Trillion Market Capitalization is Not a Dream

Chapter 234: How to explain the inquiry unit price?

After listening to Lei Zhao's report, Hua Baibai arranged: "Next, please report the situation of the seedling experts who participated in the on-site inspection."

The seedling expert smiled and reported: "The situation I want to talk about, Mr. Zhao has already talked about, I am only familiar with the seedlings in the north, and I am not old enough to know much about the seedlings in the south. So I don't need to add it now. Content."

Hua Baibai continued to preside over the meeting and said, "The art masters are invited to express their opinions."

The artist said: "The original design of this project uses a large number of northern seedling species, which are actually not practical in the south. In the South China Sea area, it is recommended to plant palms, trees, ground cover, etc. that can reflect the style of the South China Sea.

Such as palms can be considered: fake betel nut, king coconut, king coconut, wine bottle coconut, stick coconut, triangle coconut, foxtail coconut, queen sunflower, oil palm, sugar palm, Washington sunflower, Washington palm, Canary date palm, Middle East date palm, palm palm, dong palm, sugar coconut, soft-leaf thorn palm, three-drug betel nut, green palm, fragrant palm, long-spiked fishtail palm, short-spiked fishtail palm, and scattered tail palm.

Arbors can be considered: alpine ficus, ficus small-leafed, ficus huangge, ficus linden, ficus weeping, ficus willow, poinciana, small-leaf terminal tree, big-leaf terminal tree, neem, big-leaf mahogany, pot shelf, autumn maple, red Kapok, green kapok, camphor tree, rain tree, Indian red sandalwood, white wood incense (earth agarwood), jacaranda, hemp, pineapple, flame wood, white orchid, South China Sea Ping Po, Fake Ping Po, Diaogua, South Sea Red Bean, Umbrella maple, Nanhai peach, Qiongya begonia, Yangpu peach, Jianye Duying (large leaf), Jianye Duying (middle leaf), Shuishirong, Shield column wood, safflower sheep's foot beetle, pink flower sheep's foot beetle, pink flower wind suzuki , silver scale wind sycamore, yellow bell tree, long-leaf mahu oil, mango, yellow hibiscus, crape myrtle, beautiful kapok, fragrant olive, sea mango, araucaria, four seasons sweet-scented osmanthus, red Melaleuca, yellow locust, cockscomb thorn Tong, water yellow skin, frangipani, etc.

Ball plants can be considered: red flower (ball), gray Li (ball), red car (ball), etc.

Ground cover plants can be considered: rhododendron, gardenia, wolfberry, clover, horseshoe gold, Ophiopogon japonicus, oil grass, etc.; Phoenix-tailed bamboo, goose bamboo, etc.; ivy, creeper, honeysuckle, etc. Some other ground cover plants that are adapted to special environments, such as vines, coral cabbage and burdock, which are highly resistant to salt and alkali. "

The art master reported numerous plant names in one breath, and Shengjie, who purchased the seedlings, showed a look of approval.

The artist continued to explain: "All these plants with the characteristics of the South China Sea region cannot be directly planted in the sea sand soil in the area where the project is located. If this project must be done in a beautiful and high-end direction, it must be carried out. Salt removal and soil replacement. This requires the company to make a decision, otherwise it will affect our art department’s proposal for adjustment in the bidding.”

Hua Baibai replied: "The boss of the company attaches great importance to this project now. You first make a plan according to the high-level direction. Tomorrow, the boss will participate in this pre-bid meeting, and then directly ask for instructions in person and then make a decision."

The master of art replied, "That's fine. Then tomorrow, after knowing Boss Bai's final opinion, we will make a detailed art adjustment plan."

Hua Baibai continued to arrange: "Let's ask Lin Yiping to report on the calculation of the gross profit rate of this bidding project."

Lin Yiping went on to report: "Mr. Leaders, good morning, I am Lin Yiping, head of the bidding team of the Commerce Department of the Fifth Division.

Now let me report to you the calculation of the gross profit margin of the Tangwan 701 hospital garden landscape project bidding.

This project is divided into three sections: one, two, and three.

The construction area of ​​each tender section is basically about 200,000 square meters.

The data reported below are all calculated based on the bidding construction drawings for the time being, and the impact of artistic adjustment on the gross profit rate has not been considered for the time being.

The cost of a tender section is 65 million yuan, and it is estimated that the quotation is 100 million yuan, and the gross profit rate of the quotation is 35%.

The cost of the second tender section is 80 million yuan, and it is estimated that the quotation is 120 million yuan, and the gross profit rate of the quotation is 33%.

The cost of the third bid is 90 million yuan, and the estimated price is 130 million yuan, with a gross profit margin of 31%. "

Hua Baibai asked: "Have the costs of these three tenders been consolidated?"

Lin Yiping replied: "More than 90% of the cost is clear, and only a small part of the floor material price needs to be further consolidated. Because the total amount of data used is not large, the impact on the total cost data is also relatively small. Small. The cost data is set.”

Hua Baibai asked: "Don't worry, let me first tell you how your on-site funding is considered."

Lin Yiping replied: "The previous quotation for this project is 100 million yuan. According to the company's regular bidding calculation method, it is temporarily calculated at 2% of the previous quotation."

Zhang Yunqing asked: "There is no municipal tap water and no electricity connection at the project site. This requires increased costs. Have you considered these increased costs?"

Lin Yiping replied, "I didn't consider it. As a rule, there are three connections and one leveling. I didn't consider the extra cost."

Zhao Manfu asked: "Mr. Hua, if you think about it like this, the cost is not considered enough, and the gross profit margin will be too high. Should you adjust it?"

Hua Baibai replied: "Mr. Zhao, it is still in the bidding stage. If we consider the cost too high, you know that the company also has specific requirements for gross profit margins, which will lead to our high quotation~ The bid evaluation rule for this project is to win the bid at a reasonable and low price. At this stage, we are more important to consider how to make him win the bid.

If we win the bid, we can negotiate carefully when we sign the project target responsibility letter. "

Zhao Manfu said: "Since that's the case, let's follow Mr. Hua and your opinion first."

After spending a hundred years "um", he arranged for Lin Yiping to continue reporting.

Lin Yiping opened the bidding summary form for a tender section and explained: "We divide the cost of each tender section into five parts: earthwork, garden construction, greening, hydropower, and on-site expenses.

As shown in the summary table of a tender section on the projection, the cost of earthworks is 5 million yuan, the garden construction project is 25 million yuan, the greening project is 30 million yuan, the hydropower project is 3 million yuan, and the site cost is 2 million yuan, with a total cost of 65 million yuan.

Let's take a look at the detailed list of earthworks costs, this is relatively simple.

The volume of excavation, transportation and filling in the field is 100,000 cubic meters and the cost is 900,000 yuan.

Replacement of planting soil is 100,000 cubic meters at a cost of 4.1 million yuan. "

Hua Baibai interjected: "Xiao Lin, this data report, pay attention, the boss may ask you how the unit price of 9 yuan per cubic meter of excavation, transportation and filling in the field comes from, and you need to explain; the unit price of replacing the planting soil is 41 yuan. How each cubic metre came about also needs to be explained.”

Lin Yiping replied, "This is from an inquiry, how can I explain it?"

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