"Wow, that's amazing!"

"Really, people are handsome and basketball is good."

With long RI Tian's handsome shot, all the girls around him called out.

This is no wonder they will be like this, graduated from high school students, not yet adults, the immunity to handsome men is a little low.

After scoring a goal, long Jitian smiles at Li Bai.

Li Bai was a little angry, took the ball and moved quickly.

After making a few feints, one side turned and tried to flash past ronjitian, but a slender hand stretched out from nowhere, and smashed the ball.

Li Bai stops and looks at long RI Tian with disbelief.

"Do you want to fight?" Long day adds light to say.

Li Bai's face changed and he didn't speak.

"Ha ha!"

Ronjitian threw the ball high into the air and walked towards the canteen without looking at the others.

Just then he stopped and looked ahead.

In front of a girl in school uniform, a head of black hair, air bangs in front, thin melon seed face, a pair of Danfeng eyes look a bit charming, with thin lips, very delicate.

Long Ritian's face changed. Then he walked on without speaking.

"It's impossible for us, Rita."

A clear voice came into his ears and made him pause. Then he walked on and passed her.

She is Li Xin, playing from childhood to adulthood, can be said to be a childhood sweetheart. Long Ritan likes her, she also likes long Ritan.

In high school, they are still in the same high school, but with her appearance, many people in the school pursue her, and there are countless rich people, so the relationship between childhood and childhood has changed.

There are always some men who come to stop him and warn him to stay away from Li Xin Tian.

"Oh, cousin, he ignores you."

At this time, Li Bai came over and said with a cold grin.

"It's just the right thing to do, so that people don't think we have a clear relationship."

Li Xin said without expression.

"Ha ha, I really don't know where to go after the college entrance examination for this poor boy who died of his parents."

"It's none of my business that he died. Don't mention him in the future, so that my boyfriend won't be happy."


Long Ritian did not hear their conversation, and even if he did, he would not pay attention to it.

After dinner, he walked out of the school.

A few minutes later, he came to an outdoor store on the street.

The world to be visited this time is the world of the Ming Dynasty, that is, the Ming Dynasty, which was established by Zhu Yuanzhang and the last unified dynasty established by the Han nationality in Chinese history.

"What do you want to buy? What I have here is absolutely authentic. There is no shop around me that can compare with it. "

Long day Tim just entered the store, a tall, bearded uncle came over and asked with a smile.

"You are the only outdoor store in this town. There must be no one like you." Long RI Tian thought to himself.

"I'm going to explore a very dangerous place. Please recommend it to me, boss."

Yang Hu looked at the student in school uniform with strange eyes and asked curiously, "where are you going to explore?"


Long day adds light to say.

Compared with Shennongjia, the Daming dynasty he is going to go to is almost as dangerous.

"Pretty boy, listen to my advice. Shennongjia is too dangerous. You'd better not go."

When Yang Hu heard about Shennongjia, he was also surprised. He often explored outdoors. Of course, he knew the danger, so he said quickly.

"Thank you, boss. I've decided. Please recommend some good equipment to me."

Long RI Tian smiles and says firmly.

"Well, you come with me."

Yang Hu saw his expression and was silent for a few seconds before he said.

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