"It's really annoying."

Did you encounter the enemy at this time?

Sarutobi Sasuke's eyes flickered.

On the sea, the ability of water escape ninjas will be greatly amplified.

This made him, a ninja who was better at fire escape, feel a little aggrieved.

At this time, even if the Water Release Ninjutsu is not as good as the Fire Release, we can only use it forcefully!

"Damn it, when I went back to the village, I forgot to ask Lord Tobirama about the Water Release Ninjutsu.

If I had learned from Tobirama-sama, I wouldn't be so unsure now. "

Uchiha Yue heard Sarutobi Sasuke's mutterings, and despite the current enemy, he couldn't help but smile.

"Don't worry too much, Sasuke-sama, you have to believe in yourself and our companions."

Aren't the people on this ship who can follow you, Sasuke-sama, on missions, all the elite ninjas from the villages you selected?

Even though everyone comes from various families, they are all people who have survived the troubled times and traveled with you to the Kingdom of Fire, Kingdom of Wind, and Kingdom of Water!

"Sasuke-sama, Tsuki-sama, continue!"

At this moment, Capone's voice rang out, and he threw the two scrolls towards the two of them.

"A large number of detonating talismans and shurikens are sealed here. Now, only in your hands can they be used to their fullest effect!"

Capone was now in the cabin, holding on to the fluttering fixed handle, and saw the looming enemy ship on the sea not far away.

At this time, of course, you have to hand over the good things you bought and saved to more professional people for use.



At the back of Konoha, Tobirama rubbed his nose.

"It always feels like someone is missing me again."

"Don't be distracted, Senju Tobirama. This is a glorious moment that concerns the two of us. Whether we can leave our names forever and be remembered by others!"

Hearing Ichibi's roar, Tobirama couldn't help but roll his eyes at it.

It was obviously impossible for a certain tailed beast to make trouble every day before, absolutely impossible. Magnetic Release and Thunder Release were completely unrelated.

Now, uncharacteristically, he is frantically trying to understand the phenomena and principles of magnetism generating electricity and electricity generating magnetism, and at the same time, he is investing in the research and development of power generation equipment with great enthusiasm.

I don't know what happened.

It was as if this guy suddenly had an enlightenment. He learned this and became extremely capable.

"From now on, every night when people use electricity to turn on the lights and let light appear in the dark night, I want them to think of our two names!"

Ichibi was slightly excited. After all, it felt that what Tobirama said was very likely to come true.

You see, in Konoha Village at night, most of the village is pitch black and nothing can be seen.

Unless the weather is very good that day and the moon is sparse, under the moonlight and the lighting of oil lamps in many places, the roads in some places can be seen slightly clearly.

The electric light at the end of it before could be sustained, long-lasting, and keep blooming.

When electric light became popular, it and Tobirama's names would be remembered forever.

"Your name? Are you sure that after researching this thing, others will be able to remember your name?"

"Ichiwei, you haven't even told me your name yet."

Tobirama's words made Ichibi freeze in place for a moment.

Yes, yes.

Until now, it has never told anyone what its name is.

Wouldn't it mean that if this continues, everyone will only know that the electric light was invented by a tanuki and Senju Tobirama?

and many more.

Actually, now that it's time, it's not impossible to tell Tobirama his name.

But it's a bit difficult.

After so many years, does it actually want to take the initiative to tell a human what its real name is?

"Wait, wait, isn't there me? I want to be famous too!"

The Slug Immortal watched the excitement and didn't mind it being a big deal. He lay on Tobirama's head and spoke softly.

These days, when Tobirama and Ichibi are busy here, it has been watching silently.

"Ahem, let's do this. How about I give myself a nickname?"

There was a cunning look on the corner of Yiwei's mouth.

"Just call me Shukaku-sama!"

Hehehe, you never expected it, Thousand Hands Tobirama, in fact, I have already told you my real name like this!

"Then I'll call you Slug Immortal."

Slug Immortal shook his head in distress. For a long time, it was called Slug Immortal. Unlike at Miaomu Mountain, the big toad also had a name called Toad Maru.

"Okay, Shukaku."

The corners of Tobirama's mouth curled up slightly, "Yiweiyiwei, you are so funny."

At this time, you are still shy with yourself, insisting that Shukaku is your nickname.

"Then, keep working hard, it won't be long before we can start to spread the light to the entire Konoha Village!"

Tobirama and Ichibi immediately increased their energy and started working.

The two of them were busy non-stop, and from time to time they needed to ask the Hokage's office to send more people to help.

Their busyness also made Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Izuna curious.

What are the two of them doing together?

In recent days, Tobirama has not been to the laboratory, and he has not done research on ninjutsu and forbidden arts.

Could it be that what they are doing is much more important than what Tobirama did before, enough to make Tobirama put down so much work at hand?

