And if he had such an ability, I'm afraid it would have a huge impact on the entire Fire Nation, and even the rich and powerful in the entire ninja world.

Rich people and powerful people not only like to enjoy themselves, but also cherish their lives.

Qianju Tojian can help people regenerate their limbs. If the broken limbs are reborn, those people will live longer and live longer. Isn't it easy?

If he can do this, can he help aging people replace their internal organs with more powerful ones?

It can be done!

In that case, no one with any sense would casually offend Senju Tobirama or Konoha Village.


"Lord Daimyo, several officials have already asked for leave."

At this time, the report from the people below made the Daimyo even more upset.

He glanced at the list and knew that these officials were probably taking some of their disabled relatives to Konoha.

"Hey, let them go!"

How could he stop this? How could he stop it?

Not only the Daimyo of the Land of Fire felt bad, but even the ninjas from other countries, such as Lie Dou, also felt very headaches.

After so many years, many of his followers who followed him in the north and south and conquered the world in the Kingdom of Wind were injured and disabled.

After learning that Konoha has the ability to make people healthy, can he still stop these people who sacrifice and pay for themselves from pursuing the hope of becoming whole?

But Konoha is really not stingy at all in this regard.

Ninjas from other countries have given what they consider to be the cheapest conditions. As long as you give them enough money, they are willing to help you treat you.

This made Lie Dou sigh.

"Senju Tobirama, you are really amazing!"

274 Need more money!

"Finally, it's almost here!"

The area outside Konoha Village, outside the control of eldest brother Senju Hashirama's Wood Release, has now become vibrant again.

The huge trauma caused by the horrific earthquake is slowly being healed with the comfort of time.

Plants are always very tenacious. Inadvertently, they bloom slowly and quietly on the broken earth, adding a touch of green hope to this desolate scenery.

On the road, groups of carriages were moving towards Konoha with some difficulty.

An old man sitting in a wheelchair, with an aura of wealth all over his body, was carefully helped up from the wheelchair by the people around him, and stood tremblingly.

His eyes were blurry as he looked around at the scene around him.

Although he had some knowledge of the information here when he came to Konoha, it was only after he came here in person that he realized what the desolation outside Konoha Village meant.

That big earthquake was centered on Konoha and spread to the surrounding areas.

After leaving the area shrouded by Konoha, for more than ten miles outside, except for people and ninjas traveling to and from Konoha, there was almost no other human figure.

Those who survived the original disaster were all taken to the village by Konoha.

After all, by the time the daimyo sent people to rescue them and help rebuild their homes, they would all have starved to death.

"Is Konoha Village an ominous place, or a blessed place for outstanding individuals?"

After the old man thought quietly for a while, he got into the wheelchair again with help.

Then others lifted the wheelchair and carried it to the carriage.

It doesn't matter whether he is in hell or in heaven, as long as his body can be cured and he can stand on the earth healthy and strong again, that will be fine.

Anyway, he just came to ask for a better and more comfortable life.


The old man gave an order, and the accompanying ninjas who were responsible for guarding him and the servants who took care of his daily life also continued to move forward.

After passing a certain limit, everything in front of you seemed to completely change in an instant.

The desolate land was instantly covered with lush vitality. In the fields on both sides of the road, there were hard-working villagers working hard and taking care of the fields.

Seeing those people working enthusiastically on the huge, flat land, the old man was curious for a moment.

The mental outlook of these people working in the fields and the people working for him in his fields are completely different.

These people were full of energy, and their eyes had a light that shocked him.

From these people, there is a huge new vitality that is constantly radiating outward.

This made the old man feel a little unhappy.

Because there was only a dull air left in him, because he could not see from the people he hired that they looked like they were working so hard to take care of the fields for him.

If you look at it this way, if your own fields can produce half the harvest of the fields here in Konoha Village, it will be considered a blessing from God.

He doesn't like it here.

This place made him, a dying guy, feel very uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

"Let's speed up."

After sighing heavily and looking away, they quickly arrived at the gate of Konoha amid a turbulence.

The old man stood up and looked at the two Konoha ninjas guarding the door. They were also filled with a temperament that he had not seen in other ninjas before, and he felt even more irritable for no reason.

Konoha is a bad place, very bad!

Even the streets here are spacious, clean and tidy.

Even the pedestrians walking on this street are all dressed simply, generously and decently.

Even if there is no bad smell here at all.

The old man raised his head and could take in the two heads on the huge Hokage Rock at a glance.

That is... the pillar of Konoha Village.

It is not only the cornerstone of the village, but also the spiritual pillar of everyone here.

