Chapter 454 We are obviously married

   Shao Dongzheng felt something was wrong, so he heard Mu Jingzhe ask again, "How did my hand hurt? How did it hurt like this?"

  As she spoke, she suddenly remembered, "By the way, it was an earthquake. My memory is getting worse and worse. No wonder it hurts."

  She also wondered how her hands hurt when she hugged Ji Buwang, and she had forgotten what had happened before.

Hearing Mu Jingzhe himself talked about the previous events, Li Zhaodi and Shao Xi were all stiff, but Mu Jingzhe looked at them, then looked at the side, "Ji Bu Forgotten? I'm in the hospital, why didn't he come? Or did he go shopping? I happened to be hungry too."

  Hearing Mu Jingzhe talked about Ji Buyun, everyone's nerves were tense. Looking at Mu Jingzhe like this, no matter how slow he was, I felt Mu Jingzhe abnormal.

  They looked at Mu Jingzhe and didn’t know how to answer, but Mu Jingzhe frowned when they didn’t speak, "Why don’t you guys speak, Ji did not forget?"

   Shao Dong did not answer, Mu Jingzhe looked at Shao Xi, Shao Xi was watched by Mu Jingzhe, and his hands were tightly squeezed into fists, "Mom, Uncle Ji is him."

"What Uncle Ji, didn't you change your slogan as father before? Why did you call Uncle Ji back again?" Mu Jingzhe looked at his hands, "I have trouble with my hands, otherwise I have to talk about you. I have received the red envelopes. Go back." She knew Shao Xi was the most naughty.

  Hearing Mu Jingzhe's words, Shao Xi was completely stunned, "What a change?"

   "Mom, what do you want to eat, I'll buy it." Shao Dong suddenly interrupted Shao Xi's words, and Mu Jingzhe was attracted, "Okay, you go buy it, don't wait for him."

   Xiaowu and Xiaobei stayed behind, and after Shao Dong went out, Li Zhaodi and the others also followed.

   "Xiaodong, what's wrong with your mother? Why do I feel weird, why did she suddenly say that you have changed your mind."

  "I don’t know. Mom’s condition is not right. I have to go to the doctor to find out."

When the doctor heard the situation, he had to go back for follow-up treatment, but he was stopped by Shao Dong, "Wait, doctor, can you ask mother first, I want her to eat something first, can you tell us if your mother does appear like this? What is the reason for the situation?"

   "It depends on the patient's situation, but it may be due to a great stimulus, or an accident, which has caused some cognitive impairment, actively changed my memory or took dreams or fantasies seriously."

   Shao Dong was sour after hearing, "Then what should I do in such a situation?"

  "We need to figure out the specific situation before we know what to do. We have to see it as soon as possible."

   "I see, doctor, when my mother has something to eat, I will come to invite you." Shao Dong knew that Mu Jingzhe hadn't eaten for too long, so he decided to let her eat something first.

   "Okay, let's go see it later."

  Because Mu Jingzhe hadn't eaten normally before, Shao Dong chose to buy porridge. Mu Jingzhe had both hands inconvenient, so Shao Dong and the others personally fed it.

  Mu Jingzhe looked at the wrapped hands, and then at Shao Dong who was seriously feeding her, couldn’t help but smile, “Although the hands are like this, I feel very happy if you feed me.”

   After eating the porridge, Mu Jingzhe was in a good mood to eat the cut fruits washed by Xiaobei, and his complexion improved after eating.

   Shao Dong was thinking about going to the doctor, he heard Mu Jingzhe ask again, “Why don’t you come back without forgetting Ji, Xiaodong, you can go home and see your father, don’t have anything wrong.”

   "Mom." Shao Dong didn't know how to answer. Mu Jingzhe looked at him with a wrong expression, "Xiaodong, what is your expression, what happened?"

   "Mom, you said we changed our words."

   "It's just before, have you forgotten it? After Ji and I got married, you changed your tune on the same day, and Ji did not forget to give you a lot of gifts."

  Mu Jingzhe looked at them, "Xiaodong, why are you all so strange today? Did something happen?"

  Shao Dong's heart sank. The married mother said that she and Uncle Ji were married, but it was impossible. This incident did not happen at all.

  Li Zhaodi looked at Mu Jingzhe, his heart became more and more frightened, and he kept holding back so that he did not lose control, and looked at Shao Dong with a look for help.

   Shao Dong controlled that he did not show too strange expression, and tentatively said, "No, we were scared by the earthquake. Mom, do you remember the earthquake?"

  Mu Jingzhe sighed, “Of course I remember, He Ji Buming was buried, but it’s okay, Xiaodong, don’t worry about it, haven’t we all been rescued?”

  When she saw the newspaper next to her, she tilted her head to read it and frowned. "Why the newspaper is old? Now Nanlin County has recovered a lot? Is there the latest newspaper?"

  Shao Dong looked at the days on the newspaper, but he wanted to laugh but couldn't laugh, because this is the latest newspaper today. This is the fourth day after the earthquake, and it is not an old newspaper at all.

  He expected many situations that Mu Jingzhe would encounter after waking up, but he did not expect such a situation. Everything was upside down and chaotic, and he couldn't proceed.

  Just when Shao Dong didn’t know how to answer, the doctor came and they asked Mu Jingzhe many questions, and Mu Jingzhe answered them all in a clear manner.

  But her time was wrong. Her time was backed up by a month for no reason. When the doctor asked about it, she found Ji Bu-Meng again and urged Shao Xi to go home and find Ji Bu-Meng.

  From a few words, Shao Dong heard that in Mu Jingzhe’s timeline, she and Ji Buwang had also encountered an earthquake, but they were rescued the next day.

  Although there was an accident, fortunately, her and Ji Buforg’s wedding was held on time, and it is now a month later.

  Doctor didn't know why Mu Jingzhe's situation was like was ready to watch, but Mu Jingzhe began to look at his arm strangely.

   "I have been injured for a month, why is it still not healed? I remember I was not hospitalized, why am I in the hospital now? I clearly remember that I was wearing a wedding dress when I got married and there was no wound?"

She was surprised that Shao Dong was frightened by hearing her, but when the doctor heard her words, the hand holding the pen had a pause. Just about to speak, the pen fell on the ground accidentally. The doctor bent over to pick it up. Mu Jingzhe saw the doctor at a glance. Records written.

  "Date. Why do you write the date on the old newspaper."

  Mu Jingzhe looked at the newspaper and then at Shao Dong. They suddenly shook their heads, “No, no, you are not right, the date is wrong, nothing is right, you must be my dream, wake up, I want to wake up!”

Mu Jingzhe's heart was full of panic, as if there was a beast living in her mind, she would run out if she didn't pay attention, which made her very uneasy. She couldn't lift her hand and her mind was in a mess. She couldn't help but ask for help and look at Shao Dong. Xiaodong, give me a pinch and let me see if I can wake up."

  Shao Dong looked at Mu Jingzhe's body stiff, and then stepped forward for a moment. After reaching out, he looked at Mu Jingzhe's hand but didn't know where to pinch.

  (End of this chapter)

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