After the mission was completed, long RI Tian took the light flame dance into the kingdom of God, and then chose to return.

With a flash of white light, he disappeared from the tree ancestor.

"Well, I hope it doesn't disappoint me." The tree ancestor sighed a long breath and then fell silent.

Debt collection space.

Long RI Tian's figure appears slowly.

He also appeared in his hand a small dark green bottle, with a faint light on it.

This is mixed spirit wood liquid, he can feel the strong breath of life inside when he holds the bottle.

Then he opened the bottle, and suddenly the eyes of the five elements spirit appeared, and a suction came.

A strong breath of life is full of space. Long RI Tian also feels very comfortable.

A mass of green liquid gushed out and was sucked in by the eyes of the five elements spirit God. In a flash, his eyes turned green, and a stream of vitality flowed through his body, making him comfortable to close his eyes.

After a moment, the breath of life disappeared completely, and his eyes returned to their original state.

"Well? Did not the wood spirit appear? " Long Ritian murmured in doubt.

And the golden spirit came out of his eyes.

"Mulingshen may not have formed, or he may not want to come out." Golden Spirit Light said.

"Why don't you want to come out?" Long RI Tian did not understand.

"What you said in soul searching made him unhappy." Jinling God's mouth raised a smile.

"Well Just don't let him absorb the jade? Is he angry Long Ritian said in disbelief.

Jinling God nodded.

"Well, such a proud spirit can't be provoked, can't be provoked." Long day adds helpless way.

"All right. By the way, when you take over the task, you can get a world that is beneficial to me. I am too slow to improve my strength now. " Said the golden spirit.

"I don't know which world is good for you. It's not written." Said ronjitian, shaking his head.

"If you see someone with a surname of Jin, you can take it. It's a fantasy world. It's more likely."

Said the golden spirit.

"All right." Long RI Tim nodded.

Then Jinling God returned to the gold gouyu.

Then he went to the task screen.

Li Ji: help him pay his blood debt. Reward: 3000 debt points.

Fengzhan: help to recapture zhenmagic jade. Reward: 4000 debt points, burning sword.

Jinzha: help to recapture the golden heart. Reward: 2000 debt points.

"I didn't expect that just after finishing, there was a man named Jin. Are you serious about the system?"

Long RI Tian shrugged his shoulders in silence, but he also took over the three tasks.

Then it disappeared in place.

Linggu kingdom.

Linggu world is a strange world, which is divided into five domains, in which there are middle regions and human beings.

The other four domains are all element domains.

The northern region is a land of ice and snow. It is frozen all the year round, which really makes spitting and freezing immediately.

Snow monsters and snow maids live in the land of ice and snow. These two races are both elemental races, born in the ice and snow, and their world is in the land of ice and snow.

The eastern region is a sea of volcanic rocks, which is wrapped by magma and inhabited by Yanmo and Huoling.

The southern region is the land of gold elements. Don't think that pure gold is not dangerous. In the golden region, in addition to swords everywhere, there are also gold spirit and golden devil.

Moreover, in the golden region, the body will be assimilated slowly and finally become a bronze statue.

The western regions are the land of deserts. In the desert land, the sand seems to be conscious. As long as someone steps on it, it becomes quicksand and devours people. There are still sand monsters living in it.

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