Although I had met them yesterday, I knew a little bit about Jiang Muxue's parents.

My father is not a stubborn person who says, "If you want to marry my daughter, try to cross me." My mother is not a sarcastic woman who would say, "You are the only one, are you worthy?" But you should still be nervous.

Bai Mo would be much more relaxed if Bo Meng was with him at this time.

But Bo Meng obviously didn't want to get involved in this matter.

After breakfast, Bai Meng cleared the dining table, while Bai Mo went back upstairs to change into decent clothes.

"Sister Baimeng, I'm leaving. See you in the evening."

"Well, see you tonight."

After saying goodbye to Bai Meng, Bai Mo went out. Jiang Muxue sent a message saying that she had arrived and was waiting outside.

Alley mouth.

"Brother Mo is here~"

Jiang Muxue smiled and waved, and Bai Mo walked over quickly.

"Good morning."

"Well, good morning, brother Mo."

Jiang Muxue looked at Bai Mo up and down, her smart eyes blinking, and her long eyelashes dancing like small fans.

Bai Mo asked: "I should be able to see my uncle and aunt if I dress like this. If not, I can change to a suit?"

"That's it. It's not like you're going for an interview, just show them going through the motions."

Jiang Muxue shook her head and hugged Bai Mo's arm. She was wearing casual clothes today and did not wear fancy clothes.

She said seriously: "Besides, we are still students now. We should be young, free and energetic. Wearing a suit and pretending to be mature doesn't look good at all. It's weird."

"Well, so be it."

After getting in the car, Bai Mo glanced at the maid driving in front of her. She was an old acquaintance.

"Let's go to XX Manor."

"Yes, Miss."

After the vehicle started, Jiang Muxue covered her mouth and yawned. She tilted her head and leaned on Bai Mo's shoulder. She closed her eyes and rested. She whispered softly: "Brother Mo, the place is a bit far. It takes some time on the road. I'll take a nap first." "

"Did you not rest last night?"

"I slept a little late..."

Bai Mo pushed Jiang Muxue gently, moved away from her, patted his thigh, and motioned for her to rest here.

Jiang Muxue blinked her eyes and smiled brightly. She slowly lay down and rested her head on Bai Mo's thigh.

In the driver's seat, the maid who was driving glanced at the rearview mirror and silently changed the navigation to a road that was gentler and took longer. Jiang Muxue was so excited that she couldn't sleep last night and didn't fall asleep until four in the morning.

After Bai Mo and Jiang Muxue's parents met, the relationship between them was completely settled.

It's hard for Jiang Muxue not to be excited.

When I woke up this morning, I had faint dark circles under my eyes, which I put on light makeup to cover up.

Bai Mo gently stroked Jiang Muxue's hair, and the girl gradually fell into sleep under the gentle caress.

The black car drove steadily towards its destination on a road with few vehicles.


"Has it gone far?"

At the entrance of the alley, Luo Li, who was secretly following Bai Mo, walked out of the darkness after watching the black car go away. She stood on tiptoes and looked at the horizon where the car disappeared, feeling all kinds of melancholy in her heart, which finally turned into a sigh.

"Ha, when will I get an official relationship?"

"Miss Luo, why are you here?"

A familiar voice came from not far behind her. Luo Li turned her head in surprise. She was surprised to find that Bai Meng had appeared behind her at some point, less than five meters away. Her heart beat suddenly.

Could it be that what you just said was heard?

"I...uh...I'm getting ready to go to the company."

"is it?"

With a slight smile on his lips, Bo Meng walked to Luo Li and said, "I happen to be going to school too, let's go to the parking lot together."

"I refuse." The words of rejection came to her lips, and Luo Li swallowed them hard. Facing Bai Meng's natural enthusiasm, she adjusted her breathing and said with a smile, "Okay, let's go together."

Nothing terrible.

She must have known.

If that guy can be accepted, so can I.

She has such a good attitude towards me, maybe she has accepted me.

In other words, I accepted the fact that Xiao Momo and I had an inappropriate relationship.

Luo Li mustered up the courage to follow Bai Meng. She had to adapt to the distance. If she didn't adapt, she would be the one to suffer.

On the way to the parking lot, the atmosphere was silent. Luo Li secretly glanced at Bai Meng. Upon closer inspection, Bai Meng was indeed a gentle beauty. Her big sister temperament matched with the turbulent waves. It's an eye-catching presence wherever it goes.

Bai Meng had already discovered that Luo Li was peeking at her. She did not express her dissatisfaction, but asked aloud: "Did Miss Luo meet Mo Mo when she went out just now?"

Luo Li hesitated for a moment and replied: "I saw it. He and a girl got into the car and left."

"That girl is very beautiful, right?"

"Yes, indeed."

"Not only is she beautiful, but her family is also rich. She is devoted to Mo Mo like a loyal dog. She is simply the perfect girlfriend."

"Ha, haha, I think they match well."

"Aren't you surprised, Miss Luo?" Bai Meng turned around and looked at Luo Li in surprise, "Did you know that Mo Mo has a girlfriend?"

"Ah, this," Luo Li turned her head to avoid Bai Meng's sight, "He and I talked about it before."

"Really?" Bo Meng retracted his eyes and said half-jokingly: "Miss Luo has no chance."

Luo Li was slightly startled and did not answer Bai Meng's words. Firstly, she didn't know how to answer, and secondly, she didn't dare to say nonsense for fear of breaking the membrane by saying the wrong thing. Although she was no longer particularly afraid of Bai Meng, and It was destined to lead to a happy ending, but in the end, she still hoped to be "guided" by Bai Mo to the end.

"As long as I listen to Xiao Momo, I will definitely have a bright future, right?"

