Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Su Kui stretched his body sleepily, looked at the room that was dull because of the closed window, and asked, "Is the letter to Xuan Ge delivered?"

Seven days ago, she wrote a letter. The writing on the stationery was written with a special potion. No special methods were used. Even if the above information was intercepted by others, she could not see anything wrong.

There was only a very short line at the end of the letter, "The emperor is seriously ill, go back!"

That night the letter was sent out by Kuai Ma Jiabian, and she was naturally not as capable in the deep palace, but the resources left to her by King Jingting, King Jingning, could definitely keep her in the deep palace as she pleased, and have the ability to control it. The world outside the palace.

When asked about the business, Guren looked awkward, and immediately hinted Ying Luo. When she saw her heart go out and guarded, to ensure that no villain would overhear, she leaned into Su Kui's ear and whispered: "Your Highness Nine has received the news, and you should be on your way back now!"

When she spoke, Guren's eyes were full of surprises and admiration. She could be seen step by step looking at the two people who were helpless and cold-eyed in the deep palace. Who would have thought that one day, one day The little wolf cubs who are full of vigilance also have God's robe and sit on the highest position in the world?

Hearing Guren ’s words, Su Kui ’s tight eyebrows did not tend to loosen, but instead wrinkled tighter. She rubbed her swollen temple and sighed tiredly, “There may be changes in the palace. I hope he can rush back as soon as possible. Right ... "

There were deep concerns in the words.


However, on that night, something changed suddenly!

Su Kui's worries are not unreasonable. During the past two days, she has always been restless and often wakes up at night with palpitations. Tonight's dream actually dreamed that Nan Xuange failed to win his daughter, was killed by Wan Jian, and her destiny returned to the original. Married to Bei Mo and his relatives, he was brutally cut off his limbs, and became an adult. Can't die.

When the night was awakened with sweat and sweat, his chest was uncomfortable and he couldn't sleep anymore.

"red lotus."

She screamed that she wanted to let the night watch's red lotus pour a glass of water for her throat, but after a long wait, nothing happened.

Su Kui doesn't like the atmosphere of others. Except for the maid of the palace, Yingluo and Honglian, who are usually waiting for them, the other palaces are not summoned, and it is absolutely forbidden to step in the hall. Guren is the most clever on weekdays. Why didn't he respond today?

Her heart was beating fast, she lifted the quilt up and rose up, wrapped her cloak at will and stepped out quickly.

She was uneasy, and she had to find out. She firmly believes that the nightmare, which is absolutely not a good nightmare, is definitely not without reason.

As soon as he stepped out of the hall door, he was hit by a hurried figure, Su Kui was vigorously slammed, and stumbled backwards, and his waist hit the corner of the table, and he was so painful that he could not stand.

Guren didn't expect Su Kui to wake up in the middle of the night, and she was unusually impetuous. But at this moment, it was obviously too late to think about it. Seeing that Su Kui's face was so pale and sore, she secretly called bad, and quickly flashed her body to help her.

The rest of the words were interrupted by Su Kui raising her hand. Her eyes were tightly locked on the arm of Honglian tied to the white cloth. Her eyelids jumped sharply, and her heart sank all at once. She finally knew that the unexplained heart palpitations came from Where did it come--

She squeezed her lips tightly and calmly horrified, "When did you die?"

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