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When Minrou appeared, hundreds of spectators were up and down with her encounter. When Qinyue died, Minrou was pushed away mercilessly, and some girls couldn't bear to whisper. , Insulted: "This bastard!" But still can't help but want to see, see what is the ending behind.

When she saw another person who looked exactly like Min Rou and had a very different personality, Zhuo Min couldn't help but exclaim, wondering who this gorgeous woman was.

As the camera advances a little bit, the past 100 years of history are unfolding in front of the audience like a picture scroll, because of the 3D effect, it looks more immersive.

At the end of the film, Mo-Heng spent a century to finally get the Soul Lock to be released. Zuo Min escaped from the Forgotten River, which bound her for a hundred years. The final picture is the two sisters quietly interdependent on the roof like the night, seeing the brightly lit scene in the distance.

The seemingly unreasonable ending is exactly the best ending.

The lights turned on again, Su Kui was a little trance, even she had just fallen into the plot, unable to control herself.

The voice behind someone exhaled, indeed, after reading this movie can not be said to be happy or sad ending, anyone will be relieved to follow, this is good, let him go, but also let himself go.

Thinking out of his mind, Su Ji suddenly felt his fingers tighten, Su Kui looked back, and Canran couldn't help smiling, "What's wrong?"

Qin Che's eyes were full of love, and he whispered: "It's so good, I'm proud of you!"

Su Kui was also affectionate, "Thank you, you are also my pride--"


At the end of the premiere, fans all over the country saw the film, and the next step was movie reviews. Each comment is related to whether the box office is selling next. Even Su An, who has been in battle for a long time, couldn't help but take out his mobile phone to open the major social software and watch the comments of fans of the Soul Lock.

Su An is good at making modern commercial blockbuster films. This time, he is determined to go on his own. He chose a slightly heavier subject matter, which is also the ancient style shooting he is not good at, just to fulfill his wish.

In addition to fulfilling his long-cherished wish, he also hopes that this story, which has been fantasy for ten years, will be liked by more people.

Su Kui was indifferent and didn't feel much nervous. However, this is her first acting, after all, she also wanted to know how the audience evaluated her acting skills. So, when other people opened the phone, she also took out her phone and opened the Douban movie, found the movie of the Soul Lock and clicked in to start watching the comment.

Douban's film critics are always known for their fairness and justice, and they are quite convincing in the movie industry. But it is precisely because Douban's netizens are too high-sighted, too picky, very few can get 9 points every year. It is precisely because of such criticism that countless directors and actresses love and hate it.

Love is that if you shoot well, they will not be stingy with praise. However, if you didn't shoot well, then I'm sorry, they will simply and bluntly analyze the content, and then step on it as garbage.

To everyone's relief, the Douban score is quite high, with a high score of 9.3, which puts the top of the game.

Of course, this may also be just released, and most netizens did not watch it. But it is only preliminary results, and it is already a few streets ahead of the same period of the movie, which is a good beginning.

Su Kui smiled with satisfaction and looked at the comments seriously.

Grinch: To be fair, the Soul Locker is first-rate from the plot to the production. Su Dao's transformation works seem to be very successful. Actress An Hui's performance was mediocre, and did not give people a surprise. On the contrary, Min Yuan's actor Jiang Yuan, one person adorns the two horns, each one is striking and stunning. A very beautiful movie, give five stars!

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