Trillion Market Capitalization is Not a Dream

Chapter 343: Are you happy that the company was beaten down?

A few minutes later, Yu Shengjie brought the three documents printed on the seedling price application form to Zhao Manfu's office, handed the documents to Zhao Manfu, and Zhao Manfu handed a copy of the documents to Zhang Yunqing.

Zhang Yunqing took over the document and checked it line by line, and communicated with Yu Shengjie while reading.

"Yu Gong, what is the gross profit margin of the quotation on our first draft?"

"The gross profit margin of that first draft was too high, reaching more than 80%."

"It's now more than 60 percent of what it's been adjusted for."

"Which varieties are mainly downgraded?"

"It's mainly a few varieties of frangipani, a few thousand yuan per plant, and theirs are tens of thousands. We have a large number of this variety here, so the impact is relatively large."

"Today, our three units worked for another day to achieve the current result."

"Yes, because adjusting the order of one variety may affect the quotations of three units, some of which have a serious impact and some have a small impact, but they all need to be calculated and discussed repeatedly.

If you want to quote a higher price on the right, but don’t dare to be too aggressive, the price that must be controlled on the right seems to be more reasonable, and the deviation from the market price should not be too large.

Otherwise, when an inquiry is made in the later stage, the reduction rate will be very high, and it will be difficult to reach a consensus review opinion. "

"Yu Gong, your idea of ​​reporting a reasonable and high price is right, otherwise people involved in the review of the price will think that the level of our several companies is not good, and the quotations are randomly reported.

Thank you for your hard work.

Did they say when the nursery stock quotations of the two tenders can reach the level of printing and reporting? "

"Mr. Zhang, their situation is similar to ours. Let the leaders have a look. If you don't have any opinions, it's fine."

"Okay, I know.

I've read it all.

I have no opinion.

It depends on whether Mr. Zhao agrees. "

"Yunqing, Shengjie, I read it, I don't think there is any problem with these reports. That's it for Miaomu.

Yunqing, if you still have materials, please remind me.

Shengjie, you and Wang Ming are in the same office. It is estimated that the relationship is better and it is easier to talk. After you go back, find an opportunity to urge him to rectify the price declaration form for this material as soon as possible.

It is impossible for us to only report your seedling stock valuation declaration form without reporting the materials.

what do you say? "

"Mr. Zhao, I will urge him. Of course, it's better for you to ask Yu Gong to help urge him. We urge each other for the purpose of getting the outcome document."

"Okay, Mr. Zhao, Mr. Zhang, I will urge him when I return to the office."

After a period of discussion, the three of them confirmed the application form for the price of seedlings.

Yu Shengjie left Zhao Manfu's office and returned to the material office. Wang Ming, the material purchaser, was turning off his computer and getting off work.

Yu Shengjie asked Wang Ming and said, "When will your material pricing declaration form be ready?"

Wang Ming replied, "I don't know yet. Someone invited me to dinner, do you want to go with me?"

Yu Shengjie replied: "Mr. Zhao arranged for me to ask you just now. Your affairs are not complete, and you have to go to dinner with the supplier. Do you think the business people are fools?"

Wang Ming replied, "Are they stupid or not have anything to do with me?"

Yu Shengjie sneered: "I heard that Zhang Yunqing specially arranged for someone to watch you. As long as your material price declaration form has not come out, you dare not work overtime, and if you still run around, there must be no good fruit to eat. ."

Wang Ming replied: "They are newcomers, and their heels have not stood firm. Am I still afraid of him?"

Yu Shengjie asked, "I can understand that you are not afraid of Danzhen and Li Xixuan.

But Zhang Yunqing is the one who is in charge of you and me. Where do you get the confidence to not be afraid of him? "

Wang Ming replied: "Confidence? Why do I have no confidence. I have learned that they are like duckweed that no one wants. In the company, they have no connections and no foundation. They can relate to me, a person with a background. Compare?"

Yu Shengjie said disdainfully, "Just pull it down. Could it be that your relationship is tougher than mine? Are you so arrogant?"

"That's not necessarily true. Who is your relationship?"

"Okay, since we want to have a relationship, let's have a good comparison. My relationship is Boss Bai.

In this Western Construction Co., Ltd., is there a better relationship than Boss Bai? "

"What are you talking about? Are you stupid? I'll just listen to what you say. Do I really believe you? Why do I feel like you've been bragging recently, and you haven't written any drafts at all?"

"What draft? Do you know who I am? You're just talking nonsense like that."

"I don't know, just listen to it."

"Okay, boy, are you still not convinced? Then I might as well tell you.

My wife's mother and Boss Bai's mother are sisters.

Can your relationship get any better than this? "

Wang Ming opened his mouth wide and asked incredulously: "My mother, so powerful. Then you must have shares in Western Construction Co., Ltd.? Don't tell me, you have no shares in such a special status."

Yu Shengjie replied: "Not only do I have my wife also has shares.

And we have a lot of shares.

These shares are all given to us by Boss Bai, we are equivalent to picking up money, and the price paid for each share is one dollar per share. "

Wang Ming replied: "Wow, according to what you said, the shares you hold now don't have to add at least a market value of tens of millions."

Yu Shengjie replied: "I haven't calculated the issue of market value carefully. But anyway, the money is a lot for sure. Do you think your relationship can be better than mine?!"

After Wang Ming heard Yu Shengjie's words, he raised his hands and surrendered: "Brother Yu, you can take care of me in the future."

Yu Shengjie replied: "Just do it like this, the company arranges you to do what you are supposed to do, but if you don't do it, who can take care of you? Do you really think of me as a fool, or are you a fool yourself?"

Wang Ming replied: "It's fine.

President Yu, in the future, I will do whatever you ask me to do.

Don't you just let me work overtime? I'll just work overtime, right?

You just say what I said is fart, you just let me go.

I beg you. "

Yu Shengjie replied: "Work overtime, as long as you work overtime, then I will take what you said and what you did did not happen."

Yu Shengjie continued: "Don't think about it. The company specially hires headhunters to hire senior managers like Zhao Manfu with high salaries, just because we can't manage some internal matters. Our company needs them like Zhao Manfu and Zhang Yunqing. Such people with management skills and technical strength. You are still fighting with them all day long for petty profits. You don’t even think about it, why are you fighting the company down, are you happy? What can it do to you?"

Wang Ming replied: "Oh, they always make me uncomfortable, otherwise I wouldn't do it like this."

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