The old man squinted his eyes and looked at them for a while, waiting until the Konoha ninja guarding the gate confirmed their identity as Fire Country residents, conducted routine inquiries, registered, and gave them temporary identity plates.

Only then was the old man able to slowly enter Konoha Village.

The more he walked in this place full of life, the more uncomfortable the old man felt.

Usually, in Daming Mansion and other cities in the Land of Fire.

It's not like he hasn't seen new places, new hotels, new houses, and new streets being built.

But that's just superficial newness.

But it's different here in Konoha.

Finally arrived at the Hokage Building, and was about to enter it to ask about Senju Tobirama's work of helping people regenerate their severed limbs and repair their damaged bodies.

He was surprised to find that a long queue had been lined up on the other side of the Hokage building.

Those guys are much more active than me.

But, how long will the queue last?

The old man, who was already in a bad mood, quickly ordered his servant to inquire.

He squinted his eyes and watched when his servant went to ask questions. The Konoha ninja who was in charge of receiving them answered the questions normally and patiently.

Really, it's different.

This place is different from the society like these powerful people and these rich businessmen, who used money and power to construct a society with one step after another, allowing them to stand on it all the time.

The ninja who received his servant and answered his questions was able to treat them equally whether he was facing wealthy businessmen like himself or those servants who were under orders.

This was what made him very uncomfortable.

"Sir, the ninja master just said that we need to line up and prepare a deposit of 500 million taels."

"Five million taels, it's not very expensive."

This made the old man relax.

After arduous queuing, I finally got the number plate I could reserve from Konoha Village.

But the expression on the old man's face seemed even more uncomfortable.

Three months, he would have to wait at least another three months before it was his turn.

It wasn't that he couldn't spare the three months, but that he felt that he had to wait too long.

All this time, in the Kingdom of Fire, there were always others lining up to beg for him.

In the past, even those ninjas had to treat them nicely in order to get as many commissions as possible from wealthy businessmen and powerful people like them.

But now, he has to stay in this place that makes him feel uncomfortable all over for three months!

How will you spend these three months?

He ordered his subordinates to line up and give himself a number, and then, like the rest of the people, he headed towards the surrounding hotels, preparing to stay.

When it was almost night and the sky was dark, he quietly asked his people to lead him quietly towards the direction of the Hokage Building.

At this time, Uchiha Izuna, the acting Hokage who is currently acting as Hokage for Uchiha Madara, should be off work.

Go find the most powerful man in Konoha Village and be a little accommodating, and you should be able to get to the front of the queue quickly.

As long as you are willing to pay a little more money.

Humph, these ninjas must still be the same as before, unable to refuse the temptation of money.

They used to be able to take on tasks and commissions that might put them in danger for money.

Now, for money, it is certainly not difficult for him to join the team for a small amount of time!

However, when he was carried by his own people and came to the Hokage Building.

With his frowning eyes, he could see many people with the same idea coming to the vicinity of the Hokage Building.

Do these guys actually think the same as him?

Just as the old man was deep in thought, a sonorous and powerful voice came from the Hokage Building.

"what do you mean?"

"Do you think that with a mere 500 million taels, you can bribe me, bribe Konoha, and let me, the only person in the ninja world who can do such a thing, deliberately change the order and give you priority service?"

"Why do you think we Konoha ninjas are so cheap!!"

"What do you think this place is?"

"What do you think of us ninjas?"

"I, Senju Tobirama, am the smartest ninja in our Konoha Village!"

There seemed to be a hint of sullenness in Qian Shu Feijian's voice, which cast a shadow over the hearts of the old man and the wealthy businessmen and dignitaries around him.

And the first person who ran up to ask for help with the 500 million taels of donated money was even more embarrassed when he met Qianju Tobijian and wanted to ask for help.

When he noticed many eyes observing him behind him, he wished he could just crash into the wall outside the Hokage Building.

In front of him, Senju Tobirama, who looked down at him condescendingly and said what he just said righteously, had a very painful hesitation and struggle in his face in an instant!

"I have to pay more!"

When Tobirama's words fell, many people were stunned.

A smile gradually appeared on the old man's face.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

I feel comfortable, I feel comfortable, I finally feel right.

Great, this place finally makes people feel more comfortable.

If you add money, just add money. If you are happy today, it doesn’t matter if you add a few million taels more!

When these rich people who wanted to add money to jump in line began to fight under the Hokage Building, their faces turned red.

Senju Tobirama, with an expression of undetectable disgust, stood on the top of the Hokage Building, hiding his expression in the darkness where the light could not shine.

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