Within two days, tinkling sounds began to be heard on the streets of the village.

On the edge of the wide road, straight lines were dug out and then began to be laid.

Since all this was just beginning, they first conducted an experiment and led the wires from the power plant built on the back mountain all the way to the Hokage Building.

Otherwise, in order to lay wires, there will be too many roads to be dug and too many wires to be laid.

"I'm really curious, what are you doing now?"

Facing Uchiha Izuna's question, Tobirama smiled and said nothing.

Until he and Ichibi were busy in the Hokage building for a day with many ninjas and ordinary people hired by him and Ichibi.

When night was about to fall, under the curious eyes of Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Izuna, eldest brother Senju Hashirama, and many others.


After the last ray of the sun set, Ichibi pressed the light button in the Hokage's office.

Warm and bright light instantly illuminated the entire Hokage's office.

clap clap.

In the Hokage Building, every window quickly became brighter.

Both Izuna and Madara's eyes flashed with surprise, and the eldest brother Hashirama also looked very happy.

Many ninjas have also seen the changes that this bright light can bring to Konoha Village.

Only the head of the Nara clan, one of the ninjas who had been promoted from the police force by Izuna and Madara, had his eyes darkened.

It’s over, this thing is too bright, much brighter than an oil lamp. From now on, the whole Konoha will continue to be bright at night?

Can work and life extend from day to deeper into the night?

In other words, it is very likely that I will have to work all night in the Hokage Building at night?

220 Sese is the primary productive force of mankind!

“In the future, when night falls, the lights will make the village look like daytime.

This can greatly increase the activity time of villagers and make all walks of life in the village more prosperous. "

Tobirama was whispering to his eldest brother Hashirama and Uchiha Madara about the changes that would be brought about after the widespread use of electric lights.

Ichibi was already there and couldn't help but think about how his name would be spoken by countless people in the future.

“But right now, we still need manpower, a lot of manpower.

Laying circuits, manufacturing wires, improving and improving power generation devices, and cultivating related professional workers who can carry out these power, wires, and production equipment..."

"So, what do you want to do?

Tobirama, do you know that because of your various ideas, the manpower in the village has been severely lacking? "

Madara Uchiha looked at Tobirama and Kazuo, somewhat dumbfounded.

Sarutobi Sasuke and Capone have been desperately sending all kinds of people from all over the ninja world to Konoha Village.

At the beginning, Konoha was still a village composed mostly of ninjas and a small part of ordinary people.

But now, just comparing the number of people, the proportion of ninjas and ninjas in the village has dropped sharply.

The population of the entire village has exceeded his and Hashirama's expectations for the development of the village when the village was first established.

The overall scope of the village has been expanded outwards, but now, it seems that it is still not enough, and it must continue to expand in all directions!

"There is no other way. If we want everyone to live a better life, we really cannot have fewer people..."

Unless you are willing to use the hegemony of Konoha to suck blood from all the ninja world, so that Konoha Village, which only accounts for a very small part of the population of the entire ninja world, can live a happy life far better than other areas.

"Ahem, I suggest adding more cultural courses in the Ninja School."

"Okay, okay, just do it. I'll see who is free in the Hokage's office now and can cooperate with you...

If that doesn't work, go to the security force and recruit some civilian personnel to help you! "

Izuna saw her eldest brother Madara looking helpless to Senju Tobirama, but with a hint of doting on him, and a sense of crisis arose in his heart.

He couldn't help but glance hard at Hashirama next to his eldest brother Madara.

Please, that's your brother and best friend. Your best friend is about to snatch your brother away. Powerful God of Ninja, do something quickly, don't giggle happily there!

Oh, you are happy to see such a scene, then that’s okay.

“Also, we need to keep electricity prices down as much as possible, although in the short term, there may be no way to recover the profits.

But if the whole village can be electrified earlier, it will make the village more active and bring more benefits in other aspects. "

"I understand. I will let Quan Na look at the current expenditures and income of the village. You can see how much iron supplement you need. Report it to Quan Na and let him allocate funds for you."

Izuna shivered and thought about the days when she had been so busy with financial budgets, verifications, and appropriations that she almost broke her waist.

He shook his head violently and looked back.

Then, at a glance, he saw the Nara clan chief among the crowd, his eyes rolling and turning quickly.

I can tell from one look that you are also a clever little kid.

It’s you, Chief Nara, take the lead and do a good job in the financial work this time!

Afterwards, everyone walked into the Hokage building together and looked at each office that had power on and the lights turned on.

"It's so bright! From now on, when you work overtime at night, you don't have to strain your eyes so much!"

The Nara clan chief hid in the crowd and looked at the person who sighed like this.

You are such a cutie.

Didn't you hear the conversation between Tobirama-sama and Madara-sama just now?

There are still more people to be absorbed into the village, and more industries to be spread in the village.

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