Luo Li was surprised but did not forget about business. She flipped through the document to find out what to do after the other party responded. Then she typed and sent a text message: "I don't mean to offend, I just want to tell you the true face of the person you love. What you saw Not entirely true.”

"You talk like farts. Who are you? Are you qualified to intervene between us?"

"Don't you just want to send me a random photo? Laughing, who doesn't know how to use Photoshop these days?"

"Don't show off your intelligence here without any actual evidence. Do you believe I will sue you for defamation?"

"Don't think that I can't find you if you cancel your phone card. Do you believe that I can find all your personal information in just half an hour? If you don't want to 'run naked' on the Internet, apologize now!" "

Luo Li's brows twitched as she looked at the messages that kept popping up on the screen.

This, this is too aggressive!

Should he say it or not, his girlfriend, Xiao Momo, still had a high level of trust in him.

"Ha... Xiao Momo, Xiao Momo, your girlfriend trusts you so much, is it really okay to take the initiative to break this trust and make her feel betrayed? I feel a little pity for her."

Luo Li suddenly sympathized with Jiang Muxue who didn't know anything. She felt sympathy for the same person, but she still had to do what she had to do, so she followed Bai Mo's request and sent out the fourth sentence.

"What if I say he has a special relationship with a busty beauty he lives with?"

Jiang Muxue was silent. After about 5 minutes, a reply came.

"What special relationship? Make it clear!"

Chapter 2 is not unacceptable.

"What if I say he has a special relationship with a busty beauty he lives with?"

Looking at the message sent by the other party, Jiang Muxue fell into deep thought, and the figures of Bai Mo and Bai Meng walking together flashed in his mind.

Brother Mo and Sister Bai...

Jiang Muxue's face became solemn. She believed Bai Mo, but the other party's words just hit the doubts buried in her heart. She did not pursue it after Bai Mo's explanation last time, but the doubts in her heart were not completely dissipated.

Although he had doubts, Jiang Muxue didn't want to linger on this matter.

She has gained Bai Mo's love and is now Bai Mo's person.

As for Bai Meng, Jiang Muxue's first impression was very good. She loved Bai Wujiwu. She also liked Bai Meng very much and regarded her as a sister.

If this stranger hadn't suddenly brought it up, Jiang Muxue would have kept this doubt deep in her heart for the rest of her life.

But now, someone took the initiative to mention it to her, and doubts deep in her heart emerged together with curiosity.

Jiang Muxue tapped her fingers on the screen of her phone, typing, deleting, and hesitating.

If Brother Mo and Sister Bai really...

Jiang Muxue imagined it for a moment and found that she was not particularly angry, nor did she seem to be unable to accept it.

"What am I thinking?"

"No matter how hard you say it, it's impossible!"

"Even if I want to, Sister Bai will..."

Jiang Muxue shook her head to put away that strange thought. Her eyes were confused for a moment, and then became firm again.

Regardless of whether it's true or not, the other party is obviously coming with bad intentions.

How did she know about Brother Mo?

Who is she?

What does she want to do?

With such doubts, Jiang Muxue typed and asked: "What special relationship? Be clear!"

Could such a vague description be deliberately misleading me? ?

Jiang Muxue is full of suspicions. No matter what, she must expose the ugly purpose of the stranger opposite, otherwise this matter will become a thorn in her heart forever. Even if Bai Mo is really unbearable, she will not allow others to say that. he!

Not long after, a number was sent from the other side.

"This is my QQ number. It's not convenient to send those things on text messages."

After adding the other party's QQ, Jiang Muxue looked at the other party's QQ level. There was not even a small moon, so it was obviously too small.

"You'd better come up with solid evidence, otherwise, you won't be able to reap the rewards!"

As soon as Jiang Muxue came up, she was full of threats.

"Don't be impatient, I will let you understand."

After adding Jiang Muxue's QQ, Luo Li first sent a photo to Jiang Muxue according to Bai Mo's request. The photo was naturally provided by Bai Mo. All the photos of Bai Mo and other women in her computer were deleted.

"You should know this girl with light blond hair, right?"

Looking at the photo sent by Luo Li, Jiang Muxue frowned. In the photo, Qingye Zhenbai's cheeks were flushed, one of her twin ponytails was messy, and the other one was messed up. The black and white school uniform had a big collar. Open, the snow-white soft flesh wrapped in pink underwear is exposed, and there are obvious "strawberry" marks from the neck to the snow-white soft flesh.

The photo appears to be a selfie, with part of it cropped off.

The attentive Jiang Muxue found that the background in the photo looked very familiar, as if it was the rooftop of a school.


Jiang Muxue's heart trembled. Although Bai Mo didn't appear in the photo, who else in the school could be there with her female classmates?

But Brother Mo told me that we just have a good relationship with her. Is Brother Mo lying to me?


Jiang Muxue endured the heartache and struggled to type.

"It's just a photo. There's not even a trace of him in the photo. What on earth do you want to say?"

"Why do you have such a photo? Could it be that you took it yourself?"

"Why are you slandering him!?"

Jiang Muxue tapped the screen with her fingers so hard that her thumbs hurt.

