Fulu village, this is the name of this small village.

Fulu village has a small population, just like the population of 50 households. It makes a living by planting and fishing.

The wooden houses in the village are arranged orderly, surrounded by rows of fence walls.

In a small house in the middle of the village, long Ritan lies on a bamboo bed and falls asleep again.

"My wife, why is this boy sleeping again? There's no real problem with his health, is there? "

An old woman asked anxiously.

"He's hurt. Let him heal here." The old man sighed.

"Well, let's not send him to the city. We have saved some money these years." The old woman looked at the long day Tim on the bed and said softly.

Long RI Tian opened his eyes slightly, covered his head and sat up.

"No, my grandparents. I just had some problems with my practice and got hurt. I'll be well soon."

He said with a weak smile.

"Young man, you are a fairy." Asked the old man.

"It's not an immortal, it's just an ordinary practitioner." Long Ritian shakes his head. He is not a man of this world, and he has no immortal body. Naturally, he is not an immortal, but a god man.

"By the way, granddad and grandma, you can take the money to the town to buy more delicious and useful things."

A ten Liang silver appeared in his hand.

He did not dare to give too much, because too many old people would be under great pressure, so he only gave one.

"Boy, that's not going to work." The old man said quickly.

"Grandfather, I live here for nothing. I don't know how long I'll stay. I'm sorry to disturb you. You'd better take it."

He said with a smile on his pale face.

The two old men looked at each other.

"Well, well."

The old man no longer refused and took the silver.

Seeing them take the silver, long RI Tian smiles, but the smile looks tired.

The power of the soul was exhausted, and only 10% of the time in a day was recovered, so that he had to sleep to recover the power of the soul.

After another chat, he fell asleep again.

After that, he would sleep soundly every day, just wake up once during the meal, chat with the old people, give them money to improve their life, and then go to sleep again.

At this time, the village knew about longjitian. When he woke up, the simple villagers often took some wild animals to help him.

Although he didn't need it, he didn't refuse the villagers' kindness.

Finally, ten days later, he woke up again.

"At last, it was restored." Long Ritian opened his eyes and a flash of light flashed by.

It's not easy. It's really not easy. It takes ten days to recover the power of the soul.

But the soul is not good, he estimated that it will take another month or so.

"Tim, you're awake." An old voice sounded.

"Grandfather." Long RI Tian smiles and cries to the old man.

In the chat, he told his name, also know the old man's surname is Yang and Li, Yang's grandfather and Li's grandmother.

"Look at you, are you well?" Yang asked curiously.

"Well, I'm fine." Long RI added with a smile.

"That's good. That's good." Granddad Yang was also happy to say,

in the next few days, long RI Tian Yi talked directly with the villagers or helped them with their work.

He also asked whether he wanted to practice, but he was rejected by grandfather Yang with such a sentence: "if we were young, maybe we would also practice, but we are old, we just want to live a good life."

After hearing his words, long Jitian didn't force him, though it was a pity.

Today is the day for him to say goodbye to the villagers.

"Xiaotian, take good care of yourself and pay attention to safety."

"I'll come back here when I'm tired. This is also a home for you. My grandparents and so many uncles and uncles are here."

Many villagers do not give up looking at him, told the way.

"I know my grandparents. I'll come back later." Long day Tim also some reluctant to say.

Although he lived here for less than a month, he really regarded the people at that time as their relatives. They were too simple and too good.

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