Liu Wenchang was so surprised and angry that he said, "you've deceived people too much. I'll go to the government and sue you."

Er Gouzi sneered and said, "well, Liu Xiucai, tell the government that we are accomplices. You are the mastermind. Haven't you heard that the principal offender must be killed and the accomplice is innocent? "

"If you are the principal offender, you must be investigated. Do you want to coerce your subordinates?"

"It's about the same. You can do it."

Liu Wenchang's face turned pale. Of course, he knew that once he went to report to the government, it would be like turning himself in. Although there was a lot less money, it was better than nothing. He stamped his foot and said, "it's just that I fell in love with Liu." Then he put part of himself into a bag and was ready to go.

But after a few steps, he turned back and said to ER Gouzi, "Er Gouzi, this is it. You'd better go out to avoid it. You'd better never come back with the money."

Two dogs a sun, said: "this does not need you Liu Xiucai to worry about, our brothers have their own considerations."

Liu Wenchang turned to see Shi Xiaorui again and said uneasily: "also, you let her go. It's not as good as innocent. You've got the money. It's useless to keep her." It's not because he is kind-hearted. Shi Xiaorui is missing. The Shi family will look around for him. If he comes here, he can't get away from it.

Er Gouzi looked back and said, "listen to Liu Xiucai. By the way, the girl is about to wake up. Is Liu Xiucai staying to let her see you, or

Liu Wenchang jumped up like a cat that had been trampled on the tail, and then ran out of the door at the same speed as running for his life.

Er Gouzi burst out laughing.

A little brother laughed as if he were a monkey: "second brother, I'm convinced. It's really high."

"If you want me to say that, we won't even give that 40% to the sour scholar."

Er Gouzi was also very proud and said, "you know what? If you don't give me a fart at all, I'll report to the official in a hurry. The money is in our hands. How can we make it clear? Give the boy some, just to stop him

The two exclaimed, "Gao is still the second elder brother. What about this girl? Really

Er Gouzi's eyes returned to Shi Xiaorui's body and said, "release? It's so beautiful. How can you let it go like this? "

Shi Xiaorui woke up, she immediately felt a few hands groping on her body, she saw Er Gouzi and two other men tearing her clothes: "help Shi Xiaorui screamed.

In the dark night, Shi Xiaorui's scream sounded particularly harsh. Er Gouzi was also startled. He pressed Shi Xiaorui's mouth and said, "I'll kill you again."

In fact, there's nothing to worry about. It's more than two miles away from the village. Even if someone can hear it, who dares to meddle in so late?

Shi Xiaorui had no strength to resist, and tears ran down her cheeks.

All of a sudden, a very dull voice came. One of Er Gouzi's younger brothers fell down. Er Gouzi was scared and jumped up.

A shadow was standing behind them. Er Gouzi was angry and said, "who the hell are you? Dare to take care of me Before he finished speaking, er Gouzi had been hit hard on the head and flew out.

The other one was so scared that he begged for mercy and said, "brother, it's none of my business. I have some money here. You have a lot of money. Please let me go." The guy took out all the money he had just shared. The reason why the money is on him is that he has agreed to give the other two a guard.

Er Gouzi was also a beating. He got up from the ground, pulled out his knife and yelled at the passer-by: "really, I'll kill you!" With that, he pounced on the passers-by, still thinking about the scene of penetrating his opponent.

It was almost the same as just now. I didn't see how anyone moved. Er Gouzi was hit on the head again. Er Gouzi's younger brother looked at Er Gouzi and flew out again.

The guy lost all his courage and ran away. It seemed that the comer didn't want to let him go. He chased after him. The guy usually followed Er Gouzi and did some furtive things. He had some experience in running away. He went where it was dark. The comer didn't catch him several times, and he was a little anxious.

Shi Xiaorui was still frightened. Although she was rescued, she was still shaking. She saw Er Gouzi get up again, ready to attack his rescuers. She tried her best to cry out: "be careful!"

Maybe something else happened, but Shi Xiaorui's exclamation made the visitor turn back immediately. A stone came with the wind, and he dodged away.

Two dogs a see sneak attack failed, anxious straight jump foot: "damn."

He turned and rushed to Shi Xiaorui and said, "it's bad for me."

As soon as the visitor saw that Er Gouzi was going to attack Shi Xiaorui, he immediately let go of his pursuers and rushed to ER Gouzi, but he was still a step late. At this time, er Gouzi was like a mad dog. The knife in his hand stabbed Shi Xiaorui. Shi Xiaorui exclaimed, and the knife was in front of him.

In the dark, a thing flew over and hit Er Gouzi. Two dog son was hit by a falter, knife lost accurate head, in Shi Xiaorui's right arm on a pass, Shi Xiaorui pain of a contraction, feel blood flow down.

Er Gouzi looked down and saw that it was a huge boar head that hit him. It seemed that it had just been cut off, and the blood had not dried. He was so scared that he almost cried out. As soon as he turned his head, he saw that the comer had rushed over. In a hurry, he grabbed a handful of soil and threw it on the comer's face. The comer covered it with his sleeve and said angrily, "rat, how dare you?"

Er Gouzi is running towards the deep forest. The comer just wants to chase him, but he stops abruptly. Shi Xiaorui's moan makes him worried.

He used to pick up Shi Xiaorui who was paralyzed on the ground: "how are you?"

Shi Xiaorui felt very dizzy. She tried to identify the person in front of her. Half of the person's face was covered with a mask, and half of the face was beautiful and resolute. She murmured, "I know you. You are Lu Shao..." and then she fainted.

It was Lu Shao who came. Today's moonlight is very bright. Lu Shao took advantage of the night to hunt a big boar.

The boar was so big that Lu Shao couldn't bring it back by himself. He had to cut off the boar's head first, and the pig's head accounted for almost one third of the weight. After the boar's body was drained of blood, Lu Shao hung it to the tree with a rope to avoid being stolen by other animals.

On his way back with boar head, Lu Shao happened to meet Er Gouzi and Shi Xiaorui, who were going to rape him. Lu Shao rushed up without thinking about it. There was no suspense at all. It was useless to rely on ER Gouzi's skills.

At this time, Lu Shao saw clearly that the person he saved was Shi Xiaorui who had been saved a while ago. Last time he was a bandit, this time he was a hooligan. Lu Shao shook his head with a bitter smile.

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