Kai followed Sandai obediently. He didn't think too much. Since Sandai said he would follow, he should follow him.

Following the third generation, they arrived at a river, the Konoha River that flows through Konoha. Legend has it that the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan once had a dispute over this boundary.

After the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan reconciled and founded Konoha together, this river became a symbol of reconciliation.

A fusion that represents Konoha's abandonment of prejudices.

Dispute and peace meet, begin and end here.

"Kai, punch me."


Even if the lines are as thick as Kai's, he can't help but hesitate.

"rest assured."

Sandai then said something that was very convincing to Kai.

"I am the Third Hokage."

yes! This is the Third Hokage! The legendary, the strongest Hokage in history!

How could I possibly harm this strongest shadow with my current self? !

Moreover, precisely because he is the strongest shadow, he can sing without any worries! Go and play the song of youth! ! !

"Sandaime-sama! I'm coming!"

Kai clenched his fists with passion and punched him.

Although he prefers to use his feet, if the Third Generation said to use fists, then use fists!

"Look at me, Konoha Gouken!!!"

So cool!

Sandai couldn't help but praise in his heart.

He raised his hand, grasped the incoming fist, and pulled lightly, followed by a movement of his body, and then, Iron Mountain Damn it!


Kai was knocked out.

Until it hit the tree, the tree shook violently!

Kai gritted his teeth and rubbed his chest. His teeth were shining and his eyes were even more excited and hot.

"As expected of the invincible Hokage III!!!"

When did I say I was the invincible Hokage?

The Third Hokage, who thought he was very humble, thought like this, Oh, by the way, the Third Hokage originally had the title of the strongest Hokage.

What a false political propaganda.

I complained in my mind.

I saw Kai getting up, spreading his legs, sinking his body, and clenching his fists.

This look reminded Sandai of the Dragon Ball he watched when he was young.

"Sandaime-sama! I'm coming again!"

After yelling like this, Kai, who looked like he was charging up, immediately rushed over even faster.

It's so fast that it's almost invisible to the naked eye.

The third generation grinned.

He raised his hand as if to receive a fist.

This very Chinese-style warrior stance... also exists in this world. It can only be said that this world has really absorbed a lot of Chinese elements, and that’s right, after all, it is a popular Japanese comic.

Therefore, seeing the third generation in such a warrior posture, Kai did not feel that it was against his will.

He himself has done this.

Yes, as a martial arts master, Sandai can actually fit into the style of this world very well.

Who said that the world has absorbed too many Chinese elements, especially Chinese martial arts elements.


Fists and fists collided together.

"Youth!!!" Kai shouted.

Soon, fists began to collide like raindrops.

Kai only felt passionate! Keep rushing! rush! rush! Faced with the bottomless fist power of the third generation, he continued to exert his full strength! Go all out!


The third generation suddenly roared.

"Look at the punch!"

Open your fists and hit them!

The shoulders and back seemed to be swollen and bulging, as if a pair of wings were about to spread!

Accompanied by the fist, there was a roaring sound like a tiger!

Faced with such a fist, Akai opened his eyes wide. He actually saw a tiger rushing towards him! Fierce and addictive!

Behind the tiger, I saw a sacred white crane spreading its wings and soaring into the sky!

Then the tiger and the crane merged and became a winged tiger, swooping down!

Tiger and crane! A powerful blow!


Akai was knocked out. He tried to struggle, but found that his whole body seemed to have lost control. He rolled to the ground and hit a big rock by the river.

He was so weak that he tried to raise his hand, but found that he couldn't move.

Faintly, he could still hear the roar of tigers and the roar of cranes?



Akai was a little surprised. He was really not good at illusions. Once he fell into an illusion, it would be difficult to break it.

But he also knew this weakness and was always careful not to be hit by illusions. But the question is, the Third Generation had fought him so fiercely just now, when did he find the time to use illusions?

Could it be that he was in the illusion from the beginning?

After a while, Kai opened his mouth and realized that he could speak, so he directly asked the question in his heart: "Sandaime-sama! Did you use illusion? When?"

"It's not wrong to say it's an illusion."

After all, there is chakra and there is spiritual energy.

The mental shock that accompanies the fist intention can be said to be an illusion shock.

"But that's more accurate."

Sandai looked at Kai who looked longingly, and said, "This is a kind of momentum."


"Yes, the momentum that comes from the heart is also the momentum that comes from the fists. You must have this firm determination, a strong self, an inner self-search that must be recognized, and express it from the inside out through your fists. out."

"So, this is an illusion that can be performed with fists!" Kai's eyes lit up.

"That's right for you to understand."

"Then can I learn it?!" Kai asked excitedly.

Then he thought of something and immediately said: "This must be a secret technique! Third Generation Master, I will definitely complete the mission well, accumulate merit, and redeem this technique from you!"

After all, it's an illusion cast with fists!

Kai is so excited!

"This is a technique I created." Sandaime said, "I can teach you."

"Then thank you very much! Third Generation-sama!"

Kai's eyes lit up and he stood up suddenly. At this time, his whole body also regained control.

After standing up, he gave the third generation a thumbs up and grinned, his teeth shining brightly!

Seeing how Kai was still full of energy, energetic and sincere after being defeated like this.

Sandai couldn't help it again.

"Hehehehe, hahahaha!"


He smiled very heartily and cheerfully.

To be honest, Sandai really wanted to accept Kai as his disciple.

But he thought about it and still didn't do it.

Although he is now a retired Hokage, he is still a Hokage after all.

The disciples of the Hokage line are really sensitive about their identity.

It’s better not to cause such trouble.

If Konoha is regarded as a ninja master, it should be regarded as the ancestor of the master, to teach the favored disciples and juniors.

Kai is the younger disciple of Konoha's sect that he, the patriarch of Konoha, favors.

To use an analogy.

Just like Feng Qingyang taught Linghu Chong.

Comparing the three generations, they still look very much like Feng Qingyang, a master of the generation, with excellent style and extraordinary bearing.

In his opinion, Kai's mental talent was much better than Linghu Chong's.

As for Kai's appearance?

It’s okay not to mention this.

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