Mu Jingzhe was just listening, but he fell asleep as he listened.

After a while, I felt refreshed and surprised, "How did you do this, Xiaowu? It's amazing, it's amazing."

Xiao Wu pursed his lips, "I got the inspiration from Xiao Yuer."

Xiao Wu's eyes are shining, "So Mom, this is really useful, right?"

"Yes, of course!" Xiao Wu has passed this difficult time, "Xiao Wu, how do you plan to release this song, I think this will definitely get a lot of likes and thanks."

Anyway, Mu Jingzhe is so grateful, this should be placed now, so many people are waiting.

"It's okay, as long as it can help people."

"Little Five, you are so kind."

Xiao Wu’s song needs to be released, but there is one more thing in between, that is the annual Bailu’s death day, several children who can ask for leave on this day will take leave, and Shao Qihai will also be with them.

This day is also a day that Jibu forget never disturbs.

The process of the death anniversary is very familiar. Every year, Mu Jingzhe will make or buy what Bailu likes to eat, so that a few children will pay her respects.

Although it is always said that people are dead when they die, there are no ghosts, but people need a sustenance, what if? What if someone is dead?

So this worship, Shao Dong and the others will never stop.

In addition to preparing for worship, Mu Jingzhe also prepared longevity noodles for Shao Nan and Xiaobei as always. Mu Jingzhe used to prepare by himself, and now Shao Qihai will join in.

Shao Nan and Xiaobei were destined to be unable to celebrate their birthdays like everyone else in their lives. Mu Jingzhe did what he could to do for them.

For example, this year, she prepared a special gift for Xiaobei—a little white rabbit.

Xiaobei has always liked little rabbits. After Xiaowu had the fish sent by Mr. Ji, Xiaobei also helped feed them. Mu Jingzhe had seen her look envious.

So Mu Jingzhe also prepared a white rabbit for her on her birthday.

There were no conditions before, but now there are conditions. You can't let them down.

When Xiaobei saw the little white rabbit in the cage, he was so happy, "Is it really for me? Mom, thank you, Mom, you are so kind, and I love you so much."

Mu Jingzhe hugged Xiaobei, who had jumped up, and laughed, "I know you will like it, so you can take care of it in the future."

Shao Nan's gift to Xiaobei was also essential, but Shao Nan's was prepared by Shao Qihai. This was decided by Mu Jingzhe and him by drawing lots. Mu Jingzhe drew Xiaobei, and Shao Qihai drew Shao Nan.

"Xiao Nan, your father also prepared a gift for you." Watching Shao Nan knelt down to touch the little rabbit, Mu Jingzhe hurriedly said.

Shao Qihai: "...Yes, I also prepared."

He thought that the gift he had prepared was okay, but after seeing Mu Jingzhe, he became a little worried. He went out a little nervously, and then pushed a big shelf over.

After Shao Nan opened it, Mu Jingzhe looked over curiously, and then fell silent.

Shao Qihai sent a custom-made bookshelf that fits Xiao Nan's height. There are wheels underneath it that can be pushed, and it is full of books that Shao Qihai has collected carefully. I think Shao Nan must like it.

These books include some books on pharmaceuticals at home and abroad, as well as some human body structures, and even a human body structure model, as well as a small bone model, which is a skeleton model.

In addition, there are some foreign legal case books, and there are many foreign language versions, because he thinks Shao Nan will like it.

Shao Nan really likes it. After all, it was prepared by Shao Qihai, and I have already invested in it. So this gift is actually a problem. The preparation is very careful and very good. The premise is that there is no cute white rabbit in the hands of Xiaobei for comparison. .

Looking at the little white rabbit in Xiaobei's hand, and then at the mannequin and the little skeleton, Shao Qihai coughed and blocked it with his body, "What...what little animal do you like, Xiaonan, Dad will buy it for you next time." ."

The little white rabbit is compared with the little skeleton, even in a fairy tale, the other one is also a horror fairy tale.

Mu Jingzhe held his forehead next to him, and Shao Qihai’s behavior was like those crazy parents who gave their children three-year college entrance examination and five-year mock test questions as birthday gifts.

When she was worried about how Shao Qihai's gift was prepared before, Shao Qihai confidently said that Shao Nan absolutely likes it.

It's not that the gifts are bad, Shao Nan absolutely likes them, but it's still weird as a birthday gift.

Shao Nan looked at Shao Qihai's shame, and resisted the urge to laugh, "I like it very much, thank you dad, this model dad took a lot of effort to find it, right?"

When Shao Qihai heard it, his eyes brightened, "Yes, I originally wanted to send you acupoint maps, but the old doctor of Chinese medicine refused."

Shao Nan can imagine how Shao Qihai worked hard, "I just need it, thank you Dad."

In fact, the meaning of a gift is not the gift itself, but the intentions in it. Although the gift from my father is not as cute as a white rabbit, he has a lot of thoughts and thoughts, full of his intentions.

Besides, the little skeleton is so good, for him, it is better than the little white rabbit.

Shao Nan didn't have the slightest reluctance. He held the little skull in his arms and touched the little skull's head. "It feels very good, and it's not that heavy. Dad, these are all made according to the real bone ratio, right?"

"Yes, it's done according to the truth." Shao Qihai nodded sharply, seeing that Shao Nan really likes it, he breathed a sigh of relief, "Xiao Nan, don't thank you, you just like it."

"I like it, I like it very much, I will put it in the room." Shao Nan picked up another model.

Shao Xi and Shao Dong Xiaowu heard: "..."

They have free rooms now, so there are no four brothers huddled together again, they can sleep separately, but basically two people sleep together.

And they didn't fix who and who, they all slept randomly, so all three of them would be Shao Nan's roommates.

It’s okay for Shao Nan to put the little skull in the But if they also live together, won’t they be scared to death when they see it in the middle of the night?

In the end, Shao Nan reluctantly put it with the bookshelf because of their opposition.

Finally, Mu Jingzhe took birthday photos of Shao Nan, who was holding the skeleton and model, and Xiao Bei, who was holding the white rabbit.

Although Shao Nan said he liked it, he still decided to learn his lesson, "Xiao Nan, next time I will send you a small animal, do you like puppies?"

"It may not be convenient for us to run around. I can't be responsible for its dog." Shao Nan refused. This is what Mu Jingzhe said before. Keeping a pet is responsible for the whole life.

Shao Qihai was silent when he heard the dog.

"Xiao Nan likes little pigs, but I can't give them away for the time being. When I have a mini-pig pet pig, I can buy it for him if possible." Mu Jingzhe said, there is no way now, I can't really raise a **** pig. When you are a pet, you have to kill and eat after the Chinese New Year.

This is cruel.

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