Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Although I can't understand the meaning of boss, it doesn't prevent Mo Zhenyan from hugging his thigh, and nodded and promised, "Understand! Is your photo correct?"

Qin Che's jaw, "Speed, then send me an email." The language was concise.

Although this request is very strange, as long as it is not a bonus, Mo Zhenyan said that everything is easy to say, quickly took a chest and said that he must find the most handsome photo for the boss.

In fact, Mo Zhenyan's idea was completely superfluous. He returned to his office to find the archive cover of the magazine shot by the previous boss. Each one is perfectly like a **** above the sky. The facial features are clearly shaped like sculptures. Abstinence is completely the type that women are most indispensable for.

Thousands of choices, Mo Zhenyan finally found a 360-degree photo of himself feeling no dead angle, and mailed to Qin Che.

At the same time as it was sent, Qin Che's office computer sounded a prompt for new mail.

Open, then save, and then change to a new avatar, everything is done within two minutes.

After doing everything, he raised his lips in satisfaction, but froze after seeing the comments below Weibo.

The goddess of nobility is noble and cold: the **** of man! Tell me this is not true! You just shook your hand and accidentally forwarded it!

skkkk: Bitch woman, rob my husband to die! !

MAM Kong: Ugly is better than humiliating! Who gives you the courage to hook up my male god!


A rough glance, the abused comments accounted for most, and the culprit that made Su Kui insulted by this seemed to be himself.

Thinking of this, his face could not help but cold, his temple jumped suddenly, although he does not often play Weibo, but does not prevent several friends around him nagging which actress tears x on Weibo and **** today, and who will be tomorrow Weibo's talk refused unspoken rules and the like.

So, although I don't understand, I also know that rumor is awesome. Cyber ​​violence is far more terrible than the real gossip.

I couldn't help worrying about how the girl I had never met would react, would it be a shock? Or will he hate him for causing this?

Just thinking about being hated by her, the heart is like a tear in the mouth, and the empty wind is raging in the heart.

The strange feeling filled his sensible brain, giving him a sense of familiarity.

After hesitating for a while, he said something in silence.

It is also the first Weibo written and sent by him in the meaning of his life.

Qin Che: @ 江 沅 Ann, I'm sorry for the trouble that caused you. In addition, warn those who scold the street in my name, please stop. My decision has nothing to do with anyone, and my likes and dislikes do not need you to comment! I won't let go just because of your few words, thank you for your cooperation!

Won't let go? What do you mean?

After seeing this Weibo statement, many fans felt a fierce pain on their faces, as if they had been slapped a few times in a stiff way.

But he could not help conjecture in his mind, is Qin Che serious this time, he took a fancy to the so-called millennium beauty Jiang Yuan?

Some obsessed brain fan fans saw Weibo and madly dropped everything around them, screaming impossible, rushed to leave a message under his Weibo, but found that the Weibo comment function has been turned off.

As Qin Che said, my decision has nothing to do with anyone.

Previously, he didn't care, and those crazy women took him yy and used him as a weapon to attack others.

But now, he has someone he wants to protect, so he stands up!

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