They didn't expect that, standing at the height of Ye Ling, Ye Ling would be able to think about China.

If they worked for Ye Ling just for money before, then after hearing Ye Ling's words, their hearts, in addition to money, also have what every Chinese man should have, that is for the country!

They fight not only for money, but also for the interests of the country!

Over the years, those foreign enterprises have taken root in China and brought China's money abroad

As a result, China's economy can't keep up with its development at all, and those foreigners, many people look down on the Chinese people.

Taking the money of the Chinese, they look down on the Chinese in the end. What's more frightening is that there are some gangsters and worshippers of foreign countries. Such things can be seen in many places.

So after hearing Ye Ling's words, they seem to understand something.

To drive away these foreign capitals is to increase Ye Ling's assets, but it also makes those foreign assets belong to the Chinese people, which is a good thing for the Chinese government.

"Well! Then go on with your work

Ye Ling light said.

If you let him know what these people think, Ye Ling will feel ashamed.

I just want to be the richest man in the world. When did I become so tall.

The reason why he didn't want to buy Su's group was that he had a good conscience! Know what to do and what not to do.

And since this period of time, Ye Ling has got enough.

If his hand extended to the sky again, someone would come back to chat with him

At 12 noon, after one morning, the shares of Su's group have risen to a certain height.

This has caused great repercussions in the outside world.

Originally yesterday, the Soxhlet Group continued to decline, but today, the common stock has returned to the previous decline.

But also up a bit, which for anyone, is an unacceptable thing.

Those who have just sold off the shares of Su's group, after a night's time, have already regretted.

They never thought that the shares of Soxhlet group had risen so much in just one day.

And there is a rising trend!

Many people in the apartments in various areas of Yanjing are regretting. If they insist on one night, then they will face their problems at this time. The money they lost before can not only come back, but also win a lot.

In contrast, Butterfield camp, Butterfield after seven days of rising stock, from this morning to noon time, inexplicably fell by a third.

The whole third, although it seems very few, is the result of continuous rise after seven days.

As a result, people in the Butterfield camp began to panic.

Before, they thought Butterfield's stock could keep rising, but now it suddenly fell down, which made them feel a little unprepared.

"Should we retreat now? Or is it just an accident and can it continue to rise in the later period? "

In a five-star hotel in Yanjing, a tycoon of a consortium is calling Butterfield to consult him.

These days, they are very happy to see their stocks go up like crazy, but now the changes are so unusual that they can't react.

However, this kind of thing is normal in the stock market, so after thinking about it, they decided to call Butterfield.

"I don't know. Originally, after my operation, this stock should be able to keep rising for more than ten days, but it suddenly fell this morning. This is also a strange thing for me."

On the other end of the line, Butterfield said incredulously.

"What else can you do to make this stock go up? If not, we have already discussed it and we will withdraw. "

The big man washed his cigar and asked.

Can imagine this morning's loss, let him have how heartache.

"I have no way to give you an answer now. I can only say that if you choose to believe me, you will continue to stay. If you don't believe me, you can withdraw now. After all, stocks, as you know, things are changeable. I can't guarantee that you will win. Besides, Ye Ling is operating there now, Who knows who he invited. "Butterfield continued.

"Well, we know about it. Let's do it first."

With Butterfield, they also know that things are not controlled by Butterfield.

"What do you think of it?"

Hung up the phone, the big man turned to ask.

At this time, there are dozens of people sitting behind him, all of whom are financial tycoons from various countries.

"I think we are worried too much. After all, Butterfield has never failed. This time, even though it has dropped by nearly one third, it has risen so much before. For us, we have made a lot of money, haven't we?"

"It's true that Butterfield has never failed. Maybe this is an accident? Even if it's not an accident, it's the man named Ye Ling who is playing tricks, but I still choose to believe in Butterfield. "

A dignitary from buluoguo said that he made a lot of money with Butterfield in his early years. Naturally, he believed Butterfield's manipulation of stocks.

"Well, this is the first thing. If you believe in it, you can stay. If you don't believe in it, you can retreat directly. I hope you can hear what Butterfield said before, and he can't give us the real answer now, which means that Butterfield doesn't know whether he can retrieve it now..."

A meeting, It's not just about whether they believe in Butterfield.

After all, the money they bet on this time is not small at all!

The money they bet on is not only the distrust of Barthel, but also the influence on their family.

If their family is damaged by this incident, they can't afford it at all

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