction site, and then the women and children would be gathered together, hunting and feeding them, and they had to be taught to plant the land. They graze all kinds of livestock.

The living standards of the indigenous people will gradually rise, and this is certain.

A group of people who were almost still living in primitive society passed the slave society in an instant and entered the great feudal period. It has to be said that this is a great progress.

The most terrible thing is that there is almost no trouble in doing so. After Kong Xiu mastered these indigenous women, he basically mastered those indigenous children. These mothers would tell those children that the man in black was their new leader.

After two generations, there will be no real aboriginals. This is bound to happen.

Or, from now on, there will be no indigenous people. After a large number of indigenous men are exhausted on the construction site, this land will completely belong to the Ming Dynasty.

This is the natural ability of the Chinese nation to blend with other races.

Thinking about so many ferocious nations in the history books, they will inevitably disappear in the long river of history, and people can't help but lament-the dead are like their husbands, and they don't give up day and night!

Nowadays, the moiré without doing anything seems too peaceful.

After figuring out what Kong Xiu was going to do, he would normally not be seen where Kong Xiu appeared. According to his words, standing with people like Kong Xiu would easily be punished by God.

However, he also admitted that Kong Xiu's method is much better than his method.

Not only did he earnestly carry out the emperor's will not to want to kill, but also achieved the goal of enlightenment, which can be called two birds with one stone.

Get a bottle of red wine, take a glass, set up a sun umbrella, and lie in a hammock with the cool sea breeze. These are the only things Moire can do now.

After Yun Xian gave the order, Yun Wen became a lonely person, watching others busy and doing nothing all day long.

However, the benefits of doing nothing were quickly revealed, and he could slowly understand the emperor's grand layout of Yaozhou from another angle.

After all, as a graduate of Yushan Academy, although he is the stupidest group of people, he still does not prevent him from learning to see the world from his own perspective.

The world is really exciting.

The emperor, empress, Yun Zhang, Yun Xian, Zhang Guozhu, Han Lingshan, Xu Wuxiang, Yang Xiong, Yun Yang, Hong Chengchou, Han Xiufen, Hachi, Sun Chuanting... these people actually have traced ways of doing things.

The general direction of their work is the same, which is why they can still get along with each other in peace until now.

Their current problems are divided on some small things.

Re-reading the court report these days, Moiré has a new understanding of these words for attack, retreat, forbearance, and stalemate.

These people are people who have mastered these words and can use them flexibly. Their every move creates a certain sense of beauty in Moiré's eyes. Seeing the depths, Moiré is even a little indulged in it.

A chubby Aboriginal beauty poured red wine into a glass, held Moire in both hands, Moire took a sip, and continued to lie in a hammock and stared at the sky above her head in a daze.

The aboriginal women learned very fast. They not only learned to use new tools, but also learned how to herd sheep, cattle, pigs, chickens, and ducks, but also how to serve people.

A fluffy albizia flower fell from the tree, caught by the moiré, and inserted it in the hair of the native beauty.

This is a very gentle, very beautiful beauty, except for a darker skin, thicker hands and feet, no faults.

Of course, the taste is also a bit heavy.

However, now I am in Yaozhou, not the flower street of Chang'an. There are no pretty women in tulle and beaded, which makes people feel uncomfortable, and there is no beauty pipa for wine. Although the blue sky and white clouds here are good, you can’t smell the whole city. Smell of smoke.

However, the most moiré dream is the majestic city, where the prosperity is.

Putting a hat on your face makes it easy for people to fall asleep in the breeze. It is easy to deceive oneself, but difficult to deceive others.

Yunxian is not a good deceiver.

He drank his wine and put the hammock that occupied half of him.

Two people lie in a hammock, which requires a certain balance. Fortunately, they often do this when they are in the academy, and they have formed a tacit understanding.

"If I were you, I would search for my own world."

"I am now starting to worry about how to deal with my dad."

"No, I will tell my uncle clearly."

Yun Wen shook his head and said: "You don't know, my father and my father's minds are not the same as mine. They think that since I was born in Yun clan, I should dedicate my life to Yun clan."

"You can have higher requirements. I mean, after completing your responsibilities to Yun's, you can think about yourself.

The reason why you feel irritable these days is probably because of this mindset.

I understand your thoughts very well. After all, I have a father who is stronger than your father, and a mother who is stronger than your mother. When I ran back from Ningxia, I discovered that my mother was actually about to collapse.

My father was somewhat ecstatic.

I know why my mother collapsed, and why my father stunned.

One of their hopes was shattered, and the other felt that they no longer had to make a painful choice.

They are the most important people in my life. My mother loves me and my father loves me. I can feel that.

Awen, they gave me too much, too much...

Can you imagine my father's generation of traitorous males kicking the shuttlecock with me at night? Can you imagine that my dad would rather leave official duties when I was sick, and accompany me by my bed to tell me the obscure stories he made up?

Since my dad is always there when I need my dad.

Then, when my dad needs me, I must be there too.

I don't like Yaozhou, but when I came, I came without any hesitation.

You don’t actually need to do this. Your father is not a good Your mother is not a good mother either. She has been beaten by clubs for more than ten years. You are only slightly perverted now. I think it’s pretty good. "

Mo Wen shook his head and said: "My father is a rough man!"

Yun Xian frowned and said, "No matter how thick you are, you can't interrupt your legs, and your grandfather is still applauding, because you pushed me somersault and caused my nose to bleed.

You know, since your dad did that, we haven't played around again.

You are afraid of being interrupted again. I am afraid of being interrupted again. I am afraid that your leg will be interrupted again.

Now, no one can break your leg casually anymore, you can do something you want to do. "

Moire glanced sideways at Yun Xian next to him and said: "Fuck, no one interrupts my leg casually now, but they are starting to think about my head. Which is more important than breaking my leg or cutting my head. It can be distinguished clearly."

Chapter One,

(End of this chapter)

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