When she felt that typing was too slow, she directly recognized the voice and typed out frantically full of emotion.

"Didn't you say that he has a special relationship with the person he lives with?"

"Where is the evidence? Where is the evidence?"

"Don't tell me you have no evidence, you're just talking!"

Looking at the continuous messages, Luo Li felt Jiang Muxue's excitement from between the lines.

According to Bai Mo's request, she now has to fight with Jiang Muxue.

"He was the one who took the photo. As for how I came here, haha, guess what."

"You are not the only one who likes him. There are more people who want his love than you think."

"You are just a lucky person, being cared for and pampered, and all I have to do is wake you up from your stupid dream. The one you love does not love you alone, and you are not the only one!"

Luo Li's news pierced into Jiang Muxue's heart like a sharp sword, and her fair shoulders trembled. Jiang Muxue gritted her teeth, recalling everything she had been with Bai Mo before, and the corners of her eyes became red and moist.

"This kind of thing...this kind of's not your turn to talk about it!"

Jiang Muxue roared in her heart. She was keenly aware that there was something strange in Luo Li's news.

I like Brother Mo...more than one...

Does this lunatic also like Brother Mo?

If the person who took the photo is Bai Mo, then to get such a photo, you absolutely need to have a close relationship with Bai Mo to the point where you can look at the other person's phone, and such a private photo is definitely a peek, right?

Jiang Muxue thought of the possibility that the other party peeked at the photos on his phone while sleeping with Bai Mo in his arms.

Because of peeping, Bai Mo's true face was discovered.

So she discovered Brother Mo’s true face, felt hurt, and kindly reminded me?

But... this kind of reminder feels a bit targeted.

Saying I'm not the only one always has a strong sour taste.

Could it be that this lunatic has been dumped by Brother Mo?

If it were me, even if I found out that Brother Mo had cheated on me, I would still be reluctant to break up with him.

This guy definitely made Brother Mo angry, and then he took the initiative to kick him away. He held a grudge, and was jealous that I was Brother Mo's current girlfriend. He wanted to break up Brother Mo and me.

Yes, it must be so!

Jiang Muxue figured out the other party's motive for his actions.

"Hehe, thank you so much."

"So what if he is really what you said? This does not prevent me from loving him."

"Also, what is his relationship with her? They have been making trouble for a long time without saying anything serious!"


Luo Li and Jiang Muxue suddenly resonated.

She found that Jiang Muxue seemed to be the same as herself, a person who could ignore everything else for the sake of love.

So I am such a stupid and brainless person?

Luo Li laughed to herself and suddenly had a clear understanding of her feelings for Bai Mo.

Desire is packaged as love, even if it looks bright and beautiful on the outside, the greed inside is still ugly.

There is a saying that goes well: "Human desires are like mountains and rolling stones. Once you start, you can't stop."

After tasting the forbidden fruit for the first time, Luo Li clearly understood that her desire could no longer be controlled.

"Well, as long as you are happy."

Luo Li typed a reply from her heart, and then sent the recording to Jiang Muxue.

"If you're really okay with it, just be honest with the guy. Good luck, love fool."


[The follow-up process of Chapter 177 has been released (Bai Meng Chapter)]

Chapter 2 Did you sleep?

Dirty sounds were continuously coming from the earphones and into Jiang Muxue's ears. Her expression changed from the initial shock to numbness and then to vague expectation. Her rosy cheeks were ready to bloom, and her heavy breath was churning with desire.

Jiang Muxue lay down on the bed and lifted up the quilt to cover herself.

The quilt was arched up to form a hill. This hill was constantly changing. The beautiful girl who was pressed under the hill would moan unbearably from time to time, like the sighs of someone who pushed the window and leaned on the railing to look out at the night in late autumn, or like the sigh of someone sitting under the bright moon. The cat meows softly in the night breeze on the roof.

Time passed quietly while tossing and turning, Jiang Muxue poked her head out from the quilt, her pink face was full of spring, and her clear eyes were like rippling autumn water. She sighed and slowly sat up and leaned on the head of the bed.

Jiang Muxue took off her headphones and rubbed her ears. Her eyes fell on the phone with a black screen beside it.

She had finished listening to the audio, and the heartache was only at the very beginning. As Bai Mo and Bai Meng's voices intertwined together to form a chorus of life, the same excitement filled Jiang Muxue's heart.

The feeling was indescribable. My face was burning and my heart was panicking, but my body was indeed in a state of extreme pleasure.

All in all it was weird.

"Brother Mo is so cruel. Does he treat Sister Bai like that?"

"But Sister Bai's voice sounds quite comfortable."

Jiang Muxue muttered to herself, the lingering feeling of weird excitement in her heart slowly fading away.

Picking up her phone, Jiang Muxue found that the stranger had deleted her.

Did she really just come to tell me Brother Mo’s true face?

Jiang Muxue couldn't believe that the other party's purpose was so simple, but now that the other party had deleted her, she wanted to put this matter aside for the time being. Now it was more important to think about how to face Bai Mo.

Jiang Muxue got up and got out of bed, put on a coat and left the bedroom.

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