Luo Li thought so in her heart.

The atmosphere returned to silence and the parking lot arrived.

"My car is inside, Miss Luo, I'll say goodbye here."

"Well, Miss Bai, have a nice trip."

Luo Li stayed where she was and watched Luo Li walk towards the depths of the parking lot.

"Is she trying to hint at something by telling me this?"

The morning sun of autumn slowly climbed up to the sky. The clear sky was as blue as a pond. Pure white "fish" were swimming in the pond in twos and threes. The car started up and the white vehicle slowly drove out of the parking lot.

A cold wind suddenly blew from the sky, disturbing the "fish" in the pond, and the pure white "fish" swam away into the distance.

The morning breeze blew the tips of Luo Li's hair, and the cluttered mind went away.


A crisp voice sounded, and Luo Li slapped her cheek twice.

"Why do you think so much? Just listen to Xiao Momo."

"Tomorrow will be as peaceful as ever...probably?"

Luo Li is not sure. If he cooperates with Bai Mo to integrate into his home step by step, the frequency of things like pushing through the door and poaching from behind will probably increase significantly in the future. Such a future will not be peaceful for Luo Li.

——It will be exciting.

Volume two finished

Chapter 264 Driving

The black car was driving on the road, with the setting sun behind it slowly sinking into the darkening sky on the horizon. White airplane clouds drifted past, and its tail close to the western sky seemed to be lit by flames. Small red dots slowly rose from above. pass through.

"'s finally over."

In the car, Bai Mo sighed and leaned on the seat tiredly. He really didn't expect to stay in that manor until the evening. He thought it would be enough to meet and get to know each other.

Although Jiang Muxue's parents treated him very well, the invisible pressure of being with his elders was really uncomfortable.

Moreover, Jiang Muxue's mother's way of expressing her love for him was too strange. She kept saying things like "Do you like cars? How about I give you a sports car?", "Isn't this kind of manor very beautiful? This will be your place after you graduate." "With Xiaoxue", "What are your plans after graduation? Otherwise, I will just be a housekeeper at home, Xiaoxue will support you" and other series that make people yearn for it, resulting in "Otherwise, I will just lie down and forget it. When I’m such a loser, I have clothes to put on, my hands to open my mouth to eat, and I have a girlfriend to warm my bed when I’m sleepy.” These are the words of depraved thoughts.

If it weren't for Bai Mo's strong willpower, he would have been beaten by these "sweet-coated bullets" long ago.

"Am I, Bai Mo, the kind of person who eats soft food?"

When he was at the manor, Bai Mo wanted to refuse righteously, but in the end he didn't shout out.

Because he found that he seemed to be eating soft food, eating Luo Li's.

"Thank you for your hard work, Brother Mo."

Jiang Muxue held Bai Mo's arm and sat next to him.

"By the way, are uncle and aunt leaving tonight?"

"Well, they've been staying at home for a week. They came back urgently and couldn't stay any longer. I guess when we left, they rushed to the airport."

Jiang Muxue turned her head and looked at the sky outside the window. This week was probably the longest period of time this year that her parents could stay with her at home. Although they were not happy when they first met, it ended up perfectly in the end.

Because Brother Mo is very good, everything went smoothly.

Jiang Muxue thought to herself, and couldn't help but admire Bai Mo even more.

"Mom and dad are very satisfied with Brother Mo," Jiang Muxue whispered while looking at the fiery red sunset on the horizon. She retracted her eyes and leaned her head on Bai Mo's shoulder. She said with a happy face, "They said they would wait for us if they want. You can get engaged after graduation.”

Bai Meng said that Jiang Muxue should hold on to her identity as fiancée and not give it to anyone else.

With Bo Meng's permission, Jiang Muxue naturally no longer had any scruples.

"Graduation, it's still early."

"Indeed, it's still early."

Jiang Muxue agreed.

"I won't give it to others."

Bai Mo turned his head and whispered in Jiang Muxue's ear.

"Well, I believe Brother Mo."

Jiang Muxue smiled and nodded. She glanced at the maid driving in front of her. Her thoughts moved slightly. She reached out and pressed a switch. A white projection cloth slowly lowered between the front and back seats.

Usually this white cloth is used for watching movies, but now Jiang Muxue is not in the mood to watch a movie. The purpose of lowering the white cloth is to block the maid's view and prevent her from glancing into the back seat through the rearview mirror.

Bai Mo blinked and glanced at Jiang Muxue, who let go of his arm and raised a sly smile at the corner of his mouth.

Jiang Muxue came close to Bai Mo's ear and whispered, "Brother Mo, let's play."

Although Jiang Muxue and Bai Mo were always together today, there were always people around them, and most of the time their parents were present, so the two never had the chance to get close.

Bai Mo opened his eyes wide in surprise and glanced in the direction of the driver's seat. Although the projection cloth was lowered to block the view, the people in front could still hear the sound. He whispered: "It's not good, someone is here."

"Ignore her, she can't see us."

It's true that you can't see it, but you can hear it...

Bai Mo smiled helplessly. If it were the original Jiang Muxue, she would never take the initiative to make such a request, but now she has completely released her true self and no longer pretends to be in front of Bai Mo.

Let me put it this way, who would have the heart to refuse a girlfriend who actively pursues excitement?

Jiang Muxue leaned down and gently pressed her palms on Bai Mo's thigh. She recalled that this morning Bai Mo gave her a knee pillow to sleep with. She had an idea at that time, but she was too sleepy and fell asleep when she lay down. When she woke up, Already in place.

"I was thinking about it this morning when I was sleeping with my head on Brother Mo's lap.

"Brother Mo, let's play~"

“There won’t be enough time when we wait for the place